10th Czech and Polish Conference “Geology ofCoal Basins”

A. Kožušníková1, L. Ruppenthalová1, P. Konečný1

1 Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i. Ostrava, Czech Republic


The paper should be written in Czech, Polish or English except Abstract written in English.Scopeof the textof the abstract is300 words.


Dearfriends, on behalfof the organizing committee, we arepleasedto invite you tothe 10thCzech and Polish Conference "Geology of Coal Basins”.

In this text you can find instructions for authors.

The whole textof articleis written inTimesNewRoman 12,aligning to a blockand withthe first lineindentation0.75 cm. The headingsare written inTimesNewRoman14, bold.

Figures and tables arecenteredalignmentaccording to the followingpattern.Captionsare placedbelow the picture andare written inTimesNewRoman10. Tablesare writtensimilarly, unlike thefigure description are placedabove the table.

Fig.(Rys.) Logo of Academy of Science CR

Tab. Determination of bulk density of cubes

number of sample / Height / Side / Side / Weight / Bulk
h / a / b / m / density
[mm] / [mm] / [mm] / [g] / ro[kg/m3]
1111 / 44,6 / 44,8 / 34,7 / 87,08 / 1256

Citations inthe text of article will bein the formatin Times NewRoman 12, capitals (Martinec2009). List of referenceswill bein the following format.


Martinec, P., Vavro M. 2005. Zelené pískovce východních Čech a jejich využití jako stavebního a sochařského kamene. Kámen, 11, 20-25, Praha

Martinec, P., Vavro, M., Ščučka, J., Mašlán, M. 2009. Properties and durability assesment of glaukonitic sandstones: A case study on Zamel sandstone from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic). Engineering Geology, Elsevier B.V., London.

Martinec, P. 2009. Uhelné slojky cenomanského uhlí na vrcholu potštejnské antiklinály ve východních Čechách. – Sb. 7. česko-polské konference „Geologie uhelných pánví“ Documenta Geonica 2009/2, 155-157, Ústav geoniky AV ČR, Ostrava.