READING/LiteratureUses Key Ideas and Details / Common Core Standards / Suggested Learning Targets / Assessment Ideas / Date/Task
RL.4.1. Uses examples to explain what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences / · I can define inference and explain how a reader uses details and examples from a text to reach a logical conclusion.
· I can read closely and find answers explicitly in text.
· I can analyze an author’s words and refer to details and examples needed to support both explicit and inferential questions. / Write a constructed response (1-2 paragraphs) to explain the main idea and supporting details.
RL.4.2. Determine theme of text
Summarize text using specific details / · I can define theme.
· I can analyze details in text to determine a theme.
· I can define summary.
· I can write a summary using details form the text. / Write essay analyzing how a character’s actions contribute to a story’s theme
RL.4.3. Describe character, setting, or event in a story drawing on specific details in the text / · I can identify characters, settings, and events in a story or drama.
· I can locate sections of a text where characters, settings, or events are described.
· I can use specific details from the text to describe characters, settings, or events.
Craft and Structure / RL.4.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text / · I can use various strategies to determine the meaning of words and phrases.
· I can recognize words in a text that allude to characters found in mythology. / Write a short response to demonstrate ability to infer using pictures.
RL.4.5. Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, using references to specific textual elements / · I can recognize that poems, drama, and prose use different structural elements.
· I can refer to the structural elements of poems and dramas when explaining their differences.
· I can identify common structural elements of poems and dramas. / Complete compare and contrast using graphic organizer
RL.4.6. Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories / · I can identify basic points of view as first person and third person.
· I can determine a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view in a story.
· I can compare the point of view in different stories.
· I can contrast the point of view in different stories.
Extends Knowledge / RL.4.9. Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics in various texts. / · I can define theme.
· I can identify similar themes, topics, and patterns of events found in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures.
· I can compare stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures treat the same theme, topic, or pattern of events. / Synthesize themes from a variety of texts in a short constructed response
READING/Informational TextCommon Core Standards / Suggested Learning Targets / Assessment Ideas / Date/Task
Key Ideas and Details / RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in text to explain text and draw conclusions / · I can define inference and explain how to use details and examples from informational text to reach a logical conclusion.
· I can read closely and use explicitly information from informational text to explicitly answer questions. / Use photos from content texts and other non-fiction to draw
Craft and Structure / RI.4.4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic / · I can identify general academic words or phrases in informational text.
· I can identify domain-specific words or phrases in informational text.
· I can use various strategies to determine the meaning of words and phrases in informational text. / Use text and audio source—take notes, annotate text, construct response
Extends Knowledge / RI.4.8. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text. / · I can locate the reasons and evidence used to support particular points in an informational text.
· I can explain use specific evidence to support particular points in an informational text. / See above
READING/Foundational Skills
Phonics and Word Recognition / RF.4.1.
Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. / · I decode grade level text accurately, using a variety of strategies.
· I analyze grade level words by finding compound words, roots, prefixes, suffixes, and syllables.
· I analyze and accurately decode multi-syllable grade level words. / Running record of oral reading and answer comprehension questions
Fluency / RF.4.4
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension / · I read on-level text with purpose and understanding.
· I effectively orchestrates phrasing, stress, rate, intonation and pausing when reading grade level text. / See above
LANGUAGE ARTS/ WritingCommon Core Standards / Suggested Learning Targets / Assessment Ideas / Date/Task
Multiple Types of Writing / W.4.3.
Narrative Writing / · I write real or imagined narratives.
· I write with descriptive details and clear event sequence.
· I can create a narrator for my story.
· I develop characters that unfold naturally.
· I use dialogue in my stories.
· I use a variety of transitional words and phrases.
· I choose words purposefully; to create mood, character development, etc. / Plan, draft, revise and edit multiple texts
Produce and Publish Writing / W.4.4.
Writing is appropriate to task and audience / · I can identify the writing style that best fits my task, purpose, and audience.
· I can use organizational structures to develop my writing ideas.
· I can compose a clear and logical piece of writing that demonstrates my understanding of a specific writing style. / See above
Strengthen writing using input from peers / · I can use prewriting strategies to formulate ideas.
· I can recognize that a well-developed piece of writing requires more than one draft.
· I can apply revision strategies with the help of others.
· I can edit writing by checking for errors using an edit checklist.
· I can prepare multiple drafts to strengthen my writing.
Use technology to produce writing
Collaborate with others / · I can identify technology that will help me produce, edit, and publish my writing.
· I can choose credible websites on the Internet that will help me compose, edit, and publish my writing.
· I can use proper keyboarding skills to compose and prepare my writing for publication.
· I collaborate with peers, teachers, and others to produce and publish my writing.
Use Research Skills / W.4.9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. / · I can define textual evidence.
· I can determine textual evidence that supports my analysis, reflection, and/or research.
· I can compose written responses and include textual evidence to strengthen my analysis, reflection, and/or research.
LANGUAGE ARTSCommon Core Standards / Suggested Learning Targets / Assessment Ideas / Date/Task
Conventions of English / L.4.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. / · I can use accurate punctuation. (e.g. question mark in a question sentence)
· I can use capital letters appropriately. / Writing samples
Patterns of Spelling / L.4.2. Demonstrate accurate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling / · I can use conventions to send a clear message to my reader.
· I can explain the functions of (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs).
· I can use regular and irregular plural nouns.
· I spell high frequency grade-level words accurately in my writing. / Writing samples
Acquires New Vocabulary / L.4.3
Use knowledge of language and its conventions / · I choose punctuation for effect.
· I differentiate between situations that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion). / Writing samples
Determine the meaning of unknown words using a range of strategies / · I can describe what figurative words and phrases mean.
· I can describe the difference between literal and non-literal meaning of words and phrases in context. (e.g.,take steps)
· I can identify real-life connections between words and their uses. (e.g., describe people who are friendly orhelpful)
· I can identify synonyms. (e.g.,knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered).
Use domain-specific words / I can accurately use 4th grade academic vocabulary to express my ideas.
Common Core Standards / Suggested Learning Targets / Assessment Ideas / Date/Task
SL.4.3. Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail / · I can ask questions about information someone shares from a book.
· I can answer questions about information I share from a book. / Small group literary discussions
(book clubs)
1 / ELA Evidence of Learning/October, 2013