UK Toupee and Innovative Hair – 2014 Catalogue
Please note; this catalogue shows a small selection, based on some of the most popular models. However, I work directly with the manufacturers; hence can supply any specification and design required.
To ensure an accurate match to your hair colour, and an exact fit regarding width, length and contour, please supply hair sample/s and either a template or an old system that fits well, from which the factory can make a base template.
All models, with hair length equal to, or less than 6”, and base dimensions equal to, or less than 8” x 10” are £157. Longer hair lengths, and larger bases / full cap designs, are available. Please contact us for a quotation.
All systems are Remy Indian hair, unless otherwise required. Grey can be ‘hair’ or ‘synthetic’, depending upon preference.
Order delivery is between 6-8 weeks for first order, and 4-5 weeks for subsequent orders. However, if you urgently require a hair system, the factory holds 1000’s in stock, which can be cut to fit. Stock orders can be at your door within 7 to 10 days. Please contact me with your requirements
/ Dream Lace Perimeter Bond:Super fine mono top
Bio ‘virtual skin’ perimeter for tape attachment
Lace front – lace tape, or adhesive attachment
/ Dream Lace
Full lace system
Available in fine French lace or superfine swiss lace
Attachment – lace tape or lace adhesive
/ Hollywood Lace
Fine Monafilament Top
PU Perimeter at sides and back, for tape attachment
Lace Front – tape or adhesive attachment
*model shown is stock model, with 3 PU strips to allow for sizing options. Custom model is made to fit exactly, hence, has 1 strip of PU, at sides and back.
/ Micro Skin Perimeter Bond
Fine Lace Top
‘Virtual Skin’ perimeter, for tape or adhesive attachment
/ Bio
‘Virtual Skin’ polymer base
Available in 1 gram, 3 gram, 6 gram (nb. 1gm is designed for monthly replacement)
Recommended attachment - adhesive
Transparent PU Front
Fine Mesh Centre
Durable poly coating, from temple to temple.
For tape attachment.
/ HR
Fine Mesh Top
Transparent PU coating at sides and back for tape attachment
Virtual Skin coated front, for tape / adhesive attachment
/ Poly Lace Zig Zag
Virtual Skin Base
French or Swiss Lace Front, with staggered hairline
Tape or Adhesive attachment
Superfine monofilament base
Bio skin perimeter – tape attachment
Lace front – tape or adhesive attachment