Meeting Notes
RAC Leadership Teleconference
1:30 – 3:30 Eastern time,October 20, 2011
Participants: Sandra Larson (Chair), Jeff Brown,Camille Crichton-Sumners, Ron Curb, Anne Ellis, Chris Hedges, Chris Jenks, Allison Hardt, Crawford Jencks, Tim Klein, Jim McDonnell, John Moulden, Tommy Nantung, Sue Sillick, Amy Schutzbach, Dale Peabody, Skip Paul, Michael Trentacoste, Jerry DiMaggio, Jim McMinimee.
Decisions and action items are underscored.
1:30 Role call
A motion (Brown/Schutzbach) to approve the previous meeting notes was approved.
1:35 Old Business
Jim McDonnell reported on the AASHTO annual meeting held last week in Detroit. The NCHRP 20-7 panel met and approved 9 tasks valued at about 900,000. One of these is “NCHRP’s role in maintaining AASHTO manuals and specifications”, an initiative that had its origins with the RAC Administrative Task Force. Several RAC members attended the Technology Implementation Group (TIG) meeting, including Tommy Nantung, Dave Huft, Jeff Brown, and Dale Peabody. The TIG meeting included a presentation from the SHRP 2 implementation group. Responsibility for implementation of three SHRP 2 projects were assigned to TIG, using a lead state approach:
- R16 - Railroad-DOT Institutional Mitigation Strategies
- R04 - Accelerated bridge construction—Accelerated Bridge Construction on the KegCreekBridge in Iowa, and
- R26 - Preservation Approaches for High-Traffic-Volume Roadways
The importance and value of research was emphasized during the AASHTO meeting, particularly in John Halikowski's report to SCOH and in Susan Martinovich's remarks as outgoing AASHTO president. Two brochures were distributed at the meeting: “Research Makes a Difference 2011”, and Chris Hedges' article on the CEO session from the Salt Lake City RAC meeting.
AASHTO is working with FHWA to develop guidance on how states implement proprietary products. In the expected new guidance, states will be able to make their own determination without FHWA approval. Information on what products are being implemented and evaluated (by which states) will be tracked on an AASHTO database.
For the past month and a half, AASHTO has been working with an ad hoc group representing several different committees to prepare a response to the US Access Board draft ruling on the accessibility of public rights of way.
A draft resolution was raised by Grant Levi of the Highway Subcommittee on Materials relating to the costs and benefits of research. The resolution would require a quantification of expected benefits and costs before states began implementation of any new research results. The resolution was based on concerns about the questionable value of incremental upgrades in materials or procedures. Several committee representatives noted that a B/C analysis for every research project was not feasible. The resolution was tabled for further discussion. Chris Jenks followed up with Grant Levi at the SCOH meeting; Mr. Levi understands concerns about creating an excessive administrative burden; the Materials committee is interested mainly in research that might change national specifications or procedures. Chris will be working on a scaled-down version of the resolution for further discussion with SCOH, SCOR and other committees. Sue had a similar discussion with her chief engineer, noting that benefit/cost is only one of many performance measures. Jim will distribute a list of all SCOH resolutions along with a list of the approved 20-07 projects. There are several vacancies on SCOR, and Jim is planning to send an email to CEOs later today to solicit nominations. Dave Huft and Colin Franco are both ending their terms on SCOR. In total, there are 5 spots available; 2 in region 1, 1 in region 2, 1 in region 3, and 1 in region 4. Regional RAC chairs are asked to mention this request for nominations to their members.
TRB Report
Chris Jenks reported that registration for the TRB annual meeting is now open.
In SHRP 2 news, work is continuing on beta testing of project C-01 - A Framework for Collaborative Decision Making on Additions to Highway Capacity. A demonstration nproject is underway to replace the KegCreekBridge in Iowa in 2 weeks using accelerated bridge construction methods. Another project is developing standards of practice for accelerated construction. In the naturalistic driving study, 1158 instrumented vehicles are now on the road.
The following CRP reports have been published in the past month:
- NCHRP Report 703: Guide for Pavement-Type Selection
- NCHRP Synthesis 420: Operational and Institutional Agreements That Facilitate Regional Traffic Signal Operations
- NCHRP Research Results Digest 361:State DOT Public Transportation Performance Measures: State of the Practice and Future Needs
- NCHRP Research Results Digest 363: Hydroacoustic Impacts on Fish from Pile Installation
- NCHRP Research Results Digest 364:Validation of LRFD Metal Loss and Service-Life Strength Reduction Factors for Metal-Reinforced Systems
- NCHRP Web-Only Document 180: Producing Transportation Data Products from the American Community Survey That Comply With Disclosure Rules
- TCRP Report 145: Reinventing the Urban Interstate: A New Paradigm for Multimodal Corridors
- TCRP Report 149: Improving Safety-Related Rules Compliance in the Public Transportation Industry
- TCRP Report 150: Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management Toolkit
- TCRP Legal Research Digest 36: Transit-Oriented and Joint Development: Case Studies and Legal Issues
- ACRP Report 53: A Handbook for Addressing Water Resource Issues Affecting Airport Development Planning
- ACRP Report 55: Passenger Level of Service and Spatial Planning for Airport Terminals
- ACRP Synthesis 27: Airport Self-Inspection Practices
- NCFRP Report 13: Freight Facility Location Selection: A Guide for Public Officials
NCHRP is holding first panel meetings to develop RFPs for its FY2012 projects; many have been posted on the TRB website. Sept 15 was the deadline for FY13 problem statements; these are now being reviewed by NCHRP and FHWA staff.
The governing board for TCRP is meeting next week to select FY12 projects. An announcement of the 2012 program should be released in mid-November along with a request for panel nominations.
ACRP is forming panels for about 24 new FY12 projects; first panel meetings will start in early November through January.
Governing board meetings are being scheduled to select FY2012 projects for the Freight and Hazardous Materials CRPs. These will likely take place December and January.
The Rail CRP is still waiting for the DOT to name the governing board members.
RITA Report
- RITA Administrator Peter Appel has left; Deputy Administrator Greg Winfree is now Acting Administrator.
- New RITA Chief Counsel is Dr. Ellen Partridge. Ellen is a member of the TRB Transit and Intermodal Transportation Law Committee (TL020) and of the TCRP Project Panel on Legal Aspects of Transit and Intermodal Transportation Programs (TJ05).
- The White House recently named RITA/Volpe Center’s Dr. Kristin C. Lewis a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. The award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. Dr. Lewis serves as the Head Research and Technical Advisor for the Federal Aviation Administration's Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Research Initiative (CAAFI), a coalition that seeks to enhance energy security and environmental sustainability for aviation through alternative jet fuels.
Upcoming Events
- UTC Grant Applications – closing date is Wednesday, October 26 (two weeks).
- ITS Safety Pilot Clinics continue (
- October 18-20, 2011: Walt Disneyworld Speedway in Orlando, FL
- November 7-10, 2011: Smart Road Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in Blacksburg, VA
- December 6-9, 2011: Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, TX
- January 18-21, 2012: Alameda Naval Air Station in Alameda, CA
- National Transportation Workforce Summit – April 24-26, 2012 at L’Enfant Plaza Hotel (
- November 11, 2011: Abstracts due
- Organizer is Council of University Transportation Centers; RITA co-sponsoring
- 2010 ITS Deployment Tracking Survey:
- Results show a continued trend in which ITS deployment supports an evolution in traffic management (
- Access complete database of survey results at the ITS Deployment Statistics website (
- UTC Spotlight – “Study Shows Red Light Cameras in Iowa Save Lives and Reduce Injuries;” Dr. Shauna Hallmark, IowaState (
Camille asked about the process for UTC selection. Tim responded that multimodal review teams are being assembled, with both RITA staff and external members. Proposals will be divided up by subject and two panels will review and rank each submission (similar to the SCOR model for NCHRP problem statement review and selection). RITA hopes to complete the selection by the end of December.
FHWA Report
John Moulden announced that the new Transportation Pooled Fund website was launched on October 1. There are about 62 completed projects remaining to be closed out. Skip noted that he is having some difficulties updating records on the new site.
FHWA's Outdoor Impact Lab has received ISO 17025 certification.
2:00New Business
FHWA Every Day Counts Initiative
Mike Trentacoste - the Every Day Counts initiative began about two years ago. With input from states and industry, FHWA selected various products and technologies for focused attention, followed by training for FHWA staff, and a summit meeting. Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez announced at the AASHTO annual meeting that the EDC initiative will be a continuing focus area. This month, the EDC Net website will be launched, featuring information on the program and live video conferences. FHWA is going through an effort to determine another round of innovations for accelerating product delivery. More information will be sent to the state DOTs next week, describing how stakeholders can suggest topics for consideration. Mike will be working with RAC, SCOR, TRB, and UTCs to solicit new ideas on technologies ready for deployment. December 1st is the deadline for submissions and selections will be made in the spring of 2012.
Sandra suggested the creation of a RAC ad hoc task force to work with Michael to help identify ideas for new EDC topics. Mike agreed that this would be helpful, and noted that he might also ask RAC to provide additional input and advice after the new submissions have been received. Sandra will work with Rick Collins and one representative from each region. Regional chairs are asked to solicit a member from their region by next Friday, October. 28th. Sandra asked Michael to suggest dates for a first conference call.
SHRP 2 Coordinators, Activities and Opportunities: Jerry DiMaggio/Jim McMinimee
Jerry and Jim have been invited to participate on monthly officers calls as needed to seek assistance from the RAC officers on the implementation of SHRP 2 products. Jerry noted that more than 50 field activities in 24 states are ongoing, planned, or completed. More than 70% of SHRP 2 research is still ongoing; about 100 research contracts are expected to produce about 130 products in total. SHRP 2 is piloting three projects with TIG and would like to establish TIG as a point of contact for states to SHRP 2. Plans are underway to develop a programmatic and strategic structure in place for collaboration on SHRP 2 implementation between SHRP 2, TRB, AASHTO, and FHWA. Sandra asked Jerry and Jim to clarify how they would like to interact with RAC, and the discussionwill continue at the next Officers’ call. There may be a role for one of the existing RAC task forces.
SCOH efforts for updating manuals and guides:
Dale Peabody reported that a 20-07 problem statement has been approved at $10,000 to document the procedures by which AASHTO manuals and guidelines are updated. It was felt that NCHRP and AASHTO staff could handle the workalong with a small contract for someone to gather information and/ or conduct surveys. Skip offered to serve on thepanel that will be established to guide the work. Reports on the effort will be provided to the RAC Officers as needed. The RAC Administrative task force will also monitor the work.
Summer 2012 RAC/TRB meeting, Burlington, VT- July 22-26, 2012
The hotel contract has been signed and the program is being developed. The organizing committee has begun monthly planning meetings. Jennifer Fitch is developing a list of potential sponsors/exhibitors.
Summer 2013 RAC/TRB meeting
Jeff Brown reported that the 2013 RAC meeting will be held in Louisiana, either in Baton Rouge or New Orleans. Hotel rates are likely be lower in Baton Rouge, but airfares may be somewhat higher. Chris Jenks suggested it might be easier for the DOT to host the event in their home city Baton Rouge. Skip agreed that it would be more costly to bring Louisiana DOT staff to New Orleans. A decision on location will be needed about 18 months before the event. After further discussion, there was a motion (Camille/Jeff) to collect information on both sites before making a decision. Sandra asked the regional chairs to seek input on the two locations during their monthly conference calls. Skip will not be able to attend the next RAC Officersmeeting, but will ask Mark Morvant on his staff to participate.
Task Force Updates:
Dale Peabody –the Value of Research task force is gearing up after a period of inactivity and a conference call will be scheduled shortly.
Sue Sillick – the Coordination and Collaboration task force last met on Sept. 28th. Among other activities, the task force is working on an unfunded research needs portal, a “Back to Basics” initiative with the TRB Conduct of Research Committee, and an inventory of laboratory facilities.
Ron Curb – the TKN task force met earlier this month. They have developed an NCHRP problem statement concerning e-reader formats for research reports. Oklahomais working on a TKN promotional video to help market TKN concepts and solicit new members.
Skip Paul – The Administrative task force met by conference call on Sept. 27th. They are working on a number of tasks, including development of a new task force reporting format; a review of NCHRP’s role in maintaining AASHTO pubs; review of the task force website; development of one-page DOT research fact sheets (33 have been posted); and development of a one-page chart showing relationships between TRB, AASHTO, the state DOTs, U.S. DOT, and universities; aSCOR new members guide; and a white paper on workforce development. Regional chairs have been asked to review their guidelines to make sure they are in accordance with the RAC national guidelines.
Sharing state research reports:
Amy Schutzbach – this effort has been divided into two groups; one looking at collection and repository of research reports (survey is underway); the other on guidelines for state DOTs on the distribution of their reports (the task force is looking for someone to take the lead on this component). FHWA has guidance on report distribution, but it is more from a repository standpoint than onbest practices for sharing of reports among states.
RAC-CUTC Liaison Group: Sandra Larson
The next conference call is scheduled for November 14.
TRB January 22 RAC meeting, 6:30 – 9:30 pm
The draft agenda has been distributed. All speakers have been confirmed. John Halikowskiis tentatively scheduled to provide the SCOR report.
TRB Session on “Successful RAC/CUTC Partnerships”, January 22, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Sue Sillick–two speakers have been confirmed; the final list of presenters will be confirmed shortly.
Sandra reported that RAC and the TRB Conduct of Research Committee are cosponsoring a session on the implementation of NCHRP research results by State Departments of Transportation.
Next Conf Call: Thursday, November 10 2011, 1:30 – 3:00 pm Eastern Time.
RAC Officers Meeting Notes October 20, 2011Page 1