5431 Medical Science Building I

1301 Catherine St.

Ann Arbor, MI 48104



2003 - University of Michigan Bioinformatics Program (PhD candidate)

2001 - Medical Scientist Training Program (combined MD/PhD)

2001 - 2003 University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI

1997 - 2000 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Inteflex Program (Integrated pre-medical/medical program)

Degree: B.S. in Microbiology GPA: 3.9


2003 - Thesis Research, Bioinformatics Program, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI

Mentor: Arul Chinnaiyan, MD, PhD

Research Areas: Development of Oncomine cancer microarray database (www.oncomine.org), prostate cancer biomarkers, computational prediction of transcriptional and protein networks (publications 8-12)

Summer 2002 Laboratory Rotation, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI

Mentor: Mark Rubin, MD

Research Area: Tissue microarrays, multivariate biomarker analysis of prostate cancer progression (publications 6,7)

2001 – 2002 Laboratory Rotation, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI

Supervisor: Arul Chinnaiyan, MD, PhD

Research Areas: Meta-analysis of microarray gene expression profiling studies, clinical correlation of microarray data (publications 3,4)

2000 - 2001 Research Associate, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI

Supervisor: Brian Haab, PhD

Research Areas: Kidney cancer expression profiling, microarray software development (publications 1,2,5)

1999 Research Assistant, National Gene Vector Core, Ann Arbor, MI

Supervisor: Dr. Robert Gerard

Research Area: Plasmid cloning

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (in chronological order):

1. Takahashi M*, Rhodes DR*, Furge KA, Kanayama H, Kagawa S, Haab BB, Teh BT. (2001) Gene Expression Profiling of Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Gene Identification and Prognostic Classification. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 98(17):9754-9. *co-1st author

2. Rhodes DR, Haab BB, Furge KA (2002) CIT: Identification of discriminating clusters from gene expression microarray data. Bioinformatics. 18(1):205-6.

3. Rhodes DR, Barrette TR., Rubin MA, Ghosh D, Chinnaiyan AM. (2002) Meta-Analysis of Microarrays: Inter-study Validation of Gene Expression Profiles Reveals Pathway Dysregulation in Prostate Cancer. Cancer Research. 62(15):4427-33.

4. Rhodes DR, Chinnaiyan AM. (2002). DNA Microarrays: Implications for Clinical Medicine. Journal of Investigative Surgery. 15(5):275-9.

5. Guo X, Lui, W, Qian C, Chen J, Gray S, Rhodes D, Haab B, Stanbridge E, Wang H, Hong M, Min H, Larsson C, Teh B. (2002). Identifying cancer-related genes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines using DNA and mRNA expression profiling analyses. International Journal of Oncology. 21(6):1197-204.

6. Xin W, Rhodes DR, Ingold C, Chinnaiyan AM, Rubin MA. (2003) Dysregulation of the annexin family protein family is associated with prostate cancer progression. Am J Pathol. 162(1):255-61.

7. Rhodes DR, Sanda MG, Otte AP, Chinnaiyan AM, Rubin MA. (2003) Multiplex biomarker approach for determining risk of prostate-specific antigen-defined recurrence of prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 95(9):661-8.

8. Kumar-Sinha C, Rhodes DR, Yu J, Chinnaiyan AM. (2003) Prostate cancer biomarkers: a current perspective. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 3(4): 459-70.

9. Rhodes DR, Yu J, Shanker K, Deshpande N, Varambally R, Ghosh D, Barrette TR, Pandey A, Chinnaiyan AM. (2004) ONCOMINE: A Cancer Microarray Database and Data-Mining Platform. Neoplasia. 6(1); 1-6.

10. Rhodes DR, Chinnaiyan AM. (2004) Bioinformatics Strategies for Translating Genome-wide Expression Analyses into Clinically Useful Cancer Markers. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.1020: 32-40.

11. Sreekumar A, Laxman B, Rhodes DR, Bhagavathula S, Giacherio D, Ghosh D, Sanda MG, Rubin MA, Chinnaiyan AM. (2004) Protein Microarray Analysis Reveals that Prostate Cancer Elicits a Humoral Immune Response to Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA Racemase. J Natl Cancer Inst. (in press).

12. Rhodes DR, Yu J, Shanker K, Deshpande N, Varambally R, Ghosh D, Barrette TR, Pandey A, Chinnaiyan AM. (2004) Large-scale Meta-analysis of Cancer Microarray Data Identifies Common Transcriptional Profiles of Neoplastic Transformation and Progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (in press).


1. Rhodes DR, Miller J, Haab B, Kwekel J, Marcus J. The Application of DNA and Protein Microarrays to Cancer Research (2000) Cancer and Molecular Genetics in the 21st Century Symposium. Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

2. Rhodes DR, Barrette TR, Rubin MA, Ghosh D, and Chinnaiyan AM. Meta-Analysis and Bioinformatic Investigation of Prostate Cancer Gene Expression Profiles (2002) Oncogenomics 2002: Dissecting Cancer through Genome Research. Dublin, Ireland.

3. Rhodes DR, Yu J, Shanker K, Deshpande N, Varambally R, Ghosh D, Barrette TR, Pandey A, Chinnaiyan AM. ONCOMINE Cancer Microarray Database (2003) Bisti Symposium - Digital Biology: The Emerging Paradigm. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.

4. Rhodes DR, Yu J, Shanker K, Deshpande N, Varambally R, Ghosh D, Barrette TR, Pandey A, Chinnaiyan AM. ONCOMINE: A Cancer Microarray Database for Therapeutic Target and Biomarker Discovery (2004) 6th AACR-Japanese Cancer Association Joint Conference Advances in Cancer Research. Waikoloa, Hawaii.


1998 Angel Scholar

1999 Golden Key National Honor Society

2000 Phi Beta Kappa

2001 Medical Scientist Training Program Fellowship

2002 American Association of Cancer Research Scholar-in-Training Award

2003 Selected Speaker, Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference

2003 American Association of Cancer Research / Avon Foundation Scholar-in-Training Award