EYBA Regular Meeting Agenda

Sunday February 23, 14

Saville Community Sports Center

U of A South Campus, Boardroom #2, 6:30 pm

PARTICIPANTS: Chad Bowie – President, NW

Carr Miceli – Vice President, NW

Darlene Anstice – Secretary, Sherwood Park

Shaun Pope – Executive Director

Brian Anstice - Commissioner

Mark May, Leduc

Dave Oldham, Parkland

Natalie Hoy, SE

Lynn Hallson, SW

Bruce Schell, St. Albert

Brian Strobel, NEBA

REGRETS: Lynn Hyska - Treasurer

Chris Billings - Beaumont

Chuck Hebert - Wetaskiwin

1. Call to Order Welcome

2. Acceptance of Previous Minutes

2.1. Community Directors Meeting – Sunday November 17, 2013

2.1.1. Motion to approve previous minutes made by Natalie Hoy / 2nd by Brian Strobel / motion carried

3. Additions Approval of Agenda

3.1. Motion to approve agenda made by Natalie Hoy / 2nd by Lynn Hallson / motion carried

4. Agenda Items

4.1. Budget tabled to next meeting due to Treasurer absence.

4.2. Provincials

4.2.1. Date: Saturday & Sunday, March 14th-15th, 2014

4.2.2. Certified coaches are mandatory. At least one Coach on every bench must have certification.

4.2.3. Many events will take place with information that Community Directors can take back to their members: Opening Ceremonies is 1pm on Friday, March 14th. Fun events for the kids will be planned. We want announcing, music and dunk contest, etc., during the opening ceremonies as well as 3-point shootout for former EYBA ladies. Games to commence at 3pm. There will be a Coaches & VIP room (no players) complete with food. Each division will have a championship trophy, one MVP and four all-star awards. The plan overall is to make this year’s 2014 youth provincials the biggest and best provincial in Basketball Alberta history. There will be a program for the youth provincials, so Shaun will need verification of roster changes, additions or deletions prior to the program going to print.

4.3. Rule Book

4.3.1. No updates on rule book New rulebook will be done for the 2014-15 season. Any rulebook changes, additions, etc., that anybody wants EYBA to consider, those need to be sent to Carr, Chad or Donna; whom are all on the Rule Book Committee.

4.4. A Division

4.4.1. It was agreed that A Division went well for the 2013-14 season.

4.4.2. A Division Committee will get together after provincials are over. Quite a few members will be involved in that committee. Email to follow with details.

4.5. Nationals – Wheelchair and Basketball Alberta

4.5.1. Junior National Wheelchair championships are here this year. Dates are: March 28th-30th, 2014; just at the beginning of this year’s spring break. Many more volunteers are needed.

4.5.2. Basketball Nationals for U15 boys & girls, U17 boys & girls & U16 Western Canada Games are all here at the SCSC from July 25th-30th. Basketball Alberta needs lots of volunteers. Basketball Alberta would like those interest in heading up a committee, the next National Committee meeting is being held on March 19th at the Percy Page Centre at 4pm. Lynn Hallson suggested that Basketball AB contact high schools that have students that are involved in leadership programs that includes them requiring volunteer hours.

4.6. Bronze and Copper Medals

4.6.1. Discussion held with regards to awarding 3rd place bronze and 4th place copper medals for 2014 EYBA City Championships.

4.6.2. Many divisions only have five teams, which makes it impossible to decipher a 3rd place bronze medal finalist. Knowing ahead of time makes it easier, therefore, Shaun can modify play-offs next year to include 3rd place bronze medals. MOTION: Brian Anstice moved that we purchase bronze medals for 2014 City Championships / 2nd by Natalie Hoy / Discussion held / Motion carried There will be (22) bronze medals games where volunteers are needed for handouts. There would be ample time to place order for bronze medals this year. At a later date, further discussion with regards to having copper medals handed out for 4th place will be considered next year’s 2014-15 City Championships, especially at the mini level.

4.6.3. Medal presenters needed for Saturday, March 8th as in Shaun’s handout. Shaun has assigned each Community/Zone games that they are responsible to present and hand out gold/silver medals. He will update this to include bronze medal handouts.

4.6.4. FYI: Rules do permit C division teams to challenge up for city playoffs in B division.

5. Adjournment @ 7:10pm; motion to adjourn made by Brian Strobel / 2nd by Mark May / meeting adjourned.