MA 109 Technology Survey

Please respond to the questions below by checking one of the options below each question, and including any comments. This survey may be submitted in one of two ways:

  1. Print this document, fill it in by hand, and turn it in to Leslie Turner, the department secretary, in STE 221b or box 112, with a post-it with your name on it (she will remove the post-it for confidentiality, but needs to track that every one in the class has responded).
  2. Edit this document in Word (select the ○ of your choice, and then type an X over it, and then just type in your comments). Then email it to Leslie at . Include your name in the email, but not on this survey.

These responses are confidential—Leslie will destroy any identifying information before the survey is analyzed.

1)I am better able to learn mathematics independently than when I started this class.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


2)I am more confident of my ability to learn new concepts via the internet than when I started this class.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


3)The text helped me understand the concepts.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


4)The on-line class demonstrations (java applets etc.) helped me understand the concepts.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


5)I reviewed the on-line class demonstrations outside of class.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


6)I used the on-line drills and practice tests as study aids.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


7)It was easier to learn a new concept from the website demonstrations than from the text.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


8)I was able to access the web-based material when I needed to.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


9)I liked having “course logistics” such as the first day handout, grades, homework due, labs, etc. available on the website.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


10)The Maple labs reinforced class concepts.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


11)Maple is a useful tool for doing mathematics.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


12)Maple will be useful to me in other classes/endeavors.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


13)The teacher’s explanations helped me understand the concepts.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


14)The exposition in the text helped me understand the concepts.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


15)The study homework exercises from the text helped me understand the concepts.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


16)The challenge problems stretched my mathematical abilities.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


17)The review exercises at the beginning of the course were helpful.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


18)The review exercises at the end of the course were helpful.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


19)I found the help sessions useful.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


20)I found office hours helpful.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


21)I often worked with classmates on course material.

○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree


22)I spend more time working outside of class for this class than for other 4 credit


○ strongly agree○ agree○ neutral○ disagree○ strongly disagree
