Department: Physics and Engineering Credit Hours: 3 hours

Course Number: PHY 370

I. Title: Introduction to Modern Physics

II. Catalog Description: Concepts of atomic, nuclear, solid state, and particle physics. Philosophical, historical and cultural aspects are discussed.

III. Purpose: The purpose of the course is to provide an elementary quantitative and qualitative introduction to selected general topic areas of modern and wave physics.

IV. Course Objectives: The objectives of the course are to

1. gain an understanding of some of the fundamental laws of nature and to see how they relate to the current knowledge concerning the physical environment, primarily in the fields of electromagnetic waves and the wave nature of matter.

2. understand historical developments in certain areas of physics.

3. introduce the student to some of the current areas of physics which are under change or development.

V. Content Outline:

1. Physical Optics

2. Relativistic Mechanics

3. Photons, Electrons, and Atoms

4. Quantum Mechanics

5. Atoms

6. Molecules

7. Solids

8. Nuclear Physics

9. High Energy Physics

VI. Instructional Activities: Lecture, readings, discussion, assigned homework problems and examinations.

VII. Field, Clinical, and Laboratory Experiences: None

VIII. Resources:



Class times:


Office Hours:

IX. Grading Procedures:

Exams - There will be two exams that will be announced at least two class periods in advance and a comprehensive two hour final. If the student must be absent from an exam the instructor must be notified in advance and appropriate arrangements made.

Homework - Homework will be assigned regularly. Homework is due at the beginning of the class period assigned.

Final grade based on the following:

Two Exams 58% Final Exam 29% Homework 13%

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 E = 0-59

X. Attendance Policy: All students are expected to be regular in class attendance. Students are responsible for all material (written and verbal) presented during class.

XI. Academic Honesty Policy: Complete academic integrity is expected of all students. Graded individual assignments and examinations should consist solely of the work of that individual whose name is on the document. Cheating on examinations will not be tolerated. Cheating is defined to be the use of any unauthorized source of information for the purpose of deceiving the instructor in evaluating the student’s performance or to gain an unfair advantage over fellow students. Students who are caught cheating will receive a failing grade in the course.

XII. Text: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 5th Ed., Serway and Beichner

XIII. Prerequisites: PHY 255 or 121