Globalization: The Challenge to America

1.  Watch the presentation Did You Know 3.0 and read the article Globalization: The Challenge to America by Thomas L. Friedman.

2.  Answer the following questions1:

a.  Why do American companies hire employees in India and China?
Why have countries like India, China, and Russia become global competitors?
Why is America falling behind other countries in supplying knowledge workers?
What implications does globalization have for American workers?

b.  How have computers and the Internet made the world a smaller place? What effect have they had on the workplace?

c.  Have students check the tags in their shirts. Where were they made?

1Friedman, Thomas L. “Globalization: The Challenge to America”. The New York Times Upfront. 2005. <>
It’s Not Your Parents’ World

1.  View the video It’s Not Your Parents’ World in the CareerForward Program.
It is located in “Module Two: Frame It Up” on Page #2 under
Framing Question 2 (FQ2): “Will I do the same kind of work throughout my life?”

2.  Answer the following questions2:

·  What are some examples of technologies that exist now that didn’t exist back then and what changes have occurred because of them?

·  What might happen in the next 20 years?

2CareerForward. Michigan Virtual University. 2006-2007. <>

How Has the Economy Become Global?

1.  View the video How Has the Economy Become Global? in the CareerForward Program.
It is located in “Module Two: Frame It Up” on Page #3 under
Framing Question 3 (FQ3): “How is the world of work changing?”

2.  Answer the following questions2:

·  What are some examples of how today’s economy has become global?

·  What changes have occurred because of it?

3CareerForward. Michigan Virtual University. 2006-2007. <>

Yong Zhao – Working in Today’s Global Economy

3.  View the video Yong Zhao, university distinguished professor, Working in Today’s Global Economy in the CareerForward Program.
It is located in “Module Two: Frame It Up” on Page #4 under
Framing Question 3 (FQ3): “How is the world of work changing?”

4.  Answer the following question2:

·  What different kinds of skills will you need to live and work in the global economy?

3CareerForward. Michigan Virtual University. 2006-2007. <>

Using Technology in Career Exploration 7 Oakland Schools

Instructional Module 1 (Part 1) 1.1 Resource January 2010 D