Minutes of the Corner Canyon High School Community Council Meeting held May 23, 2013, held in the Media Center at Crescent View Middle School.
Present: Mary Bailey - Principal, Brian McGill – Assistant Principal/Co-chair, Cherstyn Stockwell – Co-chair, Jeff Allen, Tom Brand, Roxanne Boshard, Kathy Cutler, Susan Edwards, Laura Fidler, Penny Laker, Sally Linford, Kimberly Miller, Jason Moffat, Britt Thompson, Ken Vance, and Jennifer Wilson.
Staff: Kathy Hilton
Excused: Allyson Hanks and Kathryn Meyers.
Meeting was called to order by Brian McGill at 7:03 pm.
- Minutes
Motion:Mary Bailey made the motion to approve the minutes of April 22, 2013. Seconded by Kimberly Miller.
Vote:The motion passed 16-0
Dinner was served to the SCC by CCHS Administration as a thank-you for all of the service rendered to the students of Corner Canyon High School.
- SCC Terms - ALL
SCC discussed the options for selecting which SCC members would serve for one year and who would serve for two years.
Motion:Jennifer Updike made the motion to place white tickets and blue ticketsin a jar. Each of the parent members would draw a ticket from the jar. The memberswho picked a white ticket would serve for two years and the members who picked a blue ticket would serve for one year. The members who picked a blue ticket and would like to serve again next year, could request to have their name placed on the SCC ballot next fall.The motion was seconded by Jason Moffat.
Vote: The motion passed 16-0
Tickets were placed in a jar and each member drew a ticket.
Members who will serve two year terms are:
Jeff AllenJason Moffat
Roxanne BoshardKathryn Myers
Kathy CutlerCherstyn Stockwell
Susan EdwardsBritt Thompson
Penny LakerKen Vance
Jason MoffatJennifer Wilson
Members who will serve one year term are:
Tom BrandLisa McDougal
Laura FidlerKimberly Miller
Karen JackGregg Savage
Heather LambertJennifer Updike
Sally LinfordMike Weaver
John Martindale
The video of the dome placement and building of CCHS was shown.
- Personal Update – Mary
CCHS is staffed as far as teaching positions; the school has open positions for nutrition workers and custodial help as of today.
- Connor Martindale
John thanked the SCC for the support they had given Conner with his Eagle Scout Project. Just a reminder to all SCC members who had not turned in their money to do so by May 30, 2013, and make sure Conner‘s name is on the handout.
- Workgroup Reports
PTSA discussed Grad Night Party for seniors and asked the SCC for suggestions. Many ideas were discussed. The question was asked if the seniors would want to join in with Alta High at Pepperwoodor start a new tradition. It costs $40,000.00 to $60,000.00 to host the part at Pepperwood and Pepperwood takes care of the cost after PTSA gives Pepperwood the grant money they receive for grad night. (It can cost up to $500.00 per student.) No conclusions were reached.
Tom Brand asked for support in contacting business to sponsor the ”Cool to Care” program at the school.He also announced a Career Fair in October.
- Online Enrollment
A handout was given (included in the minutes), questions were asked and answered.
- August Calendar and Events – Mary
Calendar was discussed. August 15, 2013, would be freshman/sophomore orientation.
- Attendance Policy – Brian
The SCC looked over the draft. A discussion concerning students having a negative experience instead of a positive experience due to attendance school was held. No decisions were reached.
- Technology Grant Update – Brian and Mary
Applications for the grant came out this week. (May 20, 2013). Corner Canyon will not apply for the grant. The School would have to match the grant in funding, which excluded in-kind funding. (The cost would be approximately 1.6 million dollars.)
- Official Under Armour Corner Canyon Chargers Wear
Clothing will be online to purchase. Orders will be taken through August 11, 2013. Items will be able to be picked up mid-September.
- CCHS Building Slide Show – Brian
Slide show was shown during dinner.
- Adjourn
Motion:Allyson Hanks made the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Tom Brand.
Meeting adjourned at 9:04 pm.