City Of Raleigh
North Carolina
Do you know an employer, business, agency or an individual whose work in the community should be recognized? If so, here is your opportunity to submit a nomination to acknowledge their work.
Attached you will find the eleven nomination forms for the 2013 Raleigh Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities Awards. All nominations will be considered and the recipients of the 2013 Awards will be honored at a presentation from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at the North Carolina Museum of Art (East Building: Blue Ridge Atrium). Lunch will be served.
The Raleigh Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities embraces the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and therefore in fulfillment of its mission is a strong supporter of the choices made by people with disabilities to participate in the employment, economic, social and political life of Raleigh. As a demonstration of its commitment to its mission the Raleigh Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities annually acknowledges employers, businesses, agencies and individuals in the Raleigh community whose work reveals an understanding of the value and full meaning of access to employment, business, local government services and the community as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, September 6, 2013. Other vital details are included in each nomination packet. For questions, please contact James Benton, (919) 715-0172.
In advance, thank you for submitting your nomination to highlight the important work in our community.
James Benton, Chair
Raleigh Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities