ELGSA General Assembly Meeting

August 11, 2017 at 10 am

Hill Hall, rm. 305

  1. Call Meeting to Order

A.Sarah Hairston, Palwasha Marwat, Nicole, Edwin Bonney, Isabel Montes Gutierrez, Jennifer Fellabaum, Bradley Curs

  1. Introductions and Contact Information Updates (see attached spreadsheet)

B.A.Email group working?

  1. Positions that need to be filled *starting here

Sarah will email out language to use when inviting students to join as representatives

C.A.Read requirements and selection process (Article I, Section 1)

D.B.Article I, Section 2 states:

1.5 Graduate Professional Council Representatives (pending enrollment numbers) - Last year only had 1 and an alternate

i.Last year 5, served as each others’ alternates, look for 5 student representatives

ii.Any ELPA student can serve as Representative

iii.Sarah will advertise through newsletters & include info about Orientation (send content to Fellabaum & Curs)

iv.ELGSA members suggest representatives and/or serve as a representative

i.v.(In general CC Dr. Fellabaum, not Curs)

2.5 Graduate Student Association Representatives (pending enrollment numbers) - Last year only had 1 and an alternate

3.2 ELGSA Student Fees Committee Representatives (also includes the President and Treasurer, see Article V)

i.** Important to recruit students quickly (select travel awards)

ii.1 Masters & 1 Doctoral Student

i.iii.ELGSA Officers can attend, but not vote

  1. Communication

A.How will the officers and representatives communicate and share documents?

1.Contact through Outlook Email (Sarah will email meeting reminders w/agenda)

2.Check with Deena & Rocky about ELGSA Gmail – use Google Docs for collaboration

3.Meeting Agendas will be posted on OrgSync ELGSA Meeting Events

1.4.Final Docs should be uploaded & stored on OrgSync

B.How will we communicate with students and how often? How will documents be shared?

1.Official documents will be stored & accessible to students on OrgSync

2.Create event on OrgSync for meeting/workshop

3.Email content to Bollinger for newsletters

4.Get students to join OrgSync – Palwasha will add/approve students joining OrgSync

B.C.Create Handbook/Review bylaws for easier transitions for future years/semesters

  1. ELPA mentoring program (Laura Browning) (Didn’t happen in Spring, panel for PhD students in Fall)

A.Proposed that ELGSA take over matching mentors/mentees

1.Find mentors, then match new students with mentors

2.Optional program

1.3.Email from Laura Browning includes details

B.Who will take on this role?

1.Sarah will send out email to students

2.Palwasha will match mentors/mentees

  1. Semester Outlooks


1.Welcome orientation and gathering August 17th

i.Orientation at 2:15 pm in Hill Hall, rm. 314

  1. *ELGSA Attend Orientation

ii.Gathering tentatively at the Heidelberg patio from 5-7 pm

  1. Get swipe from ORG or bring sign in sheet
  2. Wear ELGSA polos to Welcome Gathering (Pick up from Betty’s office)

2.Professional/social development workshop

i.Open to ELPA students

ii.Preparation for attending conferences

2.3.Fall travel awards

4.Monthly executive and open meetings

i.Executive Meetings include Representatives

ii.What are we sharing with students this month? Representatives bring info from faculty meetings

iii.Open agenda on Google Doc, representatives add items to discuss, reviewed by Sarah

iv.At least 1 face-to-face meeting each semester, 1 at beginning & end of semester

v.Sarah will send Doodle Poll to find meeting time

vi.General Assembly, hold open meetings, online?

i.vii.Helpful to make video available after meeting incase students can’t join live & include summary of meeting (Meeting Agenda/Minutes)


1.Professional/social development workshop

i.Preparation for attending conferences

2.Winter travel awards

3.Monthly executive and open meetings


5.New officer elections*

6.Update orgsync*

i.*Extra meetings/responsibilities in Winter

  1. Faculty meetings will be held from 12-1:30 in Hill Hall, room 314

(Student Reps: PK12 & Higher Ed Representatives, ELGSA: President & Vice President)

Sarah & Palwasha will attend

C.A.August 15, 2017 ????

D.B.September 6, 2017

E.C.October, 4, 2017

F.D.November 7, 2017

G.E.December 6, 2017

H.F.December 13, 2017 HOLIDAY Gathering 12PM – 2PM

I.G.February 7, 2018

J.H.March 7, 2018

K.I.April 4, 2018

L.J.May 2, 2018

  1. ELGSA Meetings


1.Monthly Executive Council and ELPA students/General Assembly meeting

2.More online options, virtual meetings instead of in-person

3.Virtual great as long as students know when and where to join, must be easily accessible

1.4.Meet in person & provide online/virtual (GoToMeeting, Zoom) option


1.EXEC Board Meetings





2.General Assembly Meetings





  1. Professional/social development workshops

A.AERA Sendoff Workshop (ELPA ELGSA Partnership)

1.Fall: Prepare for Conferences

3.2.Spring: Presenting at Conferences

C.B.Proposal of offering


  1. Budget

A.Review previous budgets - Pulled from 2016-2017 budget proposal presented by Rocky Christensen.

CATEGORY / Conference / Merchandise / Print / Social/Food / Misc. / TOTAL
2013-2014 / 6,061.66 / n/a / 93.50 / 2,011.72 / 100.00 / 8,266.88
2014-2015 / 40,921.15 / 1587.00 / 342.00 / 4,915.40 / n/a / 47,765.55
2015-2016 / 19.604.81 / n/a / 153.00 / 1,632.48 / 500.00 / 21,890.29
2016-2017 / 20,526.22 / 568.00 / 104.00 / 1,801.05 / 292.90 / 23,292.17
2017-2018 / 11,250 / 943.09 500.00 / 100.00 / @850.001,000.00 / 250.00

B.Develop a 2017-2018 budget ($15-13k)

1.Submit proposed budget prior to Sept 6 meeting (Send to Curs by early Friday)

2.Categories + justification explained

1.3.Palwasha will work to update Rocky’s budget proposal from last year

2.4.Known expenses or expenses to consider

i.Welcome Orientation = $1,050 ($400)

  1. Food $400 (rounded up, based on last year’s cost)
  2. Polos totaled $648 for 30 (already purchased)
  3. Possible Spring Orientation

ii.Workshop = $100 ($50 each semester)

  1. Food $50 (rounded up, based on last year’s cost)
  2. Padfolios $42 (total of 12) (already purchased)

iii.GARP = $600 ($350)

  1. Food $350 (rounded up, based on last year’s cost)
  2. Shirts $253.09 for 50 (already purchased)

iv.Conferences (funded roughly 26 students last year), printing (50% reduction across University, Email June (CC Curs) to print Agendas, GRA can print small amounts of ELGSA materials), new officer retreat, other?

v.Spending at the end of last semester was not deducted from last years budget

vi.Now ELGSA has an annual budget of $13,000

vii.Guideline: Reduce food expenditure, catering for University of Missouri Employees business meetings by 75%

viii.Offer food once, but not every meeting (Welcome Meeting, GARP, Workshops)




  1. Orientation, Workshops, GARP


  1. Business cards
  2. Any ELPA student can apply
  3. Sarah will update OrgSync form, students can only order once


  1. Tshirts, polos, padfolios, etc.


  1. $20,500 spent last year
  2. $ cap or only cover registration fee, lodging, travel
  1. Travel Awards – Create Travel Awards Committee to decide criteria, application due date

A.Proposal of combining ELPA and ELGSA efforts – Not combining awards applications at this point

1.Student fees must be spent on students: Fund speakers, ELGSA, ELPA Student Awards/Travel Fund

2.ELGSA chooses how to spend $, doesn’t have to be travel, could buy iPads for example, in the past ELGSA has chosen to support non-presenting students to experience conferences

3.ELPA mainly supports PhD students to travel/present at conferences

4.ELGSA mainly supports Masters, EdD students, non-presenters

1.5.Q: Received ELGSA/ELPA/GPC/GSA funding in the past?

B.Determine priority setting

1.Q: Received ELGSA/ELPA/GPC/GSA funding in the past?

2.Incentivizing presenters/non-presenters

3.Concern: non-equitable representation on board (Masters students not represented)

4.Students should apply to ELGSA or ELPA funds, not both

5.Decision rules: first time attending this conference, received funding before, etc.

6.Masters students attend conferences first year to experience conference

7.EdD students also apply for travel funding to experience conferences

2.8.ELPA funds academic presentations, not work presentations

B.C.Revise application process

C.D.Set dates for application submission

  1. Storage Space

D.A.Townsend Hall storage is too crowded for ELGSA padfoliotshirts, will be stored in Betty’s office

  1. Subcommittees

A.Professional Development Workshops (planning with Dr. Dorner)


B.Meeting Structures (set up meeting dates & times, online)


C.Travel awards




1.Orientation PPT

2.Content for newsletters: OrgSync, Representative positions, Mentoring program, Welcome Orientation

3.Review business card application form for ELGSA vote


1.Budget Proposal for ELGSA vote


1.Share Travel Awards Application form to Travel Awards Committee

2.Open Google Account

3.Share Google Meeting Agenda folder & docs with ELGSA Contact Group

4.Create next meeting event on OrgSync


1.PD: Palwasha, Stephanie & Dr. Dorner schedule meetings & structure

2.Meeting Structure: Sarah & Nicole arrange meeting structure, organize with tech

3.Travel: Isabel & Edwin decide priority, revise application process on OrgSync, how to split fuding


  1. Adjournment

A.Next meeting will be…Thursday, August 17 at 7pm

Invited to meeting:

  • 2016-2017 ELGSA officers and representatives
  • Department Chair, Dr. Curs
  • Faculty Advisors, Dr. Fellabaum-Totson and Dr. Diem
  • Dr. Dorner
  • Scholarship/Awards Committee – Dr. Dache-Gerbino and Dr. Douglas
  • ELPA Mentor coordinator and GPC Rep - Laura Browning