New Module Handbook – Education in Health Care

University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

Year I
Semester I / Hours/weeks
Nr. / O/E / Modules / L / U / ECTS / Lecturers
1 / O / Public Health / 40 / 20 / 5 / Prof.ass. Ilir Begolli
2 / O / Didactic models, theories, draughts, psychology, diagnostic, evaluation / 20 / 15 / 5 / Prof.asoc. Naser Zabeli
3 / O / Law of Education / 25 / 2.5 / Prof.asoc. Naser Zabeli
4 / O / Basis of Health Legislation / 50 / 5 / Prof.ass. Xhevat Shkodra
4.1. / O / Law of Health  / 25 / 2.5
4.2. / O / Employment law  / 25 / 2.5
5 / O / Education psychology / 25 / 20 / 5 / Prof.ass. Aliriza Arënliu
6 / O / Teaching row planning / 20 / 10 / 7.5 / Prof.asoc. Naser Zabeli
Semester II
1 / O/E / Case/Care Management fur nurses / 25 / 2.5 / Monika Rode, Edu.Sci. PhD cand.
2 / O/E / Case/Care Management for midwifery / 25 / 2.5 / Monika Rode, Edu.Sci. PhD cand.
3 / O/E / Requirement to learning methods regarding to special care concepts for nurses / 25 / 2.5 / Monika Rode, Edu.Sci. PhD cand.
4 / O/E / Requirement to learning methods regarding to special care concepts for midwifery / 25 / 2.5 / Monika Rode, Edu.Sci. PhD cand.
5 / O / EbN & EbP, HTA  / 60 / 40 / 10 / Monika Rode, Edu.Sci. PhD cand.
6 / O / School organization and quality management / 30 / 20 / 5 / Prof.dr.Demë Hoti
7 / O / Teaching Methodology / 40 / 10 / Prof.dr.Demë Hoti/ Monika Rode, Edu.Sci. PhD cand.,
7.1. / O / Demonstration Lessons / 5
7.2. / O / Curriculum development / 40 / 5
Year II
Semester III
1 / O / Research Theory and Practice / 45 / 10 / Prof. Dr. Karahoda/ Prof. ass. Shaip Krasniqi
1.1. / O / Qualitative Research or Quantitative Research  / 25 / 2.5 / Prof. ass. Shaip Krasniqi
1.2. / O / Research related project (Focus on profile) / 20 / 7.5 / Prof. Dr. Karahoda/Prof. Dr. Bonato
2 / O / Research in Education / 40 / 5 / Prof.asoc. Merita Berisha
3 / O / Project Report / 5 / 15 / Prof. Dr. N. Karahoda-Gjurgjeala
Semester IV
1 / O / Master Thesis  / 30 / 30 / Prof. Dr. Karahoda/Ahmetaj
Total hours / 480 / 125 / 120

2.14. The course/subject description:



2.14.1. Module Title: HSc 01 Public Health (patient-institution- related; operative health promotion)
ECTS Credits: 5
Professor: Prof.ass. Ilir Begolli
2.14.2. Description of the subject:
-Reflection of theories of public health systems
-Structure of health care system – quality aspects of a functional system
-Problem analysis of health care systems
-Analysis of common aspects/structure and differences of health care system in Kosovo and international systems
-Possibilities of collaboration between health care systems
-Strategies of integration of needs in health care organization caused by actual challenges/reform, spectrum of diseases and demographic change in Kosovo
2.14.3. Objective Learning Outcomes:
The students compare different health systems and structures. They reflect the demographic change in the world and especially in Kosovo regarding to the economy development, spectrum of diseases and society.
Students learn to be flexible to create cooperation, networking and choose creative ways to deal with partner in health care organizations. Students understanding key health promotion definitions and concepts and the differences from related concepts, such as disease prevention and population health. They identify the key features and values that shape health promotion practice. Students reflect health care systems and developing a method, to integrate new knowledge into their professional understanding of education.
2.14.4. Learning and Teaching Methods:
- Lectures,
- Group work,
- Role-play,
- Reflective thinking tasks like case analysis, discussions
2.14.5. Assessment Methods:
- Presentation
Passing criteria: 51% successful tasks in presentation. passed with the minimum grade E
2.14.6. Teaching tools/IT:
LCD Projector, Power Point, Overhead Projector, student self-learning exercises (e-learning system); practical exercises in health care institutions will be allocated to themes of the module. The exercises regarding to self-learning work of students included a reflection in the colloquium.
2.14.7. Ratio between theoretical and practical part of the study in the module:
Lecture / Seminar / Education Exercise / Education Practice / Individual student work / Workload
40 / 20 / 90 / 150
2.14.8. Indicative Reading:
BTI 2012, Kosovo country report
World Health Organization, Towards age-friendly primary health care. Genf, 2004 World Health Organization.
Percival, V. and Sandorp, E.: (2010) A case study of health sector reform in Kosovo, Confl Health. 2010; 4: 7.Published online 2010 April 16. doi: 10.1186/1752-1505-4-7PMCID: PMC2864221
Joseph Barjis (2011): Healthcare Simulation and its Potential Areas and Future Trends; Barjis–SCS M&S Magazine – 2011/ 1 (January).
2.14.1. Module Title: EDU-01 Didactic models, theories, draughts
ECTS Credits: 5
Professor: Prof.asoc. Naser Zabeli
2.14.2. Description of the subject:
-Education stands as an upper concept for all organised teaching operations and learning operations, which are organised to be able to fulfil the duties resulting in the market society. In this sense education is to be understood as a valued and valuing learning which should be understood as an open process in which it is about the subject-certain appropriation of knowledge of vital importance and the human notification possibility.
Content of the module includes aspects from models and teaching methods and their usefulness in the health sector, such as:
-Models and theories of educational
-Evaluation in teaching methods
-Hermeneutics, empiric-analytic theory, normative theory
-Situation-oriented developing beginning, educational-theoretical didactics, curriculum-theoretical didactics, identity-theoretical didactics, socialisation-theoretical beginning
-Results of the learning process of the adult education
-Animation didactics, mediation didactics
-Psychological diagnostics and evaluation
2.14.3. Objective Learning Outcomes:
- Know different educational theories and didactic theories
- Describe the differences of the theories
- Are able to develop teaching premises are to be compiled in the situation
2.14.4. Learning and Teaching Methods:
- Lecture
- Seminars
- Exercise
- Problem-orientated learning
- Reflective thinking tasks like discussions
2.14.5. Assessment Methods:
- Examination or Presentation
Passing criteria: 51% successful tasks in examination/presentation, passed with the minimum grade E
2.14.6. Teaching tools/IT:
LCD Projector, Power Point, Overhead Projector, student self-learning exercises (e-learning system); practical exercises in teaching institutions will be allocated to themes of the module. The exercises regarding to self-learning work of students included a reflection in the presentation.
2.14.7. Ratio between theoretical and practical part of the study in the module:
Lecture / Seminar / Education Exercise / Education Practice / Individual student work / Workload
20 / 10 / 15 / 100 / 150
2.14.8. Indicative Reading:
Stiles, L., Chandler, B. (2012): Education and the Teacher, Literary Licensing, LLC
Diane M Billings, Ed.D, R.N., Judith A Halstead (2011) Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty, 4. Edition, Elsevier
2.14.1. Module Title: EDU-02 Law of Education
ECTS Credits: 2,5
Professor: Prof.asoc. Naser Zabeli
2.14.2. Description of the subject:
The objective of this course is to introduce to students the basic information on the judicial regulation of schools, universities and Law of education.
Includes the study referring to legal relationships, reports, and obligations related to cases of Law of Education, National Curriculum Framework e.g.. This Master Course deals with the legal treatment and regulation of the cases that require intervention from the bodies that deal with requirements of teacher education. Law of education regulates the education of teachers. Law of Education regulates the aim of establishing legal grounds for the regulation and the improvement of the teacher’s education of the Republic of Kosovo. In this course will study and define also: Rights and obligations in the field of education; requirements of education, requirements of curriculum e.g.
2.14.3. Objective Learning Outcomes:
This module provides students with an introduction to education system in the Republic of Kosovo from the perspective of strategic policies and frameworks. The students will gain knowledge in this area based on the positive right in Kosovo with a comparative view with the other positive rights.
Understand key Law of Education, promotion definitions and concepts by law of education;
Identify the problematic issue in Law of Education and study this;
Identify how health rights promotion and defence by Law of Education and all actors in health rights and health defence population.
2.14.4. Learning and Teaching Methods:
The methodologies will include the lecturing with the highest interaction possible of all students, always having the student as the focal point. Frontal and conversational lecturing, exercises (individual and in groups), and seminar work.
2.14.5. Assessment Methods:
Passing criteria: 51% successful tasks in exam, passed with the minimum grade E
2.14.6. Teaching tools/IT:
LCD Projector, Power Point, Overhead Projector, student self-learning exercises (e-learning system); practical exercises in health care institutions will be allocated to themes of the module. The exercises regarding to self-learning work of students included a reflection in the colloquium.
2.14.7. Ratio between theoretical and practical part of the study in the module:
Lecture / Seminar / Education Exercise / Education Practice / Individual student work / Workload
25 / 10 / 40 / 75
2.14.8. Indicative Reading:
- Law of pre-university education, Law No.04/L –032, 2011).
- Law of higher education, Law No.04/L-037, 2011
- Kosovo Education Strategic Plan 2011-2016, MASHT
- Kosovo Country report, 2010, European Training Foundation
- National Qualification Framework, Kosovo
- New Curriculum Framework
Modul 4.Basis of Legislationt
Module Name / ECTS / Lectures Time / Seminars / Clinical exercises / Clinical Practice / Self-Stady / The workload
4.1 Law in Health / 2.5 / 25 / 10 / 40 / 75
Results and learning objectives:
- Students will develop the ability to critically access the law and legal arguments in this field and providing health care services based strictly on the law.
- They will understand definitions of key laws and health promotion concepts in health law;
- Students will be able to identify problematic and challenging in Health Law;
- They will identify as being promoted to health rights and health protection of the population.
Description of the module:
-The purpose of this course is to give students basic knowledge you for legal regulation and legal for Health.
- Students will gain knowledge in this field based on positive law in Kosovo, with a comparative view with other positive rights in other region countries.
- In this course will study and also can define: The rights and obligations in the field of health, health care principles; health care system; activities of healthcare institutions; supervision of health care services.
Law No. 04/L-125 On Health; Law No.2004/38 On The Rights and Responsibilities of the Citizens in the Health Care; Law No. 02/L-38 On Health Inspectorate; Law No. 02/L-38 On Health Inspectorate;
4.2 Labor Right / 2.5 / 25 / 10 / 40 / 75
Results and learning objectives:
- The objectives of this course are to provide an introduction for students in basic information on legal rules and the labor law.
-Students will learn the basics in an entire course devoted to employment discrimination ndejkin have this opportunity to participate in the course of civil rights.
- This course examines among other things regulate issues when there is discrimination in a variety of contexts.
- Students will develop the ability to critically look at the bill and make proper legal grounding.
Description of the module:
-Includes study referring to legal relationships, reports and obligations associated with the Labor Law cases.
- Labor-law regulates the relationship between employers and employees.
-Labor Law covers legal issues that arise when employees are represented by a union, or to request to be represented by a by representative.
-The right to work includes: organization (the method by which employees choose to be represented by a union usually union), negotiations for a collective agreement, strike, the administration of the collective agreement reached once (with main emphasis on the complaint and the provisions arbitration that are almost always included in such agreements) and application of the collective agreement in court.
- Introduction to labor law, collective agreements and social;
Labour Right, Prof.Dr Hava Bujupi-Ismajli, Prishtinë 2007; Labor Right, Kudret Qela Tiranë 2012,
Law No.03/L –212 Law on Labour; Law No.03/L –149 On the Civil Service of the Republic of Kosovo.
- Laws protecting workers against employment discrimination would also be covered in this course, and originally they were, but that subject has now become so enormous that it has been carved out into a separate course.
Methods of teaching / learning:
Lectures, group work, learning and based on simulation; The teaching methodology will include lectures with higher interaction potential with all students, the student always having a main focus. Interlocutor frontal lectures and exercises (individual and group work) and working papers.
Assessment methods and criteria of passing:
Essay exam and active participation in lectures:
Pass criteria: 51% of successful assignments and essay exam, passed with minimum grade of E.
Graded Exam: 50% of module 5.1 and 50% of a total 5.2 module -100%
Total: / 5 / 50 / 20 / 80 / 150
2.14.1. Module Title: EDU-03 Education psychology
ECTS Credits: 5
Professor: Prof.ass. Aliriza Arënliu
2.14.2. Description of the subject:
The informed and critical discussion with the contents, the environment and with itself is in the foreground (Cf. Meueler, in 1999, S.683). Self-thinking, self-determination, self-appropriation should describe the learning process of the use of own abilities, the challenge by the apprenticeship. The knowledge should be filled and be extended by means of critical reflection. To recognise own knowledge strategies should allow determining own learning style, specifying own questions and the analysis of own thought processes. Learning is understood here as an inside-steered selection process. A particular importance comes up within this process to the principle of the understanding.
-Conditioning, cognition psychology, constructivism
-Subject orientation integration in curricula
-Training; life-long learning (continual education)
-Adults education psychology
-Learning in organizations; research in human resources, Conflict Management,
-Mentoring and Networking,
-Stress Management and Avoiding Burnout
2.14.3. Objective Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to understand and define education psychology, their demands and capacities, as well as their lifecycle Students will understand the foundations of education psychology and the implementation in the teaching. Students will analyse and apply different strategies for adult education.
Students will be able to develop planning and teaching lessons structure on the basic of education psychology theories. Students will be able to analyse and reflect teaching lessons and methods.
2.14.4. Learning and Teaching Methods:
- Lecture
- Group work with case studies
- Presentations
- Problem-orientated learning
- Reflective thinking tasks like case analysis, discussions
2.14.5. Assessment Methods:
- Exam & Essay
Passing criteria: 51% successful tasks in exam and essay, passed with the minimum grade E
2.14.6. Teaching tools/IT:
LCD Projector, Power Point, Overhead Projector, student self-learning exercises (e-learning system); practical exercises in health care institutions will be allocated to themes of the module. The exercises regarding to self-learning work of students included a reflection in the presentation.
2.14.7. Ratio between theoretical and practical part of the study in the module:
Lecture / Seminar / Education Exercise / Education Practice / Individual student work / Workload
25 / 10 / 20 / 95 / 150
2.14.8. Indicative Reading:
Landy Frank J. & Conte Jeffrey M., Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 3rd edition (2010)
Locke, Edwin A., Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior: Indispensable Knowledge for Evidence-Based Management, 2nd edition (2009)
2.14.1. Module Title: EDU-03 Teaching row planning
ECTS Credits: 10
Professor: Prof.asoc.Naser Zabeli
2.14.2. Description of the subject:
A teacher should control the subject, which he informs The subject should be from the teacher of different perceptions looks and whole filled. A material analysis supports the penetration of the subject. For the teaching planning a didactic analysis follows as focusing for the learning group in connection with the curriculum. The didactic reduction allows the selection for the planned teaching units. Contents in this module are:
- Learning places- methods of employee selection
- Development of structure of lessons, including material analysis, didactic analysis, teaching forms and methods, teaching course planning, learning atmosphere, result protection, media variety
- Learning group analysis
- Learning target formulation and taxonomic structure
- Results of the educational research
2.14.3. Objective Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the module students will be able to:
-Control the didactic and objective analysis of a teaching subject
-Are able to be reduced in the situation the subject didactically
-To level teaching courses
-Reflect teaching course
- Students teaching in demonstration lessons.
2.14.4. Learning and Teaching Methods:
- Lecture
- Group work with case studies
- Presentations
- Problem-orientated learning
- Reflective thinking tasks like case analysis, discussions
2.14.5. Assessment Methods:
- Exam (50%), report/homework (30%), Group Presentation (20%)
Passing criteria: 51% successful tasks in exam., presentation and report, passed with the minimum grade E
2.14.6. Teaching tools/IT:
LCD Projector, Power Point, Overhead Projector, student self-learning exercises (e-learning system); practical exercises in health care institutions will be allocated to themes of the module. The exercises regarding to self-learning work of students included a reflection in the presentation.
2.14.7. Ratio between theoretical and practical part of the study in the module:
Lecture / Seminar / Education Exercise / Education Practice / Individual student work / Workload
20 / 10 / 140 / 45 / 225
2.14.8. Indicative Reading:
Landy Frank J. & Conte Jeffrey M., Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Diane M Billings, Ed.D, R.N., Judith A Halstead (2011) Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty, 4. Edition, Elsevier
Gudjons, H. (2012): Pädagogisches Grundwissen: Überblick - Kompendium – Studienbuch, Klinkhardt, UTB, 11. Edition

2-ND semester

2.14.1. Module Title: HSc-02 Case and Care Management
ECTS Credits: 2,5
Professor: M. Rode Edu- Sci, cand. PhD
2.14.2. Description of the subject:
Case or Care Management is a professional development of nursing as a steering method regarding to increase the treatment quality and individual care of patients. In addition case management is based on ethical attitudes regarding to treatment of patients. It also has effects on economic development of health care institutions related to avoid complications by patients and increase the satisfaction of staff and patients. It integrates theoretical orientated nursing in its profession. Contents in this module are:
- Definition of case management and effects of case management in nursing
- Methods of case management and role
- Mainstream methods of case management in nursing
- Steering process, included clinical pathways as steering methods in institutions
- Case analysis
2.14.3. Objective Learning Outcomes:
- Students define care and case management
- Students analysis cases
- Students allocate clinical pathways with care and case management concepts
- Students reflect different concepts of care and case management, clinical pathways in their profession
- Students reflect case management as a steering method
- Developing models for teaching lessons to integrate case management in existing treatment modules in nursing education
- Formulate values of ethical treatment of patients
2.14.4. Learning and Teaching Methods:
- Lecture
- Exercise: case studies
- Problem-orientated learning
- Reflective thinking tasks like case analysis, discussions
2.14.5. Assessment Methods:
- Presentation
Passing criteria: 51% successful tasks in presentation, passed with the minimum grade E
2.14.6. Teaching tools/IT:
LCD Projector, Power Point, Overhead Projector, student self-learning exercises (e-learning system); practical exercises in health care institutions will be allocated to themes of the module. The exercises regarding to self-learning work of students included a reflection in the presentation.
2.14.7. Ratio between theoretical and practical part of the study in the module:
Lecture / Seminar / Education Exercise / Education Practice / Individual student work / Workload
25 / 10 / 40 / 75
2.14.8. Indicative Reading:
Nancy Summers (2011) : Fundamentals in Case Management Practice: Skills for Human Services; Brooks Cole Pub Co; 4. Edition
von Reibnitz, Case Management: praktisch und effizient, Sringer 2009
Powell, Case Management, Lippincott, Williams, Wilkens, 3. Edition, 2009

Special module for midwifery