"4-H 101" Mixer

Directions: Find people who can answer each of the blanks below. Use each person only one time. Introduce yourselves as you have that person sign your form.

1. _________________________ Is a new 4-H parent

2. _________________________ Has at least 2 children in 4-H

3. _________________________ Knows the name of their child's 4-H Leader

4. _________________________ Knows which 4-H projects their children are taking this year

5. _________________________ Is a former 4-H member

6. _________________________ Is a current 4-H Jr. Leader

7. _________________________ Is a volunteer in the NAME County 4-H Program

8. _________________________ Would like to be a 4-H Volunteer in the future

9. _________________________ Has been to the NAME County 4-H Fair before

10._________________________ Knows where their 4-H Handbook is located

11._________________________ Can name at least 5 4-H projects

12._________________________ Has been to a 4-H Club meeting this year

13._________________________ Knows where the NAME County Extension Office is located

14._________________________ Has seen the 4-H Calendar in a local newspaper

15._________________________ Can name at least one of the four "H"'s in 4-H

16._________________________ Knows the 4-H motto

17._________________________ Knows which University administers the 4-H


18._________________________ Can name one of the 4-H Trips offered

19._________________________ Is looking forward to helping their child in 4-H this year

20._________________________ Is confused about 4-H