SPRING 2014-2015


Term project will be based on literature search of below topics. Each topic will be studied by one team.

1.  Models developed for “shrinkage of high strength concrete”.

2.  Models developed for “creep of high strength concrete”.

3.  Models developed for “shrinkage of fiber reinforced concrete”.

4.  Models developed for “creep of fiber reinforced concrete”.

Guidelines for report writing of term paper is as given below:

Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper (A4) only with double line spacing and wide margins (i.e., L=3cm, R=2.5cm, T=2.5cm, B=2.5cm). Font of the text should be Times New Roman (12 pt). Pages should be numbered at the bottom (centered) of page (1,2,3, etc.).

Top sheet of the manuscript should include the full title of the paper and name(s) and number(s) of the authors followed by Spring Term 2014-2015.

Similarity (Turnitin): Report should have maximum 20% similarity and should be checked with “turnitin”. First page of the Turnitin report should also be submitted with the “term paper”.

Paper manuscript should include “Introduction, Sub headings, Conclusion, References, Appendix.

Spelling should follow the Oxford English Dictionary spelling.

SI Units should be used unless a paper describes a project, which used imperial units, and a table of the relevant conversion factors should be supplied.

Mathematical expression should be typewritten and presented in clear form. Each equation should be typed on a separate line and be numbered consecutively.

Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text. Tabular matter should be as simple as possible, with brief column heading and a minimum number of columns.

Illustrations: only those drawings and photographs essential to the understanding of the text should be included. All illustrations should be referred to in the text and listed on a separate sheet in the order in which they appear.

All figures must be identified with the figure number.

References should be indicated in the text by consecutive superior numerals. There should be at least 30 different references. Wikipedia will not be used as reference at all. They should be listed on a separate sheet in numerical order giving full details in the following style.

1.  Neville A.M.and Brooks J.J. Concrete Technology, revised edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

2.  Onuaguluchi O, Eren Ö, “rheology, strength and durability properties of mortars containing copper tailings as a cement replacement material”, European Journal of Environment and Civil Engineering, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. 19-31, January 2013.

Reports will be submitted in “electronic pdf format” to and as bound copies by 18 June 2015 (16:00 hrs) to Submission Office of the department (Departmental Library).