Hidden Creek MGA Board Meeting Minutes December 12 2017
MGA Board Vice President Allen McGreevy convened the meeting at 6:30 PM. Present were MGA Board members Allen McGreevy, Mike Saunders, Max Efrus, Brien Tolland, Alec Kormanec, John Nix, Mark West, and John Walsh. Absent was President Ernie Page (illness). Representing Club Management were Club Manager Eric Levin and Superintendent Andrew Prosa.
The MGA Board Meetings minutes for October 2017 were approved by Email by the previous MGA Board and distributed in November. There was no November meeting.
Allen McGreevy presented cash certificate awards to Andrew Prosa and Mike Otstot in appreciation from the Board for their work in improving and maintaining the golf course.
New Board members John Walsh, Mike Saunders and Brien Tolland were welcomed to the Board. Alec Kormanec submitted his resignation from the Board.
Election of 2018 officers: The following individuals were nominated, seconded, and elected without opposition:
President: Ernie Page
Vice President: Allen McGreevy
Secretary: John Nix
Treasurer: After discussion, the Board decided that President Ernie Page should try to work out an arrangement so that Ron Helmingcould be appointed by the President to serve the remaining year of Alec Kormanec’s term of office, and continue to serve as Treasurer. If that fails, the next highest vote-getter who was not elected could be appointed to the Board by the President.
Superintendent’s Report: Andrew Prosa said 2017 was a good year, with turf improvement a concentration for the near future. Andrew recently completed a survey of bridges on the course, focusing on safety issues, along with a representative of the new owner. It was agreed that many bridges need replacement and/or repair. Virtually all need new matting and other safety improvements, and some footings have been compromised. A priority work list has been compiled and approved by Wheelock Properties. Course clean up is almost done, after a setback from the recent snow. Vertigraining of the tee boxes, and eventually the fairways, will proceed as weather permits. Temporary tees on par threes will be installed this week. (Max Efrus volunteered to work with Andrew on placement.) Planned projects include: Get rid of shrub/flower beds and convert to grass—less maintenance and better appearance; Replace valve boxes in fairways; Renovate #10 tee; Redesign and install new drainage system on #18 fairway; Upgrade irrigation loops around greens; Replace pressure maintenance pump. Eric Levin said the drainage issue in the #4 fairway in front of the green is still under discussion with Fairfax County.
Club Management and Pro Shop: Eric Levin noted the new golf carts and referred to the tournament schedule compiled by Mike Gooden. Club renovation project is under way—Roof work and HVAC repair completed. Gas line work done, and now waiting for re-paving. Roanoke Grill will be completely renovated in 2018, and will probably be closed most, if not all, of January. The Tavern and, if necessary, Fairway Room will be opened to all members to compensate. A new sofa has been installed in the Tavern, and new tables and chairs are coming. The Lobby will also be renovated. Personnel: Carlene resigned, so Eric is handling member events at present. An assistant F&B Manager has been hired (Bianca) to assist Nathan.
Tournament Assignments and Schedule: The draft schedule submitted by Mike Gooden was considered and no substantive changes recommended. It was noted that the Iron Man should be a two-day tournament, if possible, and the idea was floated that the Pro Shop could examine reviving the Fall Classic.
Tournament Director Assignments for MGA tournaments were made as follows:
MGA Cup: Mike Saunders
Green Coat Masters: Mark West
Breakfast Tournaments (3) and Charlie Good Final Event: John Nix
Two Man Championship: John Walsh
Senior Club Championship: Max Efrus
Member Guest: Allen McGreevy
President’s Cup: Ernie Page
Memorial: Mark West
Club Championship: Allen McGreevy
Member Member: Brien Tolland
Treasurer Report: Held over to next meeting.
Handicap Report: No issues.
Schedule: It was agreed by the Board that meetings in 2018 will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM, beginning in February.
NOTE: At the February meeting, Tournament Directors should be prepared to discuss tournament formats and budgets.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.