Geography: Where in the World is Barnaby Bear Primary 2

Arrange for Barnaby Bear to be taken with historical figures covered in History, parents, children, staff or governors when they visit places away from school, and for him to send postcards back to school or be photographed in these places.


Children should learn:
·  A Passport: Why and when do we need to use one.
·  Do you need to use a passport to reach the country you have chosen to visit.
·  Identify types of weather experienced in places, seasonal change and their effects on people. Know the type of weather gear you may need for each country.
·  about the location of other places and different ways of traveling to them and develop a sense of distance associated with travel.
·  about the types of transport used to get to other places and that different types of transport will give different travel times.
·  Ask the children to look at pictures of Barnaby using different types of transport and the places he visited and, for each, say whether it is a long way away, whether he would have to cross sea, mountains or rivers, or drive along a motorway, and then decide what would be the best way for him to travel to the place.
·  are aware of similarities and differences between other countries and their own
·  Ask the children to draw a graph to show the number of times Barnaby used different types of transport in a given time and find out which type of transport

Resouces indicated in blue attached to hard copy.

Lesson 1 Introduction
Obtain a teddy to serve as Barnaby Bear and place in Classroom.
Countries to be visited.
A Passport: What it is and why we need one.
Maps and how to read the keys on a map.
A compass and why and when it is used.
Finding countries on a world map.
Identify a variety of places around the world that we will visit. Begin to understand the concept of visiting these countries and understand that they may be different from our own locality in some ways and similar in others.
Cross curriculum (optional use)
Math: currency used by the different countries.
History: Famous people of the past and present of country visited.
Music: Music from the different countries to teach rhythm, movement, about different instruments,
Circle Time: How to relate to blind people, how do blind people read and find their way when walking around. / Lesson 2 How to find places on a map. Passports and why we need them.
Obtain a collection of pictures, photographs, postcards, artifacts and brochures from Consulates, Embassies and Travel Agents on the particular countries to be studied.
With the children's help, create a wall display of the postcards and photographs and a series of maps that identify Barnaby's particular chosen destinations. Lower attaining children may be asked to sort the cards or photographs into labelled piles, eg local/not local, like/don't like, sunny/cloudy. The display area could also be developed and built up on the wall as Barnaby travels from one country to the next.
Arrange children into groups: each group to take on the role of looking after Barnaby's corner or 'home' for a time. He needs a suitable home to be constructed in a prominent place.
Cross Curriculum:
Art: Make a Barnaby Bear Word Card – Children to write any new words they come across during any of the lessons onto the card to build up a collection of useful words.
Assessment: Discussion on the purpose and means of a passport.
Lesson 3 First country to be visited.
(Teacher to select country to be visited prior to lesson)
Making use of a map – children to indicate where Hong Kong is in relation to country visited.
Cross Curriculum
Art: Draw a compass and show the different directions
Literacy: Write new words on Barnaby new words card.
Children find out about the past through role play and drama.
Assessment: Children to colour a map indicating position of selected country to the rest of the world.
Lesson 5 Continuation of Lesson 3
Capital city, rivers, lakes and mountain ranges of the country.
Fauna and Flora of the country.
Culture and customs of the country.
Information in support of the above.
Cross Curriculum:
Literacy: shared writing: Create a story about life in the day of a child in the country they visit.
Template for shared writing
Music, Art, Drama and role play. Communicate their learning through role play to the rest of the school at assembly. / Lesson 4 Continuation of lesson 3
Weather of the country: Sample weather report for 10 days
Diary Time and ITC: Provide a weather report by predicting what you think the weather will be like. Checking online what the weather is in that country on that particular day and compare this with what you thought the weather would be like.
Cross Curriculum:
Math: Do a weather graph to indicate what the weather was like over a period of 10 days. How many sunny days were there, rainy days, cloudy days etc
Cross Curriculum:
Music and PE: Dance and movement to folk or traditional music from country visted. Ie Find ideas by looking up the Findhorn Foundation: Universal Peace Dance or Circle Dance based on dance and movement based on Folk Dances from across the world. Circle Dance to Pachabell’s Canon.
Art:. Explore creative art through listening to Folk Music from country selected. Children listen to music and draw what comes to mind.
Literacy: Conducting an interview with a famous person of country visited.
Lesson 7 Continuation of Lesson 3
Architecture found in the country.
Means of transport within the country.
How do we reach this country from where we are?
Art and music of the country.
Currency used in the country.
Information in support of the above.
Cross Curriculum
Art: Colour paper collages of animals, maps, famous paintings like the Mona Lisa etc. Sculptures of clay
Assessment: Questionnaire/Quizz to be completed relating to work covered during previous lesson
Lesson 8 Continuation of Lesson 3
Food of the country.
How do people dress in the country.
Important places to visit in the country.
People of the country – a well known person past and present of the country.
Information to be provided to support above lesson.
Loop in with word done about Florence Nightingale, later when Literacy Unit including Helen Keller is done towards the end of the year. Enabling one to draw all work of the year together to conclude with fun ways of revision.
Decorations on class room walls could be used.
Mary Seacole – nurse during the time of Florence
Edison - globe
Joan Frances Champolion – first westerner to decipher the hieroglyphics.
Alaxander Graham Bell - telephone
Helen Keller – paved the way for blind and deaf people
Braille – system for blind people to read. / Lesson 9 First country visited - conclusion.
Shared writing:
Children to list similarities and differences under the headings of Same and Different. Make a list of things chosen to compare. Commas and lists.
Read a story/legend or extract from a book related to that particular country.
Lesson 9 Second country to be visited.
Use same format as first country visted. / Lesson 10 Second country to be visited.
Lesson 11 Second country to be visited. / Lesson 12 Second country to be visited.
Lesson 13 Second country to be visited. / Lesson 14 Second country to be visited.