Room 211

March 1, 2015

JA in a Day:On Monday, March 2 volunteers from ThrivantFinanacial will be in the classroom to work with us.JA Our Regionexplains the economic/business resources found in state and regional economies. This program teachesstudents about regional resources, supply chains, and solve problems by weighing risks and potential rewards. JA classroom volunteers show how resources are combined to create goods and services that individuals, businesses, and organizations provide to consumers.

Orchestra Hall Concert: We are so lucky to have the opportunity to go to Orchestra Hall this year for a concert. The Composer is Dead is a musical “Who Done It” adventure with narration written by popular children's author Lemony Snicket and music by Nathaniel Stookey. Learn about the orchestra's instruments while unraveling the mystery surrounding the composer’s untimely death. The concert is free of charge and should be delightful. If you have not returned the field trip slipplease do so ASAP. The trip is this Thursday, March 5.

Reading Logs
Please send in the February logs now. The March logs will come home on Monday.

Georgia O’Keefe

We have begun our study of Georgia O’Keefe. We are reading a short picture book together while practicing the art of note taking. We will then, together, create a trifold poster focusing on her life and her art. The children will then be asked to pick the artist they would like to study and create a tri fold poster on their own. There is an at home component to this study, which is creating a piece of art in the style of the artist they chose. We will have an artist event the evening of Thursday, April 16. More details will be coming home shortly.In conjunction with the artist study we have scheduled a field trip to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts on March 24. We will need many volunteer chaperones for that trip. Check your calendar and see if you are available.


Conference time always makes me feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed. The daunting task of meeting with 29 families seems so impossible. And yet, I go home after conference days feelings so pleased with being able to set plans for the second half of the year. I thoroughly enjoy our time together.

Amaryllis Race

Our weekly amaryllis work is well established. I am pleased with the gains kids are making in being able to accurately measure in centimeters. The scientific observations are becoming more detailed. We have scheduled a field trip to the conservatory in St. Paul so we can practice our sketching skills. Much more artwork will be taking place in the next three weeks and we will be hosting a morning amaryllis event one day during the week of March 23. I will send the date as soon as we firm it up.

MCA test: Test dates have been set for this year. We will be taking the reading test on Monday, April 13 and Tuesday, April 14. The math test is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21 and Wednesday, April 22. More info will follow later.

Important Dates to add to your calendar:

March 2, 2015JA in a Day

March 5, 2015 Orchestra Hall Concert

March 16 Conservatory field trip

March 17-20 last swim week

March 24 MIA field trip

March 27-April 5 Spring Break

Classroom needs: