Egyptian Detectives

Here are some of the parts of Dr. Hedi Crouteau's personal journal. Some of her entries have been damaged over time and it is our job to try and restore the damaged sections of the journal. I've left many different websites that will help you on your task, read the websites carefully because your answers will depend on them. Once you found the answers to the missing parts of the journal, fill out the answer sheet in your activity guide (which will be provided by your teacher) We wish all you young archeologists the best!

Good Luck!!

Dr. Hedi Crosteau's Personal Journal

Day 13,

I've been traveling along the cost of North Africa for the past couple of weeks and I've just about seen enough of the Mediterranean. The boat ride up till now has been terrible! We have had no clean food or water for the past couple of days and we are running low on supplies. I'm what most say a land lover but I enjoy a challenge! I've been given the time to catch up on some of my work and my research of Ancient Egypt, I can't wait to get there! I hope we reach land soon for both my sake and the crews! I've been all around the world but I've never been down the .........., It's the longest river in the world and one of the most famous rivers in the world! Ancient Egypt and its people could not have survived if the river did not supply for them, it helped them with........... It is truly amazing! I'm so excited to take this voyage and I hope future explorers read this journal and find the voyage as exciting as I do.

*Lets look at the first missing part of Dr.Hedi's journal, she seems to be talking about a body of water, but which one? I hope this web-site helps you out:

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

*Lets now look at the second missing section, it seems like Dr.Hedi was talking about the different ways the river was used by the original inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. This web-site might have the information we are missing:

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

The captain tells me that we'll be reaching land soon; I was relieved to hear that! He tells me we are getting closer to the..............which has a (V) like shape and was formed by the many divisions of the Nile River. It’s one of the world's largest Delta's in all the world. In ancient times the Nile would flood and the flooding would be caused by the rainy season. The rainy season is a time where huge amounts of rain are dropped and this rain accumulates in the Nile, slowly raising its water level. The water entering the Nile and it's yearly overflowing, allowed for the fertile soil of the Nile to wash on the shore of the river. This produced very fertile land along the Nile, which helped with agriculture.

*The missing section seems to be talking about a body or land or water? Maybe we can fill in this part of the journal by exploring this web-site:

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

Day 14,

Today is the first day we have seen shore. The captain and I believe we've reached the great city of ............ or also known as the "Mermaid of the Mediterranean". It is also one of the greatest cities in Egypt and one that hold the most history! It was founded by one of the greatest conquers ever to walk this earth; his name was (..............) He was one of the greatest leaders of all time. In his time, he conquered many lands and controlled a vast territory. He named the city in honor of himself! The city is full of history and its so exciting to have the chance to visit it.

*What city is also known as the "Mermaid of the Mediterranean"? Check this web-site out:

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

*One of the greatest conquers in all of history, who could it be? Check this site out:

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

The voyage is going on right on schedule! Today, I had the chance to visit the many different landmarks of this great city! But the one I really wanted to visit was the ruins of the great Library of Alexandria. In it time it was one of the greatest libraries in all the ancient world but most of the library was lost to us due to a great fire that destroyed most of the library. There are many theories on who destroyed the library, one theory is that ................. .

*What is one theory of the fire that destroyed the library of Alexandria? Maybe you can find the answers here:

Write your response here:


There is no proof that this theory is correct. One that is a bit more popular is the theory that states that the death of ............ and the riots that result was the real cause for the destruction of the library. These mysteries have been lost through time but we can always use our imaginations! You can still visit the ruins of the Great Library and I would advise all you young archeologists to do that if you have the time.

*What is another theory for its destruction, try to find it on this website:

Write your response here:


Day 25,

We continued our voyage along the Nile and we have finally reached our main destination the great city of Cairo. I have taken the time to visit the many landmarks within Cairo, In all my travels, this great city has been one of the best. We visited ............................. Because our time was limited in this area, we only got to see these four sites but I recommend future explorers to take their time in this great city!

*What are some of the ancient sites you can see in the great city of Cairo? Let’s check out the landmarks using this site:

Name the cities here: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The landmark I would have loved to have had more time to explore was the Great Sphinx of Cairo. The great Sphinx has a long history! It so iconic, the Sphinx is a large human-headed lion that was carved by slaves out of the rock. There are many legends and stories based on the Great Sphinx like ....................... but that is only one legend!

*Lets find some of the legends linked to the great

Write your answer here: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day 27

*Explore this website to learn some more about this mysterious burial ground: The Theban Mapping Project. Can you complete Dr. Hedi’s quote below? Where did Dr. Hedi Crouteau find herself?

"I have now arrived at the ancient city of Thebes. It is rumored that an old burial ground is located near this city. It is known by the locals as the ______ of the _____."

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

*Help us find the whereabouts of Dr. Hedi Crouteau. See if you can complete the following quotes by understanding the clues. Figure out which tombs our intrepid explorer has found herself in.

Clue 1: "I have made my way into some of the tombs. While they may be dark and eerie, I cannot help but be amazed at some of the beautifully adorned corridors. These tombs were truly fit for kings. I have traveled into the tomb of ___________ the second. I found this picture near the entrance. I wonder what it all means."

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

*Where is Dr. Hedi Crouteau now? Can you find her location by following clue 2?

Clue 2: "This adventure is getting more exciting by the second. I have now walked very far away from the previous tomb. I have entered the tomb of ____. (Funny name, it rhymes with pie). I have walked down a lengthy corridor and I am now standing in front of a large box in the center of the room. I wonder what is inside. Also, I see two monkeys in the same room. Their names are Hetty and Benty."

Write your answer here: _________________________________________

*Bonus: Now that you’ve explored a few tombs, try out this game to see if you can use your detective skills to figure solve more puzzles.

This tomb contains these artifacts:

This makes me believe the tomb belonged to a _______________________.

After an exciting day of exploring these Egyptian tombs, it is about time we get some fresh air! The Egyptian tombs are really fascinating, but we know that the LIFE of an Egyptian was even cooler!

*Be a detective and see how many questions you can answer in this fun game about Egyptian life. Use the pictures to help make some strong educated guesses. How many questions can you get right from this fun game?

The soil was fertile because the Nile River overflowed its banks this often: _____________

Question 2:
The Egyptians sometimes hunted duck using a ______________.

Question 3:
Egyptians scribes often wrote using _______________, a form of writing.

Question 4:
Egyptians wore make-up. They often used a _____________ to apply it properly.

Question 5:
Egyptians sometimes played a game called ______________.

Question 6:
Egyptians loved music too. They played an instrument called a ______________.

Question 7:
Wealthy Egyptians sometimes staged __________________ in their homes.

Question 8:
Egyptian men often styled their hair into _____________.

Question 9:
Egyptians brought back ____________ & _____________ in Egypt.

Question 10:
Egyptian warriors sometimes road in ____________ and used ______________.

Question 11:
Egyptian artist used a _____________ system to help decorate the tomb walls.

Question 12:
The Egyptians performed ______________ as a last rite of a dead pharaoh.

Your Own Journal

Dr. Hedi's Crosteaus journal has been really fun to follow. Those tombs could give anyone thrills. But now it's time to go and explore Egypt on your own (with your partner). It's time that you start your very own wacky adventure. Egypt has had a long history, but today it's still as fascinating as it has ever been.

*Visit National Geographic as you and your partner imagine your own adventure through Egypt today. According to what you've learnt, write your own 1 page journal about your personal experience in Egypt.

Some good things to write about include: What places did you travel? What was the weather like? What animals did you see? What things did you see? How did you travel? What did you eat? Where did you sleep? What was the most fascinating part of your trip?

Our Journal
