Current World Issues Name _________________

Country Project Date __________________

Middle East

We will be studying the current issues facing the different regions of the world throughout the semester. First, pick a country in the region and complete the information below relative to your specific country. Then, find two news stories related to recent events in that country. Follow the Current Events assignment procedure to summarize the articles.

1. Name of country or countries: ____________________________________________________

2. Location: (continent, relation to neighboring countries, bodies of water, or landmarks)

3. Key Leaders: (Political, religious, faction, etc) Include title and description or time of power

4. Population Characteristics: (ethnic groups, religions, percentages of each)

5. Economy: (main source(s) of employment, access to resources, trading partners, foreign investment, problems, etc)

6. Foreign Relations: (alliances and political allies, enemies, problems, disputes, etc)

7. Significant Events: (wars, changes in leadership, changes in government or economic structure, internal conflict or duress)