Sunday, 4 September (Father's Day)
9.00 am Rev. Bob Thomas
9.00 amWayne Myers
&Rev. Bob Stevenson HC
10.45 amLoose change & food bank
St Leonards
5.00pmRev. Bob Thomas HC
Loose change & food bank
Monday, 5 September
9.30 amKYB
Wednesday, 7 September
9.30 ammainly music
Thursday, 8 September
9.00 amPortarlington Choir Practice
9.30 amDrysdale Choir Practice
Friday, 9 September
9.15 amFriday School
Sunday,11 September
9.00 amRev. Ian Porter HC
Loose change & food bank
9.00 amGraeme's Team
10.45 am Rev Ian Porter
St Leonards
5.00pmAnglican led
Shoe Box Appeal
The annual shoeboxappeal is now underway. Shoe boxes arebeginning to stack up in the Drysdale Church.
Empty boxes are still available. Instructions for filling are contained in each box. If you can't fill a box , cash donations are welcome to cover the cost of transport. Donations of extra items for the boxes would be gratefully received.
Working Bee
Please place this date in your diary. Come along and help keep the church neat and tidy. Working bee Saturday 5 November 2016 8am until 12 noon.
The next meeting of the UCA.F is on Monday, 11 September in the meeting room at 1.30 pm, for a Fete Work Day to work on items for the fete. Any queries? Speak to Elizabeth please.
Appreciation Of Service;
Ken Farnell - 20 Years
Church Council wish to applaud and publicly acknowledge your active
involvement in all aspects of Church life over the past 20 years including various committees, JCC, Church Fete, Maintenance and of course Church Council, always supported by your wife Elaine, over the entire 20 years.
If we needed to coin a phrase, “20 years Ever Active “ would go a long way in identifying your service, to the Church communities of Portarlington, St Leonards and Drysdale.
We stand as one and applaud you, knowing that this service has always focused on Jesus, your Lord and Master.
Thank You Ken, may you enjoy more of the garden and the golf course.
Portarlington- St Leonards Church Council - September 2016
Road Home Project
Following the presentation by AndrewEdgar about the Road Home Project, the month of August has been designated our collection month for the project. Any article from the following list would be appreciated.
Please place in the basket in the foyer at Portarlington or Drysdale.
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Feminine Hygiene products
- Soap and Shampoo
- Deodorant
- Sunscreen
- Socks and underwear
- Hand Sanitisers
- Wet wipes
- Hair brushes and combs
- Tissues (small carry packs)
- Bedding and linen
Petition to the Federal Govt.-
Free the Asylumseekers and Refugees from Nauru /Manus Island
Petition available in the foyer area for anyone to sign,this week only.
Explanatory notes are provided.
Social Justice Letter Writing Group
The social justice letter writing group will resume next Friday, 9 September at St Andrew's Portarlington
Walk to Water- Open Doors Foundation
Carol Spivey is walking from Queenscliff to Drysdale for this fundraiser, for funds for persecuted Christians in Africa.Carol would like sponsors or donations. The walk is on 16 October, so please see Phil or Carol beforehand.