East Region AED Sustainability Plan
The East Region EMS and Trauma Care Council has developed the following AED Sustainability Plan to provide information and resources to EMS locations to help maintain and improve AED programs throughout the region.
The following information, as well as this plan, will be posted on the East Region website and updated regularly:
1) Information on Public Access to Defibrillation
2) A link to the Access to Emergency Devices Grant Program page: http://ruralhealth.hrsa.gov/funding
3) Contact information for the local ZOLL representative:
Jonathan Erickson
EMS Territory Manager
800 242 9159 X 9242 (office)
509 863-6279 (cell)
4) Link to the ZOLL website: www.zoll.com
5) Link to the American Heart Association: www.americanheart.org
6) AED updates or changes will be posted as received
7) Information on the availability status of ZOLL AED Trainers through the East Region EMS Office
8) List of AED manufacturers, with a supplementary statement that the East Region EMS does not endorse one manufacturer over another
Funds are no longer available to provide AEDs to the region; however, the East Region Office will maintain the “Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Information” page to serve as a resource for those who have already obtained AEDs.
The East Region EMS and Trauma Care Council does not endorse one manufacturer over another, but will provide information related to ZOLL AEDs as a resource for those who have received an AED through the grant program.
All questions regarding AED units should be submitted directly to the manufacturer/vendor.
WEBSITE: www.eastregion-ems.org
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Information
IMMEDIATE AED SOFTWARE UPGRADE NEEDED! Please read this letter and update your AED immediately. Call the East Region Office with questions or more details.
Death from sudden cardiac arrest (sudden heart stoppage) remains a Washington State health problem. Rapid cardiac defibrillation (electrically restarting the heart) provides the best chance for survival for victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Making automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) readily available increases rapid access to defibrillation. The goal of the Regional AED Project Sustainability Plan is continued availability of AEDs within rural areas of the East Region.
East Region Sustainability Plan
ZOLL AED Representative Contact Information:
Jonathan Erickson
EMS Territory Manager
800 242 9159 X 9242 (office)
509 863-6279 (cell)
Trainers: ZOLL AED trainers are no longer available through the East Region Office.
AED Manufacturers:
Please note that the East Region EMS/TC Council does not endorse or recommend one device over another.
AED Superstore
Cardiac Science
Medtronic Emergency Response Systems
ZOLL Medical
Resource Links:
Send all ZOLL AED unit questions to: www.zoll.com
Public Access to Defibrillation – AED Program Q & A
Access to Emergency Devices Grant Program: