Video On Demand: Master Sha chants Nan Mo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa and Nan Mo Ling Hui Sheng Shi while also writing Tao Calligraphy and the blessing power is incredible. “Guan” means “observe.” “Shi” means “the world.” “Yin” means “voice.” “Pu Sa” means “Bodhisattva.” A Bodhisattva has not yet reached Buddha, but Guan Yin is a humble, enlightened Buddha. Her new name is Ling Hui Sheng Shi, which means soul intelligence saint servant. Nan Mo is to honor. When Master Sha writes Tao Calligraphy chants the mantra to bless us, the power is beyond comprehension. Make a request and enjoy the healing. POSTED 9/22
Guan Yin is known worldwide for her great compassion. In some areas of the east, she is known for saving lives when her name is called. Guan Yin has been uplifted through her continuous service and is now known as Ling Hui Sheng Shi (soul intelligence saint servant). Her healing and blessing powers are uplifted also. Join Master Sha as he brings Guan Yin’s blessing power to everyone. POSTED
Receive a powerful blessing of true compassion as Master Sha chants Nan Mo Guan Shi Yin Pusa (honor and respect the compassion Bodhisattva, Guan Yin) and Nan Mo Ling Hui Sheng Shi, (honor and respect the Soul Intelligence Saint Servant). Master Sha writes and traces the calligraphy for these mantras. Many layers of Heaven join Guan Yin (Ling Hui Sheng Shi) to heal, rejuvenate, transform and enlighten our souls, hearts, minds and bodies and to bless our requests. This video is truly an incredible healing and blessing treasure.
Guan Yin sees and hears the suffering of humanity and serves unconditionally. Master Sha, a Guan Yin lineage holder, says humanity needs to learn from Guan Yin, through her unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion. If we could treat each other this way, the world would be a different place. Receive great blessings from this video honoring and invoking Guan Yin’s blessing power, in addition to Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy blessing power. POSTED
There are many miracles created by Guan Yin’s great compassion and countless heart-touching, moving and life-saving stories about Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa. Billions of people in history have honored her. This video of Master Sha chanting and writing Tao Calligraphy for two mantras honoring Guan Yin is beyond powerful. Apply this to any aspect of your life for healing and transformation.
Western medicine looks at diet, exercise, stress, depression, and many potential reasons for weight gain. TCM looks at chi blockages. Master Sha looks at soul heart mind and body blockages, with soul blockages – including heart and mind, being most important. He delivers the most powerful soul healing from Soul Mind Body Science System - that of Tao Calligraphy tracing power, in this video for your weight management. Chant and trace the Tao Calligraphy Tao Jian Fei – Tao Reduces Fat, to remove the soul mind body blockages to your ideal weight. POSTED 9/23
Obesity is a major concern for humanity. Master Sha’s offers soul healing for weight issues that removes soul, heart, mind and body blockages. Soul blockages are karma blockages. Heart blockages are impurities such as greed or jealousy. Mind blockages involve ego, attachments, negative mindsets, attitudes and beliefs. Energy blockages involve too much energy between cells, organs and other areas of the body. Matter blockages occur when too much matter accumulates inside the cells. Soul healing clears the spiritual blockages on these levels so that one can heal faster. Receive the highest soul healing power to lose weight with Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy writing and tracing. POSTED
Do you want to heal the root cause of your weight issues? Give Soul Mind Body Medicine’s Tao Calligraphy power a try! Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy “Tao Jian Fei,” which means Tao reduces fat, invokes countless saints and holy beings to remove soul mind body blockages to your weight challenges. Chant and trace the Tao Calligraphy with Master Sha to heal your weight challenges and feel better.
Master Sha traces the Tao Calligraphy Tao Jian Fei – Tao Reduces Fat, in order to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Learn how Soul Mind Body Medicine can heal the soul,mind and body blockages of your weight issues. Watch and receive powerful Tao Calligraphy soul healing blessings over and over. Chant and trace with Master Sha to lose weight.
Chant and trace with Master Sha to lose weight. Learn about the kinds of blockages that prevent us from our healthy weight and what to do about it. Receive the highest healing power - Tao Calligraphy writing and tracing power for weight loss. Learn the healing perspective of Soul Mind Body Science to empower you to move forward in your weight loss program.
VIDEO ON DEMAND – JIN DAN DA TAO XIU LIAN PRACTICE, WITH MASTER SHA. Join Master Sha as he leads students through the entire practice, including the new Mind Power and Body Power techniques, twice! Once unaccompanied and once accompanied by the beautiful recorded music of Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian CD. Receive benefits beyond words and comprehension with this practice. Follow the teachings to purify your soul, heart, mind and body and gain spiritual power. POSTED 9/24
VIDEO ON DEMAND – JIN DAN DA TAO XIU LIAN PRACTICE, WITH MASTER SHA. Purify your soul, heart, mind and body to create your Tao light body. Move closer to longevity and immortality, chanting the Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian mantra with Master Sha. Learn the latest Mind and Body Power techniques for this incredible practice. Jin Dan is the Golden Light Ball. Da Tao is Big Tao. Xiu Lian is Purification Practice. The power in this practice with Master Sha is beyond amazing. POSTED
“Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian” means, “The Big Tao Golden Light Ball Xiu Lian.” “Xiu Lian” means “purification practice.” Purification refers to purification of the soul, heart, mind and body. Master Sha says that the Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian practice is the best way to do Xiu Lian. It is the fastest way to reach Tao and meld with Tao. Jin Dan is the special golden light ball located below the navel in the middle of the body, which ordinarily must be formed by spiritual practice. Master Sha teaches the mantra and the practice, givingviewers ample opportunity to learn with over 30 minutes of practice.To practice this incredible mantra with Master Sha is a very big blessing.
Jin Dan is the union of shen qi jing (soul, energy and matter) in the body. To build it we must gather the essence of all kinds of nutrients from Heaven, Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes. To build and nourish the Jin Dan is to build and nourish the greatest treasure for all life. Chant Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian to build and nourish the Jin Dan. Heal, rejuvenate, transform and enlighten your soul, heart, mind and body with this practice.
Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian is the highest Tao Xiu Lian. Practicing Jin Dan Da Tao is the simplest and most powerful way to practice Tao in order to reach Tao. Practicing Jin Dan Da Tao is the direct way to reach Tao. This practice gathers the jing qi shenxudao of Heaven, Mother Earth, humanity and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes. (From Tao II – The Way of Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity and Immortality, by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha).
Follow Master Sha and learn the most powerful form of Xiu Lian to build your Jin Dan and meld with Tao. To form the Jin Dan there are three steps: 1) Purify your soul, heart, mind and body, 2) Transform your jing qi shenxudao and 3) Meld with Tao. This practice is the key for all three steps. Master Sha increases the power by sharing new, special Mind and Body Powers. And the greatest blessing of all is to be able to practice with Master Sha.
In this video Master Sha teaches students the amazing Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian practice for healing, rejuvenation, longevity and immortality. This practice carries tremendous power to transform your health, purity, service, power and more. Follow Master Sha as he teaches a special new method for moving and rotating the golden light ball inside the seven Soul Houses, increasing the power and results of this practice significantly.
Join Master Sha as he leads students through the entire Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lianpractice, including the new Mind Power and Body Power techniques, twice, once with Master Sha unaccompanied and once with Master Sha accompanied by the beautiful recorded music of Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian CD. Receive benefits beyond words and comprehension with this practice. Follow the teachings to purify your soul, heart, mind and body and gain spiritual power.
When you chant the Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian mantra, you are forming your Jin Dan, as well as Heaven’s Jin Dan, Mother Earth’s Jin Dan, humanity’s Jin Dan, countless planets’, stars’ and galaxies’ JinDans, countless universe’ Jin Dan, and Tao Dan. You are self-clearing karma. You are transforming life for yourself, humanity, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes. The power of this practice cannot be explained by words or comprehended by any thoughts. Master Sha in the Tao II – The Way of Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity and Immortality, pg. 49.
Tian Zhi Jing (Heaven’s jing – or matter). Di Zhr Jing (Mother Earth’s jing). Ren Zhr Jing (humanity’s jing). Tian Di Ren Zhr Jing (Heaven’s, Mother Earth’s, humanity’s jing). Wan Wu Zhi Jing (Jing of countless planets, stars, and galaxies). Quan Yu Zhou Zhi Jing (Jing of all universese). Jie Shi Dao Zhi Jing (All are Tao’s jing)….. Chant the Jin Dan Da Tao Xiu Lian mantra with Master Sha and gather the essences of matter, energy, soul, emptiness, and Tao, joining together as one, forming the Jin Dan, melding with Tao.
Master Sha has said time and time again that the cycle of Tao Normal Creation and Tao Reverse Creation is the highest wisdom. To write Tao Calligraphy is also the highest healing power given through Master Sha on Mother Earth today.In these two precious video’s, Master Sha teaches students how to write the eight sacred phrases of this cycle and highest mantra and wisdom. These videos are a huge gift to humanity and are invaluable to students of Tao Calligraphy writing. POSTED
To learn to write the eight sacred phrases of the highest wisdom of Tao in Yi Bi Ze form (smooth, flowing calligraphy; characters and mantras in one stroke) is to learn how to invoke and deliver the highest healing power. These video’s share the loving compassion of Master Sha as he very deliberately and lovingly teaches his students. All who register for these videos will receive the step by step directions to write these phrases well.
In these amazing videos viewers get a bird’s eye view of Master Sha demonstrating the transformation from straight Chinese characters to Yi Bi Ze form, step by step, word by word, for each of the eight phrases of Tao Normal and Tao Reverse Creation – the highest wisdom, and can see and hear Master Sha’s writing tips over and over, to sharpen theirown knowledge and writing skills. What a blessing.
Have you ever wanted to learn directly from Master Sha how to do what he does? Do you want to learn the highest wisdom and healing power? Yi Bi Ze Tao Calligraphy writing has it all, and these videos deliver that right to your doorstep. Watch as Master Sha teaches the eight sacred phrases of the Tao Normal and Tao Reverse Creation wisdom, step by step and then watch as his top students take their Tao Calligraphy writing exams on these very phrases. Learn more as Master Sha delivers his feedback and corrections to each one. All who register for these videos can watch these demonstrations over and over again to learn and perfect their Tao Calligraphy writing skills.
Want to perfect your Tao Calligraphy writing skills? Watch Master Sha give his heart felt teaching and demonstrations of the Yi Bi Ze writing for the eight sacred phrases of Tao Normal and Reverse Creation in full blown detail. Watch again and again to “get it right.” Then observe as he gives feedback and corrections to some top teachers as they take their calligraphy writing exams. Learn to improve and perfect your own calligraphy writing!
Watch Master Sha teach and bless with the Ru Shi Tao He Yi Tao Calligraphy. Ru means Confucianism, Shi means Buddhism and Tao means Taoism, as well as countless saints in the holy realms. He Yi is join as one. This oneness mantra is very powerful. It represents to join all the world’s religions and spiritual traditions as one. Imagine how powerful that would be. To chant this with the Tao Calligraphy, which carries countless layers of Divine and Tao Saints, temples, Heaven’s animals, soul treasures, blessings and more, is a great honor and privilege, and a great healing blessings for us all.
Imagine the power of all the world’s spiritual traditions and religions joining as one. The Tao Calligraphy of Ru Shi Tao He Yi symbolizes this union and integration. Many realize that all the great religions and spiritual traditions stem from the same simple truths and wisdoms, yet the different traditions have also been a source of great conflict in the world. Let us come together and chant for oneness while receiving the highest healing and blessing power for our requests. To chant Ru Shi Tao He Yi with Master Sha and the Tao Calligraphy is to heal the world and ourselves at the same time. Receive this incredible blessing time and time again when you register.
Ru Shi Tao He Yi means Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism join as one, representing the union of all the spiritual traditions as one. Tao Source Calligraphy power is Master Sha’s highest power. Chant the mantra Ru Shi Tao He Yi to bring about oneness on Mother Earth. Chant and trace with Master Sha. Ask for healing and all the great spiritual traditions joining as one will bless your request. Tao will bless your request. Chant with all your heart to bring about oneness. POSTED
Confucianism (Ru) carries great wisdom. Buddhism and Taoism (Shi and Tao) also carry great wisdom. He Yi is to bring together as one. Imagine bringing the wisdom of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism together as one. Imagine bringing all the great spiritual traditions together as one. Imagine the power of humanity living the simple wisdom that runs through all great traditions, instead of fighting about their less meaningful differences. Imagine the healing of humanity with this mantra. Imagine the healing power of this Tao Source Calligraphy to heal your own blockages of oneness. Make your request – any request, then chant, trace and heal with this special. POSTED
Tao Source Calligraphies from Master Sha are powerful beyond our imagination. The mantra Ru Shi Tao He Yi – Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism Join as One is powerful beyond our imagination. How much can you open your heart to receiveincredible blessings? Chant one of the greatest oneness mantras given by Master Sha with the Source Tao Calligraphy power to heal and transform humanity, life and your specific requests.
Receive profound sacred teaching and blessing from Master Sha as you learn to chant and trace the powerful Tao Calligraphy Ren Di Tian Tao Xin Tao Chang.
Ren means human being, Di means Mother Earth, Tian means heaven, Tao means The Source, Xin means heart, Tao Chang means The Source Field.
Bless every aspect of your life by being in the The Source Field. Watch this video as often as you can to receive blessings over and over again.
Chant Ren Di Tian Tao Xin Tao Chang – Human being, Mother Earth, Heaven and Tao’s Heart Source Field. Join with Master Sha and the Tao Source Calligraphy, with countless Divine Temples, saints and holy beings, Heaven’s animals, blessings and more. Chant to heal and open your heart. The blessings in this video are beyond tremendous.
To chant Ren Di Tian Xin Tao Chang with Master Sha in this incredible video is like doing 200 hours of spiritual practice for opening your heart and soul. So open your heart and soul and let this video and all its power bless you beyond measure.