Earl N. Phillips School of Business
High Point University
Graduate Course Syllabus
MBA508: Foundations of International Management
Catalog Description:
Business foundation course to provide preparatory coursework in management and international business.
Semester: Fall Semester 2008
Credits: One Semester Hour
Prerequisites: Admission into the MBA Program
Time: Self-paced individual study.
All course work should be completed during the semester.
Professor: Jerry Fox, Ph.D.
Office: PHILLIPS 209
Office Hours: MWF 1-2PM; TTh 1:45-2:45PM
Phone: 841-4559 (office)
841-4521 (Earl N. Phillips School of Business)
International management readings and assignments provided by the professor.
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this short course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of some of the main theories and concepts relating to international management. The objectives include the following:
1 Students will understand and apply the concept of competitive advantage, with emphasis upon the Michael Porter diamond model.
2. Students will recognize the similarities and differences between globalism and localism relating to international management strategy.
3. Students will learn about alternative worker training strategies across countries.
4. Students will complete three essays relating to international management concepts.
5. Students will complete one case study relating to an international management problem.
teaching Methods consist of independent self-paced study by graduate students, consisting of FOUR readings along with four writing assignments: three essays and one case study. Correspondence between graduate students and the professor will occur by email, phone, as well as office meetings as needed.
Course grades are based upon completion of four writing assignments. The appropriate length of each essay and the case study should be approximately 2-3 pages for each (giving a total of 8-12 pages for all four assignments combined). The completed essay and case study assignments should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and 12-point font).
Each of the four assignments is worth 25 points for a total of 100 possible points. The assignments are as follows:
First Essay: Competitive Advantage (Michael Porter Diamond Model)
Second Essay: Alternative Worker Training Strategies
Third Essay: International Management Strategy: Globalism versus Localism
International Management Case Study: Enron and the Dabhol Power Company
Course grades are determined on a credit-no credit basis rather than a letter grade.
To pass the course, at least 70 points are required.
HONOR CODE: The High Point University Honor Code expects all students to act in a manner so as not to infringe upon the rights and responsibilities of others. It is crucial to the development of a college student that one have the right to learn and prosper in a society free from fraudulence and dishonesty. It is the responsibility of each student to help maintain such a society. The High Point University Honor Code affirms that:
*Every student is honor bound to refrain from conduct which is unbecoming of a university student and that brings discredit to the student and/or High Point University.
*Every student is honor bound to refrain from cheating.
*Every student is honor bound to refrain from collusion.
*Every student is honor bound to refrain from plagiarism.
*Every student has the right to report an Honor Code violation.
Full details of the High Point University Honor Code are found in the Student Handbook.
DISABILITIES ACCOMODATIONS: Students with documented disabilities who require academic accommodations should see the Director of Academic Services during the first week of classes (lower level of Smith Library).
BUA 508: Foundations of International Management
Three essays and one-case study
Professor: Dr. Jerry Fox
Spring 2008
Answer the following three essay questions and one case study assignment relating to four course readings. Type your answers (approximate length is 2-3 pages per question for a total of 8-12 pages, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font)
1. Discuss the concept of competitive advantage? Indicate the importance of each of the four determinants of Michael Porter’s diamond model. What functions do chance and government play in the diamond model? How do the determinants affect competitiveness? Are some determinants more important than others? Explain and give examples. (Refer to “Determinants of National Competitive Advantage” by Micahel Porter)
2. Discuss the differences between globalization and localization, as well as strengths and weaknesses. How are these two approaches related to organizational structure? What factors contribute to anti-globalization sentiment, and how do they impact international management? What are the biggest impediments to globalization? Describe the pressures that promote globalization. How does globalization impact business strategy? (Refer to the reading “International Strategy Formation” by Paul Beamish et al.)
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the differing work training strategies among the US, Japan and Western Europe. Include in your discussion reference to school-based education, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, learning-by-doing, and methods of financing worker training. (Refer to the reading “Payoffs to Alternative Training Strategies at Work” by Lisa M. Lynch)
4. For the case analysis, utilize the Michael Porter “diamond model” of competitive advantage. Indicate the competitive advantages and disadvantages. What are the key issues and the situation? What are the contributing problems? What are the possible solutions? Which solution is best? Explain. (Refer to case study “Enron and the Dabhol Power Company” by Andrew Inkpen)