Minerva Garcia

Evaluation of the Social Work Intern Program at VCC

Paula Wilson and Sue Dion are thinking about applying for a grant to support the Internship program at VCC. This grant might include a permanent part time Social Worker who could supervise future MSW students and provide direct service to VCC patients especially over the summer and during school breaks. This is a great idea that can increase jobs for our profession. Your help here is making this happen! So be proud of yourselves. Like any good administrator, in order to justify a new program, they need hard data from us. So we need to formally evaluate the pluses and minus of the program this year, get recommendations for future improvements, collect data on the number of client visits that you had, get feedback from the providers, summarize these findings and report out to Paula and Sue. Here is the information they want to know from us:

  1. Estimate the number of patient visits that you had during the year.

Ø  all patients that you saw alone, or with Susan or case manager

Ø  patients you discussed with MD/nurses/case-managers but may not have seen

Ø  brief visits in waiting room or exam room when you gave patient information

Ø  all patients that you talk to by phone and gave information to.

We don’t want any names–just the number of visits, phone interventions, and # at group. Please give me this info from the program beginning to the last week in March before you leave on spring break. Email me the numbers and keep a copy for yourself. Add the last month’s data to the report before you complete the year and give it to me. I will share the totals with you so you can see how many people you helped!!

# of visits from October 2006 to March 28: _55______

# of visits from April to May ______

# of planning meetings for Marketing group or planning Obesity program ______

  1. Check all types of problems that you discussed with patient:

(check all that apply per patient, not per visit)

o  Patient adjusting to new or difficult medical illness

o  Patient in grief

o  Patient depressed

o  Patient having anxiety problems

o  Patients having difficulty with child or needing parenting group/class

o  Patient having marital difficulty

o  Patient dealing with break up of love relationship

o  Patient unemployed

o  Patient in need of shelter, transportation, food or money

o  Patient needing support groups

o  Patient needing referrals for AA, or addiction problems

o  Family needing help for someone with addiction/alcohol problems

o  Child with school problems

o  Problems with obesity

o  Patient with serious mental illness

o  Family member suspected of child, domestic or elder abuse

o  Patient with unplanned pregnancy

o  Other

This program evaluation will also need to include:

·  Brief written feedback from you on what worked & what did not work in the this placement.

·  Provider feedback–survey or interview with key staff on how the program worked for them.

What questions should we ask you to give us feedback on?

Who are the key people at VCC to interview or get feedback from?

We can also use the evaluation form to educate staff on what you do: Something like this:

Frank Costello, Judy Diaz and Minerva Garcia are social work interns from CSUN. They have been here Monday, Wednesday and Fridays since October. They will be leaving the first week in May. Social workers traditionally help patients with these types of problems:

Personal crisis, tearful, upset, depressed, anxious, unsafe home situation, recent loss of loved one, chronic medical illness that is difficult to adjust to, problems following medical advice, unplanned pregnancy, upset about STD, needing resources on shelter, food, money, jobs, alcohol or drug abuse, community support groups or senior resources.

Please give us your honest feedback on how well this internship program worked:

  1. Are you aware that social work interns are here to help you and your patients? Yes __ No ___

2.  Did you talk to one of the interns or see the flyers that explain how to access a social work intern? Yes__ No__ What is the best way to inform you of this program? ______

  1. Please circle the number of referrals you made to the social work interns:

None a couple a few over 5 NA

  1. Looking back, were there other patients that you could have referred? Yes __ No __

If yes, estimate the number: a couple a few over 5 NA

  1. If you made a referral, did you get any feedback from the intern on what happened?

Yes __ No__ Read notes __ How do you prefer getting feedback? ______

  1. Do you think you made any referrals that we missed or did not follow up on?

Yes__ No __ Comments: ______

  1. Did you experience any system problems that made it hard for this program to work well?

(Phone, paging, hours, vacation breaks, etc) ______


What could we do to improve the referral process? ______


  1. Did you get any feedback from patients who spoke to the social work interns? Yes__ No__

If yes, what did the patient say? ______

  1. Did you work with any interns on a committee, planning a group or joint interviewing, etc

If yes, please comment on any contribution the social work intern made to your meetings:


  1. Do you think it is a good idea for VCC to have a social worker on staff? Yes__ No __
  2. If yes, is there anything special you would like to see them do? ______
  3. Do you think the social work intern program should be continued? Yes__ No__
  4. What could we do to improve this program ? ______
