Spring 2016, Summer 2016, and Fall 2016

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Plan and Report

(Document student learning outcomes assessment plans and assessment data for each undergraduate and graduate degree program and certificate program, stand alone minor, and distance education program offered online only.)

College: ___College of Education______

Department: ______

Name of Degree or Certificate Program/Stand Alone Minor/Online Distance Education Program:______

Reflection on theContinuous Improvement of Student Learning
1. List the changes and improvements your program planned to implement as a result of last year’s student learning
outcomes assessment data.
2. Were all of the changes implemented? If not, please explain.
3. What impact did the changes have on student learning?
Student Learning Outcome 1
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will beused to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcomeand explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.)

Assessment Data:

Spring 2016-Summer 2016-Fall 2016 Assessment Data

[insert data chart]

Changes to be implemented Fall 2017: Based upon the 2016assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements willthe program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome?
Student Learning Outcome 2
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will beused to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcomeand explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.)

Assessment Data:

Spring 2016-Summer 2016-Fall 2016 Assessment Data

[insert chart here]

Changes to be implemented Fall 2017: Based upon the 2016assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements willthe program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome?
Student Learning Outcome 3
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will beused to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcomeand explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.)

Assessment Data:

Spring 2016-Summer 2016-Fall 2016 Assessment Data

[insert chart here]

Changes to be implemented Fall 2017: Based upon the 2016assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements willthe program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome?
Student Learning Outcome 4
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will beused to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcomeand explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.)

Spring 2016-Summer 2016-Fall 2016 Assessment Data

[insert chart here]

Changes to be implemented Fall 2017: Based upon the 2016assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements willthe program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome?


Student Learning Outcome 5
(knowledge, skill or ability to be assessed)
Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.
Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will beused to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcomeand explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.
Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.
Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.)

Assessment Data:

Spring 2016-Summer 2016-Fall 2016 Assessment Data

[insert chart here]

Changes to be implemented Fall 2017: Based upon the 2016assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements willthe program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome?


NEW SECTION FOR ALL PROGRAMS: Not all our program improvements are directly related to SLO data sources. We want to capture all our program improvements … therefore, if your program has made or plans to make program improvements based on data sources other than your identified SLO data sources, please enter that information below.


  • Not all programs may need to complete this … that’s okay!!Complete it if applicable to you.
  • Changes made in response to survey results/Dashboard data would be ideal for this section.
  • This is for program improvements related to candidate performance only – this is not the place to record recruitment efforts.
  • Note from Laura: as I review these, I may ask you for additional information. Just FYI.
  1. Program improvements made in 2016 based on data sources other than SLO sources mentioned above. Give the data source and the improvement outcome. (Bullets or short sentences are fine.)
  1. Program improvements you plan to work on in 2017 based on data sources other than the SLO sources mentioned above. Give the data source(s) and the planned improvement goal(s).(Bullets or short sentences are fine.)

For example – this is from Laura, this is just an example: Our recent graduate survey from UNC-GA indicate that approximately 50% of our secondary candidates report they had “few” or “no” experiences with developing strategies for English Language Learners. This data is aligned with data presented by recent graduates at our College of Education charrette in November 2016. Based on these data, our program directors are currently exploring possibilities for course revisions to increase the opportunities for candidates to design lessons specifically for English Language Learners. Our goal is to have a course revised by fall 2018.