Employee Recognition & Reward Preferences Template

Manager Note: Use this template in your next One-on-One meeting with your employee:

State that you appreciate your employee consistently striving to do a good job. Explain that because he/she is such a go-getter, you anticipate that there will be times when he/she goes above and beyond the call of duty. Explain that you are being proactive and would like him / her to now identify how he/she would like to be recognized and rewarded. Explain that you will keep this information in his/her personnel file, so that you can reference the information about the appropriate time.

You can either give the template to your employee to fill out. Or you can guide the discussion and take notes.

Date: ______

Employee Name: ______

No / Item / Response
1.  / How do you like to be recognized for a job well done? / a)  Privately
b)  Publically
c)  Give specific examples:
2.  / What are 3 – 5 ways you would like to be rewarded for a job well done that cost under $25?
3.  / What are 3 – 5 ways you would like to be rewarded for a job well done that cost over $25?

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