Error Analysis of a Science Fair Project

Honors Chemistry

Error Analysis: Students locate errors, say why it is an error, and then offer solutions

Directions: With your partner and your science fair grade sheet, you need to identify a minimum of 5 errors in your science fair project. Once you have identified all of the errors, you want to explain what makes them wrong, and devise a plan of how to fix them. (Spelling errors may only count as one error.)

Fill this chart out with your errors: (30 points)

Error in Project / Why it is Wrong / How to Fix it

Science Fair Paper (10 points)

Within your science fair display board paper, you are going to fix the areas that you have identified with errors. So that I can easily identify where you have made changes, you’ll need to turn on the “track changes” feature in Microsoft Word. This will make the changes show up with colored font.

Your Next Science Fair Project (5 points)

Whether you are completing a science fair project next year or later in your life, write a summary of how you will change your science fair project experience to make it a smoother, more beneficial project.

Submitting for Grade

You will need to submit all three portions of this error analysis via iStork. You can type in the table above or create your own table as the beginning of your science fair paper. The “Next Science Fair” portion can be typed at the end of the first paper. Please include a header at the beginning of each section.

For those of you that did not score a 75% or better on your original science fair project, you must score a 75% or better on this assignment for your original project to be considered corrected.