Third Exodus Assembly


This message entitled, Predators And Their Prey Pt. 1has been taken from a recorded sermon and printed by members of the Third Exodus Assembly.

This messagewas preached in Trinidad by Bro. Vin. A. Dayal andput into book form solely for the believers of the local Assembly.

Should this book fall into the hands of other believers, please note that it is not meant to promote any special person or doctrine, but only that it might edify the reader and cause to have greater faith in the message of the hour brought to us by God’s prophet, Bro. William Branham.

This book is made available by free-will contributions from members of the Third Exodus Assembly and is distributed free of charge.



The Devouring Of The Whole Earth And The Methods By Which It Is Being Accomplished

You know, when you read things like that it challenges you as a believer. Because if God says, “A beast is devouring the earth,” what does it mean to devour the earth? How does one devour the earth? Does it mean to eat up plants and eat up grass? What does it mean? Remember the earth is made up of the kingdoms, nations in the earth and they are symbolised by animals and birds. How many know that? Every nation has a Coat of Arms. That is why here in the book of Daniel, one was a lion, one was a leopard and one was a bear. It’s just like Australia is a kangaroo, Trinidad is the Flamingo and Scarlet Ibis, America is an eagle, Persia is a ram and Greece is a goat. Kingdoms are symbolised. Why? Because Adam was a king over a kingdom and Adam’s kingdom in symbol back there in type as God put it in the Bible, he had dominion over all the beasts of the earth. In the restored Eden, Christ has dominion – “The kingdom of this world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ,” the last Adam. So it’s in symbol.

And you see the beasts in the earth, the predators are seeing a beast there but when they see that beast, that’s a resource to them; that’s an energy supply. Do you get that? You did not get that. Why do you think a lion goes to hunt an Impala? He needs energy. How does he get energy? By devouring that next beast! That beast is necessary for his survival. He is devouring the earth. The ‘lion’ is devouring the kingdom.

Predators And Their Prey Pt. 1 2003-0309


The Devouring Of The Whole Earth And The Methods By Which It Is Being Accomplished




[Song #996, Songs That Live –Ed.]

A snow-white Dove

Flew into my heart,

Saying don’t worry My child,

All is well.

Oh, sing it again, “A snow-white Dove.” That’s the Holy Spirit.

A snow-white Dove

Flew into my heart

Saying don’t worry My child,

All is well.

Hallelujah. John said, “I saw and I bore record that I saw the Spirit of God coming down in the form of a dove;” coming upon that Lamb that stood in the Jordan. And when he saw that Dove coming upon that Lamb he said, “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.” It took the Holy Spirit to reveal Who He was. Not even the prophet knew who the Word was but it took the Spirit to reveal to the prophet that, “This is the Word. This is the Messiah.” It is still the same today friends. That’s why we need this Holy Spirit. That’s why we don’t want our service to be without the Holy Spirit. When we come and gather together, “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there I am in the midst,” we want to know and be sensitive that He is here. How many knows that He promised to be here? How many knows He keeps His promises? That’s the God we serve. He keeps those promises. And when we come and gather together like this, then we are conscious, we know how to entertain His presence; we know how to draw near to Him; we know how to conduct ourselves in the house of God. As Paul told Timothy, “Teach them that they may know how to behave themselves in the house of God.” What a great thing it is. David said, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into His house” because going into His house meant coming where the presence of God was and where they could worship God. ’Today the house is not that kind of house. We are that house today, amen. And as we come and gather together, this great Holy Spirit Who lives and reigns, this great Eternal One is here among us. And what a consolation that is because whatever we have need of, He is here present-tense to supply these things. Amen.

The Prophet said, “It is not like God just set everything in place and laid back and looked to what man would do.” No! He said, “That’s the thought that many intellectual people have of God; an impersonal God” but God is present every day in the midst of His children. “My Father worketh and I worketh hitherto.” Amen. And He is here among them, the great Shepherd of the sheep walking in the midst of the sheep, ministering and caring for His flock that, through the Blood of the everlasting covenant, the great Shepherd Who laid down His Life for His sheep, is gathering those sheep together in this hour that there might be one Shepherd and one flock. Can we recognize that this is what is happening?

The Ever-present God; Israel was journeying under that prophet message and they saw that Pillar of Fire hanging there. They camped and they saw that Pillar of Fire hanging there. When they were sick, they saw that Pillar of Fire hanging there to heal them. When they had battles, they saw that Pillar of Fire hanging there. When they had their physical needs to be met, they saw that Pillar of Fire hanging there, producing these things. Moses said, “Lord if You don’t go, then I’m not going up.” Amen. Brother, he had come to a place where he knew that without God he could not do anything. Whenthat same God came in flesh He told them the same thing, “Without Me, you cannot do anything.” How many wants to disprove God and tell Him that He is wrong this morning? When coming to His Word friends, what God wants is a surrendered heart and that’s what we are desiring; to come and surrender ourselves.

We have a little dedication here. If they would bring this baby and as a man what could we do? Maybe we’ll say a prayer, go through a routine, lay our hands on it in a symbolic way and trust something happens. But when parents come and they know they are walking in that Word, they know God gave conception, God made the wife fruitful, God is giving more ornaments to put around their table; children like olive plants, the wife like a fruitful vine (think of it) and they are coming in the Word saying, “Father, we are giving back to You what You have given to us,” walking in that Scripture friends, consciously. Then here even as ministers we come consciously knowing that Jesus, You said, “Suffer these little ones to come unto Me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of Heaven.” Then you have two people walking in the Word. Then we come and we abide in that Word there and then we act out that very Word. And God keeps His Word because He laid these things out as His provided way for us in relation to these things and when we do these things by His Word, then it becomes acceptable in His sight. Do you believe that? Because God respects His Word. That’s His ordinance that He ordained in the Church. Blessed be His wonderful Name. Oh, what a great thing it is to be in the house of God. Do you love Him? Just wave to Him this morning.

Blessed be Your wonderful Name Lord. We worship You, Father. It is such a great thing to walk in Light; that we are children of the Light in this great, dark hour that we live in; the great Morning Star hanging here among us saying, “Shalom.” Oh, we thank You, Jesus. You are leading us into that perfect day. How grateful we are this morning, amen.

[Bro. Vin reads from Psalms 128:1-5 –Ed.]

Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in His ways.

For thou shall eat the labour of thine hands:

What a great thing that is. It’s so simple but yet so profound.

…thou shall eat the labour of thine hands: happy shall thou be, and it shall be well with thee.

Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.

Behold, that thus shall a man be blessed that feareth the LORD.

That’s the beginning of wisdom, to fear the Lord.

The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shall see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.

What a great thing it is friends to know that you live in Jerusalem. You are one of the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem. He took you out of Babylon. This morning many people are in Babylon. They live in Babylon. They are captives in Babylon but in these last days there is a proclamation of emancipation. We can come back to the land of our fathers. We’ve come back to Jerusalem and we can see the good of Jerusalem. We see the good of Jerusalem. We see the priests. We see the sacrifice. We see the provided way. Amen. We see the brass altar. We see the laver. We see the table of shewbread. We see the good of Jerusalem friends. We see the Cherubim with the wings tipped. We see the mercy seat. We see the Shekinah Glory in Jerusalem. What a great thing! Blessed be His wonderful Name.

Our Bro. and Sis. John Smith here would like to dedicate their son, Joseph Onesimus. How beautiful. How many is this? [Bro. Vin addresses the parents. –Ed.] This is three, three? Amen. Praise His wonderful Name.

Gracious Father, we bow our hearts with thanksgiving. We thank You for Bro. John and Sis. June, Lord that You have called them to serve You in these last days. They have walked before You in the integrity of their hearts. They have showed that by the stand that they have taken and the way they have conducted themselves, they believe Your Word and that they will live for You. And You would never fail to show back Your goodness to Your children. You have proven that You are a God Who keep Your covenant, Who keeps Your promises; that You have blessed them, You have provided for them, You have undertaken for them dear God. You’ve led them by Your tender hand, coming through the water, coming through the fire but Lord, most of all You have brought them through the Blood Father.

Today they stand here with their little son that You have blessed them with at this time, Joseph Onesimus. And God, how thankful we are for the way that You have blessed them Father. They have brought this little boy for dedication this morning. You know the desires of their hearts as they stand here, him with his wife and their offspring, thinking upon what You have meant to them dear God, down through these years since You caused them to see You in the Light of this revealed Word. Bless them Father; strengthen them; supply their every need. God, do something new for them, Lord. Your mercies are new every morning. Let this be the dawning of a new morning for them in the course of their lives. They will see new things by the hand of God. They will see Your great, mighty blessings and power and the moving of Your Spirit in their lives and their homes and dear God, giving them security and blessed assurance causing them to look up and lift up their heads.

God, as they gather with their offspring, waiting for You to take them, Father, catch them away in this hour; it’s the great hope of the Church. Lord Jesus, we pray that You would bless little Joseph Onesimus that You have given unto them. We bring him for dedication, dedicating him now to You for a life of service, knowing, oh God that You always reveal to Your children that they would seek You Father, concerning the reason and purpose why You’ve sent him at this time and how best they could train him and raise him up God, for Your glory. You showed that when You gave the example in the Bible with Manoah and his wife; they asked and You revealed Father, showing that You would do that for everyone because that is written for examples. Bless this little boy Father. Give him health and strength. Keep him in peace and safety. We place him beneath Your precious Blood Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ. May the Ever-watchful Eye be upon him! May Your Divine presence surround him and may he grow in grace and in favour before man and God. Grant it, Lord. We dedicate little Joseph Onesimus Smith to You for a life of service in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Amen. Praise His wonderful Name. Let’s just open up to the book of Daniel. I’m trying to stand here again this morning and I trust that I could serve the Lord Jesus in this way. I’m so grateful for the Brothers and the way that they have given themselves to the service the Lord. Bro. Ellis brought such a beautiful exhortation there on Wednesday night. I certainly believe it was special and it just shows how gifts are in the church. He is not a minister but a deacon holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. He has a measure of faith but we see the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the love of God to take the little gift and use it to edify the church; to bring a Word that could bring strength and it was such a blessing, sitting and hearing the thoughts. I trust that you will take it in your heart and think about it. Then also the brothers are going to Grenada, him and Bro. Melville being there also and the service and sacrifice of the saints to edify the Body over there. Bro. Mervyn and Bro. Sammy are getting ready to go to Dominica on Tuesday. They will be there for about three weeks also and we are certainly trying to keep them busy and keep the saints strengthened and keep the work going forward because we don’t want to fail to fulfill our responsibility and we trust that our prayer services, we will see it keep going higher and higher and we are certainly looking forward that the Lord will continue to bless us in whatever we have to do when we are called upon in whatever way.

Remember our workers meeting, especially you the workers, we want to be addicted in the ministry of the saints and may God really help us and make these things a great blessing. We certainly thank Him for all of you. We also have baptism after: two people are to be baptized in Christian baptism, water baptism so we just want to take this little time for the Word. It’s just a little simple exhortation-typed message. Did I tell you where in Daniel to open to? I said it? No! Daniel 7! Do you have it? Let’s just pray before we read.

Father, once again we bow our hearts. The Word is opened and we realize dear God, the grace that we would need to be able to say something concerning it but Lord, it seems that no matter how much we try to prepare – we realize that’s our duty to You but Lord, we know that of itself will not do it Father. But we know, dear God, that You promised that the Spirit of Truth will lead us and guide us into all Truth.

Sometimes we come in an anticipation to have a great service and do great things and see people get moved and touched and God, we don’t know the way to accomplish these things because that’s a Divine order. Education and human ability cannot accomplish these things. You reserved that for the sovereign working of Your Holy Spirit. So we come Lord, asking that You sanctify our hearts now; prepare us Lord; help us to be yielded and surrendered so Your Spirit could take full and complete control.