Household Members / Work AddressJohn S. Smith
Social Security Number: 123-44-5678
Date of Birth: 01/02/2015
Cell Phone (850) xxx-xxxx
E-Mail / AFNORTH/XX 1210 Beacon Beach Rd
Tyndall AFB, FL 32403
Phone Number: (850)283-0000
Betty S. Smith
Social Security Number: 123-55-6789
Date of Birth: 01/10/2015
Cell Phone: (850) xxx-xxxx
Child 1
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
Cell Phone N/A
Child 2
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth: 08/05/2007
Cell Phone N/A
Pets / Veternarian
Dog 1 / Parkway Animal Hospital
739-A Tyndall Parkway
Callaway, FL 32404
Phone Number: (850)763-8387
Cat 1
Out of Town Contacts
Phone #s:
E-Mail: / Secondary:
Phone #s:
Family Meeting Place / For Fires and Other Emergencies: Meeting place outside of home.
Lynn Haven Park off of RTE 77 going to Southport
XXX Baptist Church
Lynn Haven, FL
(850) xxx-xxxx
1. / Hurricanes2. / Tornadoes
3. / Lightning
4. / Floods
5. / Fire
6. / Hazardous materials
ITEM / QUANTITY / LOCATIONWater (based on 1 gal per person) / Pantry
Food / 3 days worth / Pantry
Portable Radio / 1 with batteries / Kitchen in drawer under oven
Dog Food / 1 blue container / Pantry
Dog bowls / 2 / Pantry/Kitchen
Flashlight / 2 with batteries / Pantry/Master bedroom nightstand
First aid kit / 1 / Under kitchen sink
Blankets / 5 / Boys room
Survival Kit / 1 / Armoire Master bedroom
Clothes / 7 days worth / Bedrooms
Toiletries / 7 days worth / Bathroom
Toilet paper / Package / Master bathroom closet
Tissues / 1 box / Master bathroom closet
Paper towels / 2 rolls / Pantry
Safe w/papers and photos / 1 / Master bedroom closet
Dog kennel / 1 / Master bedroom/
Books and games / 5 / Study
Vet records / 3 / Files in master bedroom closet
Maps / 1 / Left hand drawer of wall unit in study
GPS / 1 / night stand bottom drawer
CHECKLIST OF THINGS TO DO ONCE HURRICANE ADVISORIES ARE GIVEN (This template uses HURCONS as triggers since that is what Tyndall AFB uses)
At Declaration of HURCON 5 or 96 Hours before 58 MPH winds are in reach of our area.Do you have supplies to secure home? Conduct inventory of supplies and buy needed supplies.
Make sure gutters are clean and look at trees to make sure no dead branches are hanging
Discuss with family members on actions to be taken at next Hurricane Condition (HURCON) and monitor weather.
At Declaration of HURCON 4 or 72 Hours before 58 MPH winds are in reach of our area.
Assign everyone jobs to do to prepare even children.
Put outside tables and chairs inside garage.
Fill up gas cans.
Monitor weather channels and local news for evacuation orders.
Make sure items in HURCON 5 are completed.
Review or provide updates to family on additional actions or information.
Gather bedding and put in a central location (identify here where that should be).
Put files and safe in central location (identify here where that should be).ensure important pictures are placed in files.
Gather food supplies in container (identify here where the container should be stored).
Gather first aid kit and flashlights (batteries) and place in storage container.
Put 7 days’ worth of clothes in suit case and place in identified location.
Get cash from bank
Ensure gas tank of vehicles remain ¾ full
Put extra set of keys in safe
Gather pet supplies and put in a container.
Pack car with supplies.
At Declaration of HURCON 3 or 48 Hours before 58 MPH winds are in reach of our area.
Pack up rest of items to go in car (water, dog food, and clothes).
Ensure vehicles are full of gas.
Secure all loose items around the house.
Check on evacuation route to make sure it can be used.
Go through house and make sure everything is packed.
Listen to radio and local news on evacuation order.
As soon as order is given need to leave within one hour (see evacuation route below).
Betty will pack up children in van and evacuate with John.
John will pack up pets and take them in car.
Locate water and power shut off and turn off prior to leaving.
At Declaration of HURCON 2 or 24 Hours before 58 MPH winds are in reach of our area.
If it is safe and enough time is left to evacuate then leave in one hour or less.
If not go to local shelter at local shelter or stay in place.
If we stay home set up a safe area such as a laundry room, bathroom, or an interior room without windows (put mattresses, bedding, flashlights, water, radio, and batteries in safe area). Tornadoes can develop from hurricanes so if you stay at your home ensure you protect yourselves using a safe area.
Fill up bathtubs with water.
Category / Sustained Winds / Types of Damage Due to Hurricane Winds /
1 / 74-95 mph
64-82 kt
119-153 km/h / Very dangerous winds will produce some damage: Well-constructed frame homes could have damage to roof, shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could last a few to several days.
2 / 96-110 mph
83-95 kt
154-177 km/h / Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage: Well-constructed frame homes could sustain major roof and siding damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Near-total power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks.
(major) / 111-129 mph
96-112 kt
178-208 km/h / Devastating damage will occur: Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes.
(major) / 130-156 mph
113-136 kt
209-251 km/h / Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.
(major) / 157 mph or higher
137 kt or higher
252 km/h or higher / Catastrophic damage will occur: A high percentage of framed homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure and wall collapse. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.
Listen to the radio for informationMonitor the bay to see if it is rising.
See if drains are working and not backing up.
If time allows and enough warning go to store and buy sand bags and sand to put in front of garage to stop water from entering house.
Be aware of septic tank and monitor toilets for backups.
If ordered to evacuate turn off water and electricity (write here exact location of water shut off and electrical shut off).
Follow evacuation route above or the one provided by local authorities.
When driving DO NOT drive through standing water.
Listen to the radio for informationLook for the following signs:
Dark often greenish sky
Large hail
Dark low hanging clouds that show signs of rotation
Loud roar like a freight train
If a tornado warning is issued for our area gather the following items and put in safe room:
Radio in drawer under oven
Flashlight in pantry
Water XX gals
Canned food
Dog food
Mattress from spare bedroom
Dogs and kennel
Once the warning has been lifted come out of safe room and survey the house and surrounding area for damage.
Check on neighbors to see if they are ok and need help.
Check on power and water to see if everything is working.
Pick up debris outside and make any repairs needed.
If small fire try to put it out using fire extinguisher under sink in kitchenIf it is too big or gets out of control exit the house using the nearest exit. (see house plan for exits) Use any door or window closest to you and away from the fire.
Crawl on hands and knees if house is filled with smoke and use the nearest exit.
If you hear the fire alarm exit out of the house using a window or nearest door. Don’t investigate what is causing the alarm.
Once you exit the house go to the rally point outside the house and wait for everyone else.
HOUSE DIAGRAM AND EMERGENCY EXITS (Insert diagram of your home here)
Everything in red is an emergency exit.
For additional information visit the A7X Portal Page.