The Long Prayer

The Roundabout and the Budgerigar

‘Soy Era Immculada Concepcio’

Walsingham Pilgrimage 2017

Inscribed inside the base of The Chalice:

Merci a:

‘Soy Era Immaculada Concepcio’

The Chalice bears a gemstone to remind us of Marys Tears.

Mary loves you

As you would wish

A mother

To love a child

Mary caru chi

Fel y byddech

yn dymuno

I fam I garu plentyn

Marie liebt sie

Wie sie es sich wunschen wurden

Eine mutter

Ein kind zu lieben


With heart wide open

Listen to The Spirit

And so be empowered

To do His Will

It is not the accuracy of the words we write but the humility and perseverance with which we choose to pursue our relationship with God that results in our being led towards understanding of the enduring truths offered us by Jesus Christ.

Hail Mary full of Grace

The Lord is with thee

Blessed art thou amongst Women

And Blessed is the fruit of Thy Womb


Holy Mary Mother of God

Pray for us sinners now

And at the hour of our death


We will work together side by side

May the fruits of The Immaculate-Conception inspire

May Marys Tears be Shed

For the sake of children born and unborn damaged by another

We are equals

As a result of my nurture and birth

I have the opportunity to make my choices

To enable such opportunities for others

Neither authority nor right to deny such to another

May All Love Open Up Each’s Rights In Birth-Eternity

Make me a channel of Your Peace

Were there is hatred

Let me bring Your Love

Where there is injury

Your Pardon Lord

And where there’s doubt

True faith in You

Make me a channel of Your Peace

Where there’s despair in life

Let me bring hope

Where there’s darkness

Only Light

And where there’s sadness

Ever joy

Oh Master

Grant that I may never seek

So much to be consoled

As to console

To be understood

as to understand

To be loved as to love

With all my soull

Make me a channel of Your Peace

It is in pardoning

That we are pardoned

In giving to all men

That we receive

And in dying that we’re

Born to eternal life

When these events have disturbed me, it is because I have had to curb my impatience and

listen, (not to myself).

If you are busy then at the end, you will find my best efforts to summarise events. I hope you will choose to read my account, I am confident this will be time well spent, the more so, if, like St. Francis and me, you are fond of the animals of God's Creation.

My school education started in the care of St. Geraldine. She was firm and kind, encouraged me in- faith, reading, writing and arithmetic. From there I was passed to the care of Miss .....and the Headmaster Mr......

My mother used to recall with affection that one Sunday an electric fuse blew in the house (perhaps I was seven years old) my father, a Physics master, whilst mending the fuse, explained its function. Several days later, a fuse blew at school, whilst mending the fuse, the Headmaster said; that if any pupil could explain how a fuse worked, he would stay behind after school, to play marbles. My mother being anxious that I was late home, hurried to school and on the way met one of the nuns, who told her not to be alarmed for I was in good hands and clearly winning marbles, from the headmaster.

From there my school care passed to the Convent of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Francis.

Now this seems so appropriate and it is a dear wish of mine that in time, the nuns may know my thanks and Great Peace.

Then to the care of the Institute of Charity for whom

"MARY THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION" is a particular feast.

So to Oxford, where I studied Physics, by the end of the course, after reflection and prayer, I knew it was for me to study Medicine.

After several years as a Doctor in General Practice, I was asked to attend a Medical Physics conference in Rome. Rome being near to ASSISI, I readily accepted.

St. Francis has long been my favourite Saint and often inspired me; with his enthusiasm and faith, he seems so easily to avoid the inappropriate clutter of the world and it seems in our world, so easy to be lost in the clutter of our time. So, this was, for me, an important visit.

Approximately two years ago I felt that it was time to reflect. Many Medical skills have

been developed but are they being used appropriately?

I went to Lourdes and took with me a bundle of problems particularly relating to birth and what is happening to Our Children.

I spent this time with a varied group of folk, those seeking truth through their intellect,

those helping as they could where spirituality seemed absent - all encouraged me.

I record a few events;

A nun - who had retired - I am sure she was aware of my experiences

A doctor - who on the bus, to work at the airport, led us in the rosary, this seemed a

tremendous recognition of faith; that we should approach Our Lady together this way.

I was asked as a doctor to wear a badge and join in the first group in the processions. I

refused to do so and wore the badge under my lapel, should a doctor be needed.

I was cross with the organisation which required us to spend days learning basic

skills before we could work with the sick, for this seemed to keep us away from Our

Lady and the purpose of our visit (perhaps good for ones humility). I suggested that

novices should be guided by an experienced and trusted helper.

I was cross but aware of much good will.

Mass in the underground Basilica was preceeded by an Italian Pilgrimage,

advancing down the hill together, chanting "Ave.' Ave. Ave Maria". Such

enthusiasm (with affection I was reminded of a Chelsea v West Ham derby match I

had attended in London).

On duty at the baths I was surprised when a young couple who were bringing their

child to be close to Mary, were told that only one parent would be allowed to

accompany the child; after some discussion the decision was reversed.

On duty In the baths, I helped a huge and cheerful Italian to assist people into the

water, then I helped a young man to undress for the baths, he was paralysed down

one side, he seemed full of anguish and reluctant to undress; I was determined not

to interfere with his pilgrimage and eventually asked the cheerful Italian if he

would like to help his fellow countryman. No he replied: "He has trust

in you'

Eventually he entered the water and on leaving still seemed unhappy. I was upset

that I may have caused harm. Later the small priest with the group warmly

embraced me and thanked me for my help.

Next day walking through the Domain I saw the young man sitting on a bench.

Half of his face smiled with exhilaration (as I understood) that we had shared this


I spent evenings with the 'thinking drinkers' (we had to leave before the hotel

closed at 23OO - a good thing )

After several days for the first time in a long time I was ready to attend

confession, afterwards I spent an hour in the chapel below the Basilica; from then

on, I found myself close to Our Lady - so close, that I knew that the next time we

were to meet it would not be a new experience.

Later she gave me this message:




After reflection I decided that this meant that I should do what I can to help mothers

love children. I did not feel that I should make any fuss.

On returning home, my parents returned from a boat trip on the Rhine - following

my fathers illness. He told me how he was moved by Our Lady in Triere. We

shared a strong spiritual awareness.

I asked my parish priest that a chalice be dedicated to:


I returned to my work encouraged.

On...... my wife and I were married. Our first child is expected in about 10 days. With much love as I am sure you will see - I write these lines in haste, for if I don't, as my wife will tell you, I shall soon forget, for I do want to share this time closely with her and our child.

Recently, my much loved mother became poorly and with my doctor's experience, I realised that her condition was potentially not likely (in medical expectations) to settle - rather earlier than did my family. With my heart slowly breaking, I tried to prepare myself and my family for the days ahead.

Easily I made peace with my courageous and loved mother - but was surprised that she did not warmly return my affection as had always been the way in the past; throughout she was looking after us with that mother's love. Later, I realised that she was, before passing on, giving me to my wife.

Approximately twenty minutes before she passed on, my wife and I tried to lift her in the bed; recognising my wife, she told her that in her condition it was not for her to attempt to lift her.

On the morning my mother passed along, I was once more aware of Mary.

"More gentle than a Summer breeze.

More gentle than the fragrance of Spring flowers."

She and my mother passed along together , they didn ' t stop to introduce themselves or talk - with no fuss they seemed to carry on with love. For a few moments , I paused and knew that I should carry on I did not decide but went to the outhouses where I had been making a crib for our child - I finished sanding it down and applied a coat of woodstain.

Whilst working, I paused and was aware of something that gave me, and always will, much encouragement.


As the days passed to the day of my mothers funeral I reflected on these words and

experiences - trusting that I would have the courage to tell this to those gathered at the funeral.

I found the courage as I shall explain later and on the special day of my mother's funeral, knew God was with us and there was much reason for hope.

I asked two priests of the College that those words of Mary may be at College.

My wife and I returned here the next day to prepare ourselves for our expected baby.

Feeling pride, warmth and confidence in all our family - my wife's parents joined -us.

A time of much love.

(When the children had attended Communion at my mother's funeral mass, as they passed, I prayed that each may have a mother to, love them as mother loves us, they were there from many parts of the world).

We returned home - recently two baby budgies had arrived successfully in our

aviary. I noticed that the first had flown the nest.

During this time, the dogs had behaved well, keeping close to my wife in a kind and gentle way.

Next morning, one was very anxious around one end of the aviary.

I investigated and found the younger chick had apparently tried to copy the older and fallen behind the cage - so it seemed that our dog saved the budgie - I thought again of St. Francis.

Thus a Pudding Parable

It seems that the development of the Mystical Body is similar to making a Pudding

Raisins ( mankind) may choose to become ingredients and in the Dough (Spirituality)join and share with other raisins ( The Church on Earth) and pursue His Will by following the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

The more the raisins mix with the Dough the more do they become involved in Spirituality and through Prayer, Sacraments and activities, develop, by the Power of the Holy Spirit their relationship with The Almighty and in due course take their place in Eternity as the cake is baked.

Jesus and Mary spent time with the raisins and through Their Choice and example showed us how we may partake in the Mystical Body.

Mary prepared for Jesus time on an earth corrupted by sin.

It being appropriate that Jesus should arrive on earth uncorrupted by Original Sin the Church (eg Duns Scotus) pursued insight as to the Nature of Christs Conception and Birth, in due course leading to the Dogma of The Immaculate (Sinless ) Conception of Mary.

Does the Nature of the Immaculate Conception derive from the raisins or The Dough?

Surely from The Dough? ie Gods Spirtual Eternity.

Thus it seems through reflection and prayer that the Holy Spirit may increase our insight to and harmony with ,the Nature of the Immaculate Conception and should we reflect on the events of Lourdes, the Nature of Our Lady of Lourdes


Issues are different to those that occurred before the time of St. Bernadette at Lourdes and we are assured that the Lord will always protect his Church. Through the message of Lourdes he has done this.

On the morning of my mother's funeral, I did for a short while understand rather than believe:


I shall try to explain but do not adhere to the words for even then it was difficult to use the correct words.

I was aware of Mary's words and thought; which mother? She in Bethlehem, or here and now - my mother? The child in the crib in Bethlehem, or, the crib I am making. Joseph Is a carpenter -? or, was in bethlehem? I returned to my mother and Mary passing along, together? no - that wasn't how - of; that was closer.

Boundaries and distinctions seemed to fade as understanding of the unity of the Mystical body of God developed. The propagation of this was clearly through conception and so Interference with conception disrupts the generation of the mystical body and is a barrier to the progress of individuals during their time of life.

This does not explain the Immaculate Conception as I understood it on the day of my mothers funeral, though I can draw some conclusions and observe.

The words of Mary helped me towards understanding the Immaculate Conception as did the experience making the crib, maybe they can help others too.

It is important (and this is my prayer) that others may also understand this mystery and be able to encourage those who believe - that our children may be cared for.

My final observation - when you come to the top of a pyramid if you choose the wrong stones then the top one does not fit and strengthen the others. If you choose correctly, then they all support and strengthen each other, in understanding the Immaculate Conception, the mystery of the Trinity was confirmed and seemed easier. The Resurrection of Our Lord was confirmed in that death as often described in this world was hard to understand.

re: The Immaculate Conception

In considering the Immaculate Conception my endeavours to find out more have been largely unsuccessful and so I have moved along a path unmonitored by the Christian fraternity and am just a little concerned that I may isolate myself inappropriately. I would be grateful for any comments you might feel appropriate.

I enclose writings of two different origins, one a copy of a rewrite of experiences which were to me the most gentle and helpful of my personal spiritual experiences to date, written without consideration as from the heart the other commentary as follows, my endeavours to progress from that experience.

The document is a rewrite to introduce anonymity'. if the experience were beneficial to others ,then I should in duty pass it on but should not draw inappropriate attention to myself so to date I have shared the experience in this form with others on a one to one basis.

What follows are edited bits and pieces from disjointed writings, I have made on this matter, I'm sure you will see that my theme is not always clear.(despite the efforts of my Latin master I still have difficulty at times distinguishing between nominative and accusative)

In the development of the Christian Church there are perhaps two main lines of consideration of Mary, one largely within the Catholic church in which the Church its members and theologians have endeavoured to increase understanding of the nature of Our Lady(Mariology),containing dogmatic statements by the church, the other rather contradictory suggesting that Mary has been approached in an idolatrous fashion reacting against Her and largely discounting her role (how sad).

It seems to me that if I were to read the New Testament and exclude all except that which

records Jesus actions and statements, then I miss much.

If I observe a house only from the front, I learn only a limited amount about its nature ,if I look from the sides and the back then I may learn more. as do I learn more of Jesus if I look at his relationships with others, no one more so than his beloved Mother.

The idea that Mary could be given a role competitive with God seems to me to collapse, for whilst she plays a part in Jesus nurturing in all aspects, her position would be without purpose without the Initiation and Creation of Almighty God.