FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces

National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD

16 January 2015

Higher Education Program News:

v Hi Ed Symposium:

Mark your calendars for the 17th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium scheduled for June 1- 4, 2015 at the Emergency Management Institute, Emmitsburg, MD. Information posted to the symposium section of the Hi Ed website will include the symposium announcement, application, call for papers/presentations and student volunteer information.

Symposium information currently posted can be found on the Hi Ed website symposium section: http://www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/educonference15.asp

v Symposium Invitation Packages for 2015

The HI Ed program staff has sent invitation packages for the 17th Annual EM Hi Ed Symposium. When

Submitting the application make sure the application is completed, signed and returned to the NETC Admissions office at . The applicant’s signature is the only signature required on the application. Deadline for submitting applications is May 8, 2015. Applications received after this date will not be accepted. All non-U.S. citizens attending the symposium must have a security clearance conducted and completed before they are accepted. A security clearance takes 8-12 weeks to complete. Non-U.S. applicants must submit a completed and signed application by February 13, 2015. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.

Application Information - Course Code - E0392 Annual EM Hi Ed Symposium

Everyone attending or presenting at the Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium must submit an application and be notified of acceptance. Individuals without an accepted application will not be granted admittance to the NETC.

Individuals applying to the symposium will be required to register using the FEMA Student Identification (SID) number. This number will be used in place of the Social Security Number (SSN) on your application form. The SSN number is no longer required. If your symposium application does not contain a SID number it will not be processed by the Admissions office. Non-U.S. applicants are also required to have a SID number on the application.

Obtaining a FEMA SID number?

· Step 1: To register, go to https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid

· Step 2: Click on the “Need a FEMA SID” button on the right side of the screen.

· Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account.

· Step 4: You will receive an email with your SID number. You should save this number in a secure location.

· Forgot or misplaced your number? You can also use the SID website to retrieve your number.

Symposium applicants will be notified by email of their acceptance to the higher education symposium. Make sure your email address is legible on the application. If you have not heard from the Admissions office 1 week after receipt of your application please contact Admissions at or the Higher Education Program Office for assistance.

College and University Information:

v 2015 Summer HELP Institute Application Now Available

The application for the 2015 Summer Health Emergencies in Large Populations (HELP) Institute is now available. The 2015 Summer HELP Institute will be held at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 13-31, 2015. The application can be found on the website for the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response: http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/center-for-refugee-and-disaster-response/education_training/HELP/index.html

Please share this information with your organization, and for questions contact .

v CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)

Good afternoon CEMHS Colleagues,

Happy Friday! One of our roles as CSU system wide affinity group is to engage and courage scholarship and researchers from around the CSU and California to collaborate and partner together in academic pursuits that benefit the university and community. Towards that goal, we are seeking several dedicated co-authors to work on one of two journal articles:

1. "Building Partnerships and the Process of Designing, Developing, and Implementing Emergency Management and Homeland/Cyber Security Academic Programs and Career Pathways"

2. "Trends and Future Directions of Collegiate Emergency Management, Homeland/Cyber Security Education, Training, and Workforce Development in the United States"

If you are interested in co-authoring an article with CEMHS Colleagues, please send me a quick e-mail of interest. Having three additional co-authors per article should be great. By the way, if you are looking for co-authors or co-researchers on a variety of projects that you may be pursuing, please let me know and we can help find some interested colleagues to partner with your projects and research.

Thanks a bunch and have a great weekend!

Best, Keith

Keith Clement, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Criminology
California State University, Fresno
Chair, University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Chair, College of Social Sciences Election Committee

Planning Director, CSU Council for Emergency
Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)

v Lead the Emergency Management Community with a Master's from Georgetown

Georgetown University's executive master's program in Emergency & Disaster Management prepares future leaders in emergency management through a combination of scenario-based intensives and real-world case studies. A partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Cranfield University, the EDM program integrates a blend of online learning and on-site intensives that provide not only the foundational elements of this demanding profession but also opportunities for experiential learning.

Program Overview:

· Total Credits: 30

· Modules:

o Theory & Legal Framework: Washington, DC

o Natural Disasters: U.S. Location

o Domestic Terrorism: Livermore, CA

o International Disaster: International location

o Capstone: Washington, DC

· Enrollment Options: Year-Long Cohort

· Prerequisites & Application Deadlines

Join Us for Our Upcoming Information Session
Tuesday, February 3, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Learn more about our program and join a community of innovators and leaders who are shaping the future of emergency and disaster management.

Emergency Management/Homeland Security News:

v 3rd Annual Disaster Ministry Conference & Workshops, June 8-11, 2015

The Humanitarian Disaster Institute 2015 Disaster Ministry conference and registration pages are now available online at: http://www.wheaton.edu/HDI/News/Disaster-Ministry-Conference Early bird registration ends April 1, 2015. Hope to see you there!

The Conference has been expanded to include pre-and post-conference workshops.

Help your congregation develop effective disaster ministries by learning from a wide breadth of experts in the field. Participants will have their choice of eight plenary and twelve breakout sessions in the areas of disaster relief, public health emergencies and humanitarian crises.

Keynote: Phillip Yancey


How to start a disaster ministry

Spirituals First Aid


Compassion fatigue


Key Issues and Achievements for the Past Week:

DHS Center delivered keynote address to New York Disaster Interfaith Service.

DHS Center met with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation regarding an interest in increasing positive interactions between first responders and youth of color via youth preparedness related activities.

DHS Center met with Ashleigh Chapman, President/CEO and Alana Martinez, with the Alliance for Freedom, Restoration and Justice on their work in combating human trafficking and the development of their church and community toolkits.

DHS Center participated in the Trauma Responsive Congregations Community of Practice monthly meeting and provided an update on activities during National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

DHS Center, as part of its Building Resilience with Diverse Communities (BRDC) engagement process, participated in the following meetings:

· met with representatives of NJ Office of Emergency Management, along with NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP); to understand how we can incorporate strategies to reach youth with access and functional needs as well as incorporate teen community emergency response in our efforts in the target communities

· presented at the NJ Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism, along with NJOHSP; discussed service opportunities to support for the Dr. Martin Luther King weekend, and met afterwards with key commission members about ways we can partner on youth engagement strategies in the target communities

· presented at the Ocean County Municipal Emergency Coordinators, along with NJOHSP; to promote BDRC and FEMA Corps

· presented at the NJ Muslims Leaders Forum, along with NJOHSP, which was organized by the Muslim Youth Network and the US Attorney's Office in NJ. The forum brought together over 75 Imams, school principals and nonprofit organization leaders from the northern NJ Muslim Community. Main issues were teen isolation and relations with law enforcement. DHS Center and FEMA Corps were able to bring engagement opportunities for youth into the conversation, and as a result, the team has been asked to present at several schools. Imams' council is working on hosting an event on youth/young adult engagement for several mosques

· assisted the Tzu Chi Buddhist Relief Foundation in Cedar Grove, NJ in their weekly their food distribution for over 500 families

Key Issues over the Next Two Weeks:

DHS Center will participate in the following efforts for the Dr. King Weekend:

· food distribution for families in Cedar Grove, NJ

· participate in the Youth Engagement Awards Ceremony and Service Project with Patterson Community Development Corporation and the NJ Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism

Longer Term Issues/Flags:

DHS Center continues to work in support of the DHS Blue Campaign to coordinate DHS components planned events and activities surrounding National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in January 2015. This includes internal and external communication (media, social media, websites, articles, blogs), speaking engagements and any other known events.

DHS Center will meet with DHS Immigrations and Customs Enforcement/Student Educational Visa Program about the changes to the school certification process and the impact on faith-based schools.

DHS Center continues to work closely with DHS and FEMA on the implementation of executive order 13559.

DHS Center will attend FEMA's National Strategy on Youth Preparedness Education affirmation event on January 28, 2015. DHS Center would like to coordinate efforts among faith-based centers in ED, HHS and DOJ to engage stakeholders in youth-preparedness related activities in support of the strategy.

DHS Center was contacted by the Lions Club International - Adam McGriffin, Department Manager – Global Partnership Relations at Lions Clubs’ World Headquarters, to discuss potential partnerships with the center. If other centers have engaged with the Lions club please contact Marcus Coleman.

DHS Center received a message from Sean Smith, Chief Executive of Security Operations with The Potter's House of Dallas Inc., who expressed their organization would like to move forward with an intensive engagement with the DHS Center to prepare their house of worship and engage strategically with FEMA going forward to promote preparedness among the faith community. The Potter’s House is engaged with various faith-based and neighborhood partnership centers.

DHS Center will continue its on-site visits with FEMA regional voluntary agency liaisons in support of their engagement role with voluntary and faith-based organizations active in disaster.

v Emergency Management, November/December, Volume 9 Issue 6

· Savior or Threat - Unmanned aircraft can be a viable public safety tool but uncertainties and privacy concerns have held them back

· FirstNet: Is Opting Out an Option? – Myriad factors and unknowns cloud the question for now.

· A Powerful New Purpose – Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams across the U.S. and provides veterans an important new mission.

· NG911: Perseverance Pays – Policy and legal issues prove more challenging than technological ones but southern Illinois counties prevail.

· Signing up the Public – Incentives and opting out can be effective ways to get public buy-in for alert notifications

· Finally Seeing Some Light on FirstNet – The first responders who will use the first nationwide public safety wireless communications network are now in on its direction

· Maryland Powers Up – A Midwest derecho and Hurricane Sandy prompt the state to develop emergency resilience programs

· Rest of the Book:

o Letters

o Point of View

o In the News

o Bulletin

o Major Player – Paul Stockton, former assistant secretary of defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs

o Disaster Zone – Eric Holdeman – Redundancy vs. Duplication

o Last Word – A Game-Changer

v Global Risk Forum, GRF Davos, One Health Newsletter, January 2015

The 3rd GRF One Health Summit 2015 will be held in Davos, Switzerland from 04 – 07 October 2015. Under the theme of Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration for global public and animal health, this year’s summit aims to achieve a step change in the development of a comprehensive and risk-based global one health strategy by creating opportunities for synergy between public and animal health professionals as well as policy makers and scientists and practitioners of related fields.

The call for abstracts is open until February 28, 2015.

Join us at the 3rd GRF One Health Summit 2015. Register now!

v IAEM Dispatch, January 15, 2015


FEMA seeks comments to Public Assistance Simplified Procedures Thresholds
FEMA is seeking public comments from state, tribal and local governments, private non-profit organizations and interested members of the public regarding the agency's recent analysis and findings, and subsequent revision of the monetary thresholds for a small project, also referred to as simplified procedures thresholds, of the Public Assistance program. Feedback is sought on specific questions to inform any future revisions to the project thresholds that are updated annually based on the Consumer Price Index. Comments are due on Jan. 20, 2015 and may be submitted electronically at Regulations.gov. Following the passage of the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013 and the accompanying Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, Congress directed FEMA to evaluate its simplified procedures thresholds and immediately implement the recommendations. On Jan. 29, 2014, FEMA issued its report to Congress that recommended several changes to the threshold and outlined FEMA's reasoning for those recommendations. On Feb. 26, 2014, FEMA published a final rule amending both the minimum and maximum simplified procedures threshold for disasters declared on or after Feb. 26, 2014.

US House passes security funding bill blocking immigration actions
U.S. House Republicans drew a hard line against President Barack Obama's executive immigration initiatives, voting to block them as they passed a Department of Homeland Security spending bill. The vote sets up a potential showdown in coming weeks over funding for the sprawling agency that secures U.S. borders, airports and coastal waters. The bill's immigration provisions also could hamper Republicans' efforts to boost their appeal among Hispanic voters in the 2016 presidential election. READ MORE