Appendix B. Educator Survey

EducatorWorkforce Professional Development-what they have had, what they want and value

Professional development is the ongoing education or training designed to increase an educator’s skills or knowledge or assist the educator in gaining new competencies in his or her profession or in a field closely related to his or her profession. Professional development may fulfill the annual number of hours required by regulation to maintain a license, registration or credential, and/or may result in college credit or CEUs that lead to career advancement (606CMR 7.00).

Adapted from Early Head Start questionnaire

In the last year, how many workshops, conferences and professional development meetings did you attend? ______

Adapted from Boston Ready:K1 Teacher Survey and FACES

Please indicate below if have had or are interested in having professional development in the following topics.

Topic / Had Professional Development (please check) / Interested
(please check)
Early math development
Early literacy development
Early language & communication development
Classroom set-up and arrangement
Health and safety practices
Using technology for young children
Gross motor play
Play development
Curriculum development
Behavioral/classroom management
Developmentally appropriate practices
Working with students with special needs
Child assessment
Working with and involving families
Family health issues (AIDS, asthma)
Mental health issues
English Language Learners (ELL)
Multicultural sensitivity
Domestic violence
Child abuse/neglect
Substance abuse
Other (specify)

Are you currently enrolled in school? Yes No

How many hours coursework do you attend each week? ______hours

What kind of coursework are you taking? MA Cost and Quality

  • Some vocational training, adult education, correspondence, online or community college courses in early childhood education/child development
  • Some vocational training, adult education, correspondence, online or community college courses not in the field of early childhood education/child development
  • Some college level courses in early childhood education/child development (including those taken as part of degree in nursing, psychology, social work, elementary education, special education).
  • Some college level courses unrelated to the field of early childhood education/child development
  • Child Development Associate program (CDA)
  • Bachelors degree program in early childhood education/child development
  • Bachelors degree program not in the field of early childhood education/child development
  • Masters degree in early childhood education/child development
  • Maters degree not in the field of early childhood education/child development

Adapted from the Early Head start questionnaire

How do you feel about the professional development you have received? For each statement, please check one box.

Strongly disagree / Mildly disagree / Mildly agree / Strongly agree
Improving my skills as an educator is a priority for me
Professional development sessions typically cover information I already know and are not a good use of my time
I am pretty confident in my ability as a educator and see additional professional development as a low priority
I wish there were more professional development opportunities available for me
I still have a lot to learn about children and teaching before I consider myself a skilled professional
Seeking in-service professional development in one’s profession is a basic part of being a true “professional”
I don’t like to attend professional development workshops because they are all alike and have little impact on what I do
Most professional development for educators lacks relevance to their day-to-day responsibilities
Professional development is a waste when the instructor lacks experience as an early education and care educator

Adapted from NORC NSCCCSD

Some programs provide support for staff seeking professional development opportunities. Are you given any of these opportunities?

Yes / No
Funding to participate in college courses or off-site professional development?
Paid time off to participate in college courses or off-site professional development?
College coursework or professional development opportunities at your program?
Mentors, coaches, or consultants who visit and work with staff in their classrooms?

Adapted from New Teacher Support, Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning Survey (TELL) state of Maryland, 2011

If you have had a mentorin the last year, on average, how often did you engage in each of the following activities with your mentor?

Never / Less than once per month / Once per month / Several times per month / Once per week / Almost daily
Developing lesson plans
Being observed teaching by my mentor
Observing my mentor’s teaching
Analyzing children’s work
Reviewing results of children’s assessments
Addressing child or class behavioral issues
Reflecting on the effectiveness of my teaching together
Aligning my lesson planning with the state early learning standards

Adapted from New Teacher Support, Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning Survey (TELL) state of Maryland, 2011

As an educator, have you received any of these benefits from your program?

Yes / No
Formally assigned a mentor
Common planning time with other teachers
Release time to observe other teachers
Formal time to meet with mentor during work hours
Access to professional learning communities where I could discuss concerns with other teachers
Regular communication with directors, or other administrators

Educator Workforce in the field

Adapted from FACES

How satisfied are you working in the field of early childhood education and care? Would you say you are?

_____Very satisfied


_____Neither satisfied or dissatisfied


_____Very dissatisfied


Do you consider your work in early education and care (not necessarily this program) a short-term job or a long-term career?

______Definitely temporary or short-term job

______Probably temporary or short-term job

______Probably a long-term career

______Definitely a long-term career

Adapted from Early Head start

Of the statements below, what was the reason for you becoming an early education and care educator? Put 1 next to your main reason. If more than one of these was a reason for you, please number your others reasons in order. Only put numbers next to statement that were reasons for you:

______I want to work with children

______I want to help families who must work outside the home

______It is the only job that I feel qualified to do

______I received an invitation to join a training program

______Some other reason what? ______

Adapted from Faces and NICHD SECCYD

Below is a list of reasons people continue in a job. How important is each of these to you to continue in your current position?

Not important / Somewhat important / Very important / NA
Job security
The pleasure of working with young children
The professional respect of this job/career
The salary
The benefits (ex. insurance)
The ability to have own children at work
Your work schedule
The working conditions (ex. clean, well-organized)
Opportunities to work with other adults
The opportunity to use experience and/or education in child development
The significance or importance of working with children and families
The opportunity for professional advancement
Opportunity to use beliefs/philosophy about early education and care
Other (specify)

Educator Workforce leaving the field

Adapted from NICHD SECCYD

If you were to leave your program, what would most likely do next?

_____Stay in the field of child development/early education and care

_____Find a position or get professional development in a field related to child development /early education and care

_____Find a position or get training in a completely different field

_____Stop work, stay home, retire

Adapted from Child Care Employee Project, 1987

There are many reasons educators have for leaving a program voluntarily. For each reason listed below, please indicate whether or not it would be a reason for leaving your present program.

A major reason / A minor reason / Not a reason
Accepting a job in another program.
Accepting a job in an elementary school.
Dissatisfied with pay.
Dissatisfied with the benefits.
Dissatisfied with the policies and procedures.
Dissatisfied with the working conditions.
Job too stressful.
Conflict with coworkers.
Ill health.
Parental leave.
Family move.
Problems with own child care arrangements.
Other personal reasons.
Return to school in early childhood education.
Return to school in elementary education.
Return to school in unrelated field.

Educator workforce- program benefits and supports

Adapted from NORC NSCCCSD, Early Head Start, FACES, Child care employee project

Please indicate which benefits or work related services your program provides:

Yes / No
Reduced/ free tuition for your children at program
Health insurance
Health insurance that includes coverage for family members
Dental insurance
Life or disability insurance
Paid vacation
Paid holidays
Paid sick leave
Paid personal days
Paid parental leave
Unpaid parental leave
Paid lunch break and other breaks
Paid preparation/planning time
Payment for attendance at staff meetings after working hours
Payment for attendance at parent meetings after working hours
Paid release time for attendance at in-service professional development
Yearly cost of living increases
Periodic merit increases in wages
Compensation for overtime

Adapted from 2008 National Study of Employers- Families and Work Institute, E. Galinsky, J.T. Bond and K. Sakai

Does your program provide the following supports?

Yes / No
Periodically change starting and quitting times?
Return to work gradually after childbirth or adoption?
Move from full-time to part-time and back again while remaining in the same position?
Have control over when to take breaks?
Work part year or work reduced time on an annual basis?
Take time off for school/child care functions of your children?
Take time off during the workday to attend to important family or personal needs without loss of pay?
Take extended career breaks for caregiving or other personal or family responsibilities?
Access to child care resource and referral services?
Access to elder care resource and referral services?
An Employee Assistance Program (EAP)designed to help employees deal with problems that may affect their work or personal life?
Workshops or seminars on parenting, child development, care of the elderly or work-family problems?
Wellness programs for employees and their families?
Space and storage facilities at work that allow women who are nursing to continue to do by expressing milk?
Assistance in obtaining public benefits –tax credits, child care subsidies, food stamps, housing subsidies and transportation subsidies?

Adapted from Workplace climate – WFC Resources, 2008

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about where you work?

Yes, agree / No, disagree
My director treats my work-life needs with sensitivity.
My career path at this program is limited because of the pressure of home life demands.
My job at this program keeps me from maintaining the quality of life I want.
My director is supportive when home life issues interfere with work.
I believe my director treats me with respect.
My director seldom gives me praise or recognition for the work I do.
If I could find another job where I would be treated with respect, I would take it.
If I could find another job with better pay, I would leave this program.
I am totally committed to this program.
If I could find another job where I could have more flexibility, I would take it.

Adapted from P.J. Bloom 2010, McCormickCenter for Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Work Environment Survey, Short version

This question is about how you feel about your program as a place to work.

Indicate in the space provided the numeral (0–5) that most accurately describes how you feel about each statement.

Never / Seldom / Sometimes / Somewhat
regularly / Frequently / Always
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

______Staff are friendly and trust one another.

______Morale is high. There is a good team spirit.

______Staff are encouraged to learn new skills and competencies.

______The program provides guidance for professional advancement.

______Supervisor(s) are knowledgeable and competent.

______Supervisor(s) provide helpful feedback.

______Communication regarding policies and procedures is clear.

______Job responsibilities are well defined.

______Salaries and benefits are distributed equitably.

______Promotions are handled fairly.

______Educators help make decisions about things that directly affect them.

______People feel free to express their opinions.

______Staff agree on program philosophy and educational objectives.

______Staff share a common vision of what the program should be like.

______The program is well planned and efficiently run.

______Meetings are productive. Time is not wasted.

______The work environment is attractive and well organized.

______There are sufficient supplies and equipment for staff to do their jobs.

______Staff are encouraged to be creative and innovative in their work.

______The program implements changes as needed.

Educator Workforce understanding of quality

Adapted from ABT National Study of child care for low income families

Please decide how important each of the factors below is to the quality education and care that you provide.

Extremely important 1 / Very important 2 / Somewhat important 3 / Not too important 4 / Not at all important 5
The number of children in the group
The presence of children of different ages
Communication with families about their children
Cleanliness of program
Style of discipline
Close relationships with families
Sharing families’ values
Teaching children to get along with other children
Attention to nutrition
Attention to children’s safety
The attention children receive
Child assessments
Warmth toward children
Professional development in taking care of children
Teaching things child needs to know for school
Teaching children things about their community
Teaching children things about nature
Opportunities for active play
The extent to which children’s activities are organized
The presence of children from different ethnic groups
Educator experience and training
Family Involvement in the program
Regular communication with the families

Educator workforce and ELL and Special needs children

Adapted from NORC NSCCSD home based provider questionnaire

What language do you speak when working with the children?

  1. English7.Cape Verdean Creole13.French
  2. Spanish8. Portuguese14. Greek
  3. Vietnamese9.Arabic15.Italian
  4. Cantonese10.Khmer16.American Sign Language
  5. Mandarin11.Russian17. Other ______
  6. Haitian Creole12. Korean

If you sometimes do not speak English when working with the children, what percentage of time do you speak the language indicated above to the children? ______%

Do you have difficulty communicating with the children’s families because of a language barrier?

Yes _____ No_____

Adapted from Strategies for children

If you do not speak the language of the families, how well do you understand the needs of the families and children?

1.very well

2. just ok

3. can’t do it at all

4. don’t know

Adapted from National Household Education Survey

Do any children in your class/program have any of the following disabilities? And, if so are they receiving services?

Disability / Yes / No / Services Yes / Services No
A specific learning disability
Mental retardation
A speech/ language delay
A serious emotional disturbance
Deafness or other hearing impairment
Blindness or other visual impairment not corrected
with glasses
An orthopedic impairment
Attention deficit disorder/ ADD/ ADHD
Pervasive Developmental Disorder/ PDD
Another health impairment lasting 6 months or more

Workforce Demographics-age, gender, education, ethnicity, language

Adapted from NORC NSCCSD

Are you male or female? Male______Female ______

How old are you? ______

Adapted from Early Head Start Questionnaire

What is the highest level of school you have completed? Please tell us the about the last year of schooling you finished.

  1. Some high school- grade ______
  2. High school graduate or GED
  3. Some college courses, but no degree
  4. Two year college degree
  5. Four year college degree
  6. Some graduate school
  7. Graduate degree
  8. More than one master’s degree or a doctoral degree

Adapted from NICHD SECCYD

What is your current level of specialized training in child development/early education and care? (choose your highest level)

  • Some vocational training, adult education, correspondence, online or community college courses in early childhood education/child development
  • Some college level courses in early childhood education/child development (including those taken as part of degree in nursing, psychology, social work, elementary education, special education).
  • Child Development Associate degree (CDA)
  • Bachelors degree in early childhood education/child development
  • Masters degree in early childhood education/child development
  • Doctoral degree in early childhood education/child development

Adapted from Boston Ready: K1 teacher survey and Gilliam survey

How would you describe your own race or ethnicity? Check all that apply.

White or European American, and non-Hispanic
Black or African American, and non-Hispanic
Latino or Hispanic
Asian or Asian American
Haitian Creole
Biracial or Multiracial
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut

Adapted from Boston Ready: K1 teacher survey

Which languages do you speak? (Check all that apply)

__English__Korean__Other (Which language)_____



__French__Cape Verdean Creole





__American Sign Language__Khmer

Educator Workforce- position, program, hours, salary

Adapted from NICHD SECCYD

At your program, are you a/an:

a. lead/head teacher

b. assistant teacher

c. aide

d. family child care provider

Which best describes your program where you work:

a. Head Start or Early Head Start program

b. Part of a larger child care organization that delivers care at more than one site

c. Part of a larger organization that also provides other services (such as a YMCA)

d. Single site early education and care program, child care center, preschool, or nursery school (located at one address only)

e. A public school prekindergarten part of a public school or public school district