Current Events Assignment – Life Science
· Choose an article that deals with Life Science. It may come from a journal, newspaper, or website.
· Attach the original article or copy of the article.
· Your summary must be typed. Number the sections 1 – 6 and double space between the sections.
Information that needs to be covered includes the following:
Number Each Section
1. Title of the article
2. Author(s) name – you must be able to find the author on an internet article.
3. Source - is it a newspaper, journal, article on the web, etc., and what is the name and date of the publication or include the entire web address
4. Date of the article – It can be no older than 6 months before the due date.
5. Body - Write a 3 to 5 paragraph summary of the article. Answer the following questions in your writing: Who? What? Where? When? Why? Include in the summary why you chose this article and whether you agree or disagree with the content. DO NOT PLAGERIZE! THIS WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC ZERO.
6. Vocabulary – Choose 2 vocabulary words you do not know. These must be defined. If you cannot find words that you do not know, look for words your classmates may not know. You may use a traditionally dictionary or the online dictionary:
Tentative Due Dates: October 5, December 7, February 22, and April 19.
Here are some suggestions of websites: