Descriptor Code: FBA
All pupils are covered by the compulsory attendance law between the ages of seven and sixteen years. The law also provides that the public school shall be free to all persons between the ages of six and twenty-one.
The State of North Dakota also sets the age at which children may legally enter first grade in the schools of the state. As a consequence, the age of a child entering kindergarten must be one calendar year younger than that age set for entry into grade one.
Children who are entering kindergarten or first grade for the first time must present birth certificates or other legal proof of age. At other levels, official transfer papers from other districts will serve as proof of age.
Children in need of special education services will begin receiving services at age three as mandated by state and federal law.
Legal Ref: P.L. 94-142 Education for all Handicapped Children
NDCC Chapter 15.1-20 School Attendance NDCC Chapter 15.1-32 Special Education
NDCC Chapter 15.1-06 Schools
Descriptor Code: FBB
The St. John School District #3 is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all students. Discrimination on the basis of sex, race, creed, marital status, age, handicap, national origin or color is prohibited.
The school system shall establish and maintain an atmosphere in which all persons can develop attitudes and skills for effective, cooperative living, including;
· Respect for the individual regardless of economic status, physical or intellectual ability, race, creed, color, religion, sex, or age;
· Respect for cultural differences;
· Respect for economic, political, and social rights of others; and
· Respect for the rights of others to seek and maintain their own identities.
The school system shall strive to remove all vestiges of prejudice and discrimination in location and use of facilities; in curriculum development and instructional materials; and in the availability of appropriate programs for children.
The school system shall continue to reexamine thoroughly all parts of the curriculum to make sure the instructional materials accurately portray the history, contributions, and culture of the various ethnic groups in our society.
To ensure implementation of this policy, the Superintendent will:
· Appoint an affirmative action officer
· Develop a complaint and appeals procedure for use by any student who believes that he or she has been discriminated against, denied a benefit or excluded from participation in a district education program or activity on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status or handicapping condition.
Descriptor Code: FBBC
This District affirms the right of every child, including the handicapped, to a free and appropriate education.
Legal Ref: P.L. 94-142 Education for all Handicapped Cat
20 USC 1412 (1) 1912 [2(B)] Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
34 CFR 300.121-122 Regulations
NDCC Chapter 15.1-32 Special Education
Descriptor Code: FBBE
The St. John School District #3 in the County of Rolette, State of North Dakota, supports the provisions of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which commit all schools to the elimination of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap and in those programs and activities offered to its students. It is the expressed intent of St. John School District #3 to provide equal opportunity for all students, free from limitations of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap.
This concept of equal opportunity will serve as a guide to the Governing Board, the Administration, and Staff in making decisions related to the employment of personnel, school facilities, curriculum, activities and regulations affecting students.
A copy of the Board policy is available for review in each school building administrative office (See Policy FBB).
Any student of the District who believes he/she has been discriminated against, denied a benefit, or excluded from participation in a District education program or activity, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicapping condition, may file a written complaint with the compliance administrator or follow other procedures outlined in the complaint procedure.
The compliance administrator for Board Policy dealing with these policies is
Donald L. Davis, Superintendent
P.O. Box 200
St. John, ND 58369
Descriptor Code: FBB-R
Any person who believes himself or any specific class of individuals to be subjected to discrimination in employment or in any of the programs or activities of St. John School District #3 may file a complaint as follows:
A formal written complaint may be filed with the District compliance officer who has been designated as the person responsible for coordinating the efforts of St. John School District #3 to comply with the Equal Opportunity Policy, including the investigation of complains alleging noncompliance.
To be considered for investigation, any such complaint must have been filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged occurrence of discrimination. A formal written complaint must be filed as state above, prior to the filing of an appeal as outlined below.
When a formal written complaint has been filed and a response from the appropriate person has been received by the complainant as outlined above, and the complainant believes the rejection of the complaint or the remedies suggested are not equitable, the complainant may, within 30 days of the filing of the original complaint, file a formal written appeal. Such appeal should be filed with the Business Manager of the School Board of the St. John School District #3 or with the State Department of Public Instruction. Upon receipt of an appeal, a date shall be fixed for a hearing to be held not less than 20 calendar days after the receipt of the appeal. Both the School Board and the complainant shall have the right to:
· Be represented by counsel;
· Introduce all relevant evidence on the issue;
· Take direct testimony of any witness, given orally under oath or affirmation;
· Cross-examine witness on any matter material to the proceeding without regard to the scope of his/her direct examination;
· Have the records of the proceedings retained either by tape and/or other notes;
In addition to the above specified procedural rights, the provisions applicable to Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964 as found at 45 CFR sections 80.6 – 80.11 and 45 CRF Part 81 are also made applicable to Formal Appeals under Title IX.
Any employee of St. John School District #3 shall be entitled to submit any complaint of alleged discrimination on the basis of sex or handicapping condition directly to the Regional Office for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Human Services by sending said complaint to:
Room 34
Federal Building
1961 Stout Street
Denver, Colorado 80294
(303) 844-4957
Legal Ref: 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title V
1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII
Executive Order 11246, as amended
1972 Educational Amendments, Title IX
45 CFR Part 86 regulations
1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503
1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 504
45 CFR Part 84 Regulations
NDCC Chapter 14-02.04 Discrimination
Descriptor Code: FBC
The parents or guardian of each child admitted to the St. John Public School shall present a certification from a licensed physician or authorized representative of the State Department of Health that the child has received immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, rubella, German measles, mumps and poliomyelitis.
Legal Ref: NDCC Chapter 23-07 Reportable Diseases
Descriptor Code: FBD
1. Students requesting a transfer after the first ten (10) days of the school term will be requested to enroll at the start of the next semester and remain at the sending school until the start of said semester unless a full agreement has been negotiated by school personnel from both schools including principals, appropriate counselors, parents and students.
2. The negotiated agreement must be completed between schools for the first ten (10) days of the school term utilizing the people indicated.
3. Students will not be accepted after the first ten (10) days of the semester.
4. Any student who has a school expulsion will not be accepted.
5. Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the former school.
6. All transfer students will be placed on a one (1) semester probation period. If the school has any problems with the student during probation, the school can hold a hearing to determine if the child should be removed from the St. John school system.
7. The admitting school shall notify the sending school of the date of enrollment of the new student.
8. If within five (5) days after the transfer approval, the student(s) has failed to enroll in the St. John School or notification has not been received from the sending school, the transfer approval shall be null and void. If the students wish to enroll at a later date, a new Tuition Agreement must be filled out and submitted.
The admitting school must have a recent transcript from the previously attended school and a copy of all the student(s) files.
Legal Ref: NDCC Chapter 15.1-29 Nonresident tuition and
Descriptor Code: FBDA
Recognizing that foreign exchange students are a valuable learning resource for both the incoming students and the student body of St. John High School and in the interest of experience for both groups, the St. John Board of Education and in the interest of experience for both groups, the St. John Board of Education has adopted the following policy regarding foreign exchange students.
This policy was effective May 30th, 1992, and began with the 1992-93 school year.
St. John High School recommends the admittance of only two (2) foreign students per school year, with each student being from different geographic location (continent).
Exchange students will be placed at grade level according to their age.
Upon completion of a successful year of attending the St. John Public School system (passing classes), each exchange student will receive an honorary award at the school districts annul awards banquet. Foreign exchange students will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony unless they have met the graduation requirements set by St. John School District #3 and the State of North Dakota.
All exchange students requesting admittance to St. John Public School must contact school officials prior to the student’s admittance for approval from the Superintendent and School Board.
We strongly encourage careful screening of students to insure that these youngsters able to communicate in the English language.
Foreign exchange students will not be eligible to receive Salutatorian or Valedictorian honors when they have met the graduation requirements set by the St. John School District #3 and the State of North Dakota.
Adoption Date: 11/19/91
Descriptor Code: FBE
Placement, promotion, retention and acceleration shall be made in the best interests of the student after a careful evaluation of all the factors relating to the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives. The educational program shall provide for the continuous progress of children from grade to grade. A student’s achievement of the skills for the grade to which he/she is assigned and his/her readiness for work at the next grade level shall be required before he/she is assigned to the higher grade.
In evaluating student achievement, each teacher shall make use of all available information, including results of teacher-made tests and other measures of skill and content of student performance. Whenever retention is being considered, the teacher shall confer with the principal and other staff members involved with the child. The parents shall be invited to a meeting with the teacher, principal, Superintendent, and other staff members as early as possible. Discussion shall consist of an explanation to the parents of their child’s current academic standing and individual ability. The final decision whether or not to retain a student shall be made by the principal after consultation with the parents.
Similarly, acceleration or double promotion will be used only after consultation with all staff members involved with the child and with the parents. The principal shall make the final decision.
Every effort shall be made to identify special needs and talents of children early in their school careers so appropriate placements can be made.
The St. John School District #3 supports and promotes programs which will assist students in being successful in school. It is their intent that each student should advance one grade for each year in school. Every effort will be made by giving special help, doing special programming, and holding conferences with parents and professionals to promote this concept; however, we also realize a child has the right to fail. When a student has no met the minimum standards established for a grade of a subject, that student can fail and can also re retained in the same grade more than one year.
Cross Ref: Policy FC Attendance
Legal Ref: NDCC Chapter 15.1-09 School Boards
NDCC Chapter 15.1-19 Students and Safety
Descriptor Code: FBFA
Every effort should be made and every agency utilized in improving the holding power of the District’s school. Every student should be counseled as soon as he/she is detected to be a potential drop-out. When teachers become aware of a pupil showing drop-out tendency they will notify the guidance counselor and principal. Parents of the student will be notified by the principal.
Alternatives to regular attendance should be used in so for as they are effective and in accordance with state law in an effort to maintain and further the education of students who find it impossible to attend the regular school session.
Legal Ref: NDCC Chapter 15.1-09 School Boards
NDCC Chapter 15.1-19 Students and Safety
NDCC Chapter 15.1-21 Curriculum and Testing
NDCC Chapter 15.1-27 State Aid
Descriptor Code: FC
Attendance in class is necessary for students to get the most possible out of the opportunity to attend school. Without regular attendance, it is impossible for students to do their best work.
Students under sixteen years of age are required by state law to attend school unless they are ill or have been excused. Students who are ill should stay home and rest until well, since satisfactory work cannot be done while sick.
Students are expected to bring notes from home, or parents should call verifying their awareness of the absence. If this is not done, the parent will be called whenever possible or otherwise notified of the absence. This will apply whether the absence is for one day or several days.