Contents Page for Action Planning
- Global AimPage 2
- Strategic ObjectivesPage 3
- VisionPage 4
- Target SettingPage 4
- AssessmentPage 5
- Developing a National ReputationPage 6
- Celebrating SuccessPage 9
- Continuing Professional DevelopmentPage 10
- Self-evaluationPage 11
- Excellence for allPage 12
- Pupil PremiumPage 14
- Excellence for all – leadershipPage 18
- SENDPage 19
- GovernancePage 21
- PremisesPage 22
- New Primary CurriculumPage 23
- EnglishPage 24
- ReadingPage 26
- Writing and SPAGPage 29
- MathematicsPage 31
- ICT and computingPage 34
- SMSC- REPage 36
- SMSC- WorshipPage 37
- SMSC – SpiritualityPage 38
- SMSC – Cultural DevelopmentPage 38
- SMSC – Developing Global AwarenessPage 40
- SMSC- Moral DevelopmentPage 41
- SMSC – British valuesPage 43
- SMSC – Careers EducationPage 45
- SMSC- Life Skills and safeguardingPage 47
- Stress ManagementPage 49
- BTA Action PlanPage 51
Theale CE Primary School
School Development Plan 2015-18
At Theale CE Primary School the children come first. They are central to every decision made in school. We will ensure that our children are happy and successful. They will grow to be ambitious and resilient and their talents will be nurtured so they become highly skilled. Our children will be courageous and always behave with integrity.
Strategic Objectives
- We will develop as a national centre of distinction ensuring the highest standards of achievement, well above national standards.
- We will provide an inspiring curriculum with rich opportunities so children will flourish as happy individuals, their interests and talents will be nurtured and their ambitious aspirations will be realised. Every member of our school community will learn key skills and knowledge to enable us to face the challenges that future life will bring.
- We will ensure the children grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. The love and care we exemplify and the systems and structures in school, will ensure everyone will have the courage to act in a principled way.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Vision / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
All staff will have a clear understanding of the school’s vision and our aspirations for achievement. /
- All staff will have access to vision and regularly timely training regarding the school vision.
- New staff will have induction training to ensure they are clear of the school’s vision and values within one month of their start.
- All staff working together cohesively to ensure a consistent effective approach.
Target Setting / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Targets will be aspirational and ensure individual pupils and cohorts of pupils will achieve their full potential.
(see annual target setting documents) /
- Teachers provided with accurate data about pupils previous achievement.
- Teachers meet with HT at the beginning of the year to agree individual and class targets.
- Termly focus and review meetings with team leaders, to check progress for individuals and specific groups, team leaders to report to HT.
- When children are at risk of missing targets timely intervention programmes will be put into place to support children to reach their targets.
- Where targets are exceeded challenge opportunities will be identified and targets raised.
Specific groups analysed termly and adjustments to interventions made.
Class teachers evaluate learning weekly and report to HT.
Weekly staff meetings for all teaching staff and fortnightly for all TAs to identify barriers to learning and find solutions. / Training budget for interventions to be implemented.
High quality talented staff to deliver programes to vulnerable children.
Resources budget: intervention and challenge materials.
PP budget.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Assessment / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Transition between assessment methods will ensure data demonstrates our outstanding practice. /
- Leadership will actively seek information regarding affective systems and liaise closely with Alliance strategic partners to ensure external moderation remains robust.
- Changes of expectation and methodology will be communicated effectively across the school in all year groups.
- All staff working together cohesively to ensure a consistent effective approach to assessment.
Assessment / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Marking and feedback will ensure a purposeful individualised dialogue with children about their learning. /
- Update marking and assessment policy to reflect recent and ongoing national developments.
- Leadership will articulate clearly non-negotiables with regard to marking with reference to our vision and policy.
- Regular meetings in teams and book scrutiny in teams to ensure consistency.
- Children’s books will reflect the outstanding teaching, learning and progress taking place.
- Children will be clear about how their work needs to improve and be motivated to engage in dialogue and act upon advice given.
- Staff will complete marking inline with the school policy.
Marking and feedback objectives completed April 2015.
Assessment updates by Jan 2016. / Training budget for assessment courses.
Resources budget.
Staffing budget for leadership time.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
National Reputation / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
The school will be recognised as a national centre of distinction. /
- Leadership structure and capacity will be developed to enable CM to continue in National Leader of Education role and leaders of The Berkshire Teaching Alliance (BTA)
- The leadership and school will have impact and influence beyond Theale, shaping future national policy.
Advertising budget.
Take steps to protect Theale CE primary from potential dips in performance including:
- Provide senior leaders at Theale with increasing professional development opportunities and challenge
- Talent spot amongst new and developing staff to accelerate potential leaders and ensure highly effective succession planning
- Over recruit where possible to ensure sufficient capacity.
- Theale will continue to thrive with the highest levels of achievement, well above national standards.
- Talented and experienced staff will be retained at Theale or across alliance schools.
- The leadership structure will be robust and as far as possible mitigate any unforeseen circumstances.
- Increased capacity will ensure senior leaders workload is manageable and healthy.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
National Reputation and standards / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
The school will be recognised as a national centre of distinction.
The children will achieve nationally recognized qualifications, engage with national events and visit places of national interest. /
- As many children as possible will have the opportunity to participate in national festivals and events. Eg Music for Youth, sporting fixtures at national level.
- As many children as possible will have the opportunity to take nationally recognised qualifications: eg BAGA awards in gymnastics, ABRSM music examinations. LAMDA awards in drama.
- The children will have the opportunity to visit nationally celebrated venues to see the work of talented professionals. Eg The Royal Ballet at Covent Garden. The National Gallery, The Proms at The Royal Albert Hall, The Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace.
- The children will understand what the highest achievement in particular areas looks like.
- The children will be inspired to work hard at their own particular talents
- The children’s horizons will widen as they travel outside their local area and they experience the work of the most talented in the land.
PP budget to ensure equality of access.
Staff budget for specialist teachers.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
National Reputation and standards / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
The school will be recognised as a national centre of distinction.
The children will achieve nationally recognized qualifications.
The children engage with nationally recognised leaders and inspirational figures. /
- As many children as possible will have the opportunity to participate in nationally recognised competitions and strive for success in a variety of curriculum areas. Eg Maths awards, poetry and writing competitions, Art competitions.
- Children will write to national leadersand inspirational figures; Eg members of parliament, famous athletes, the Queen.
- The children will understand what the highest achievement in particular areas looks like.
- The children will have nationally recognised achievements by the time they leave us.
- The children will be inspired to work hard at their own particular talents.
- The children’s horizons will widen as they travel outside their local area and they experiences the work of the most talented in the land.
PP budget to ensure equality of access.
Staff budget for specialist teachers.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Celebrating success / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Success will be celebrated and it will be desirable to all stakeholders.
Children will take pride in their own, others, and school success. /
- Hold weekly celebration assemblies and rewards to recognise achievement and effort from children in all areas of their learning both in school and out.
- Further develop reward systems and positive feedback from all staff.
- Highest levels of self esteem and motivation for children, leading to ambition and emotional resilience.
Celebrating success / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Success will be celebrated widely. /
- Recruit a press officer to recognise and publicise school successes.
- Develop a school newspaper written by the children to spread good news.
- Develop ways of informing parents of children’s success in school and giving opportunities to find out from parents how children are successful in activities that take place out of school.
- Maintain a G & T register.
- PR will at every level recognise and celebrate success ensuring high levels of motivation and wide recognition of achievement.
- School will be well informed about children’s talents and potential outside school.
Strategic Objective 1/2 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Celebrating success / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Success will be celebrated and it will be desirable to all stakeholders.
Children will take pride in their own, others, and school success.
School success will be in the public domain. /
- The school website will be developed and maintained to celebrate success at every level; individual, children and staff, whole class and whole school.
- The school will be recognised as a centre of excellence
- Families will be kept well informed of the school’s latest achievements.
Staffing budget for personnel and time.
CPD / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
Continuing professional development and training will ensure staff are performing at the highest level. /
- Appraisal systems will be personalised to ensure staff’s identified training needs are met.
- Leaders will actively seek the highest quality training providers and quality assure them rigorously.
- All staff will be discerning and reflect on the quality of training they receive.
- Training will address all areas including those legally required for safeguarding and H & S.
- CPD will impact positively on the performance of individual staff and whole school improvement.
- Staff will experience high levels of job satisfaction, will be aspirational in their chosen career path and feel valued and competent as a result of the quality of training provided.
- The school will be legally compliant and all stakeholders will be appropriately safeguarded.
Staffing budget
Admin. budget
Strategic Objective 1/2 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Self-evalutation / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
The school will effectively self-evaluate to ensure we do not allow the working hypothesis to harden into unexamined orthodoxy and we will continually strive for improvement. / Carry out regular activities to engage views of stakeholders and review standards of achievement including:
- Pupil voice activities.
- Opportunities for staff and children to reflect on their own performance and school practice.
- Engage with the parent council and issue parent questionnaires.
- Carry out lesson observations, work scrutiny, learning walks in our school and in school’s across the Alliance.
- Complete moderation activities in school and across the school and external validation of judgements.
- Ensure systems in place to capture “good ideas” from all stakeholders.
- All staff will have annual appraisal to identify training priorities and judge performance.
- Maintain a school SEF.
- School, children and individual staff will have a clear and accurate view of performance and priorities for development.
- All stakeholders views will be taken into account.
- Opportunities for new developments will be maximised and acted upon.
HT will report to governors. / Staffing budget for time.
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Excellence for all / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
All stakeholders and the community will work together to achieve the highest possible standards.
Families will feel supported and engage with us and other agencies we sign post. / Support will be given to children and families who are vulnerable and/or in need, this support may include working with:
- In class support and extra tuition
- Help for Families
- Behaviour Support Team/PRU
- Educational Psychologist
- Cognition and Learning Team
- LAL support
- ASD advisory teacher
- Specialist Inclusion Support
- Social services
- Young carers
- Bereavement counseling
- Floating financial support
- Counseling
- Other external agencies including health services
- Vulnerable families will feel confident to engage with us
- Children will be supported to achieve their full potential
Staffing budget
SEN notional budget
Admin budget
Extra curricular activities budget
Strategic Objective 1 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Excellence for all / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
All stakeholders and the community will work together to achieve the highest possible standards. /
- We will offer opportunities for parents the community and children to learning together. We will recognise the skills the children bring, eg IT.
- The children will have the opportunity to learn from a variety of members of the community and as a result they will recognise and value the knowledge and experience they can bring Eg visitors from the work place, the retired and elderly.
- Family learning week will be held annually.
- Open mornings that are subject specific will give opportunities for families to learn together.
- The whole community will feel valued by their contribution to a vibrant learning community.
- Learning opportunities will be maximized and play to the strengths of our local community.
- Parents will champion the school and have a clear understanding of our strengths through the opportunities they have to share with us.
Family learning week May 2015 / Staffing budget for time and specialist teachers.
Extra curricular activities budget.
Strategic Objective 1/2 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary
Pupil Premium / Actions / Expected impact and outcomes / Monitoring and Time Scales / Cost implications
The school will take steps to ensure PPG children are full-filling their potential and given every possible opportunity to succeed. /
- Closely monitor the progress of children in receipt of PPG as a targeted group.
- Ensure targeted support using PPG to fund and closely track the impact of support given.
- Report to governors and on the school website as required.
- One to one or small group intervention sessions within and outside the school day.
- FSW and ELSA support
- Financial support to allow activities as appropriate, such as – sports clubs, music lessons, school trips, scouts etc.
- Provide financial support for equipment such as uniform- school and other, musical instruments, IT equipment.
- Provide breakfast club places to encourage children to attend on time every day.
- We will be legally compliant in our practice regarding PPG children.
- We will know and understand the cohort of PPG children in our school.
- PPG children will be successful and achieve their potential.
HT will report to governors and a report will be put on school website / Staffing budget for time
PPG budget
Strategic Objective 1/2 / Achievement and Attainment. / Theale CE Primary