Equity & Services Council Meeting
October 31, 2016
SURC 236
Call To Order:
This meeting is called to order at 4:02 PM on October 31, 2016
Roll Call:
ABLE: Present
AUAP: Present
BSU: Present
EQuAl: Present
FASA: Present
FGSO: Present
MEChA: Present
Approval of Minutes:
· October 17, 2016
Motion to approve the minutes for October 24, 2016 with the noted corrections.
So moved by EQuAL
Seconded by BSU
Motion passes 7-0-0
Additions or Corrections to Agenda:
No noted additions or corrections to the agenda.
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda for October 24, 2016
So moved by ABLE
Seconded by FASA
Motion passes 7-0-0
Executive Board Report:
· Chair: Andrea Saavedra
I’ve been meeting with my team and we’re really focusing on the planning of Friendsgiving. We finally have a space booked, which Morgan will talk about in his report. Now that we have it we’re focusing on finishing everything else up.
· Executive Assistant: Morgan Leblanc
We have our space booked in the Wellington Event Center on November 15th from 5-7 pm. We wanted to have it at a couple of other places but there were scheduling issues with the venues. We’re also looking at lining up the Bubble Balls, the food, and the DJ.
· Community Programmer: Malia Caswell
I’ve been working mainly on Friendsgiving this week with Morgan and Andrea. I’ve also been looking more into the Fundraising for Hurricane Matthew. I talked to the CLCE and was told that we’d have to run the event through a club or Org; we can’t just do it as our office. So we’re looking for a club to sponsor it and earn some volunteer hours. If you’re interested in that feel free to contact me or Andrea.
· Advisor: Michelle Cyrus
We have Roger Coen performing in the SURC Theatre on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6 p.m. On Thursday he’ll also be hosting a panel in the music building at 6 p.m. On Friday we’re all excited for the Day of the Dead celebration in the SURC Ballroom. On November 9th we have the Native American Open House. It’s in Dean Hall at 6:30 pm, there will be lots of free food and wonderful information about Native American traditions and culture.
I also want to remind you all to get your funds requests and food justifications in as soon as you can. The end of the quarter is coming up and the longer you wait the less time you are going to have.
Org Reports:
We’re going to start selling cake pops as a fundraiser. We’re going to sell them at different prices based on the privilege of the buyer to educate people about the wage gap that exists between people of different privilege.
We have the Filipino Olympics coming up. We’re preparing our funds request but still have to see how many people we want to take. The other thing on our radar is Falalala FASA in December, so we’re going to be preparing for that.
We had a surprise Halloween meeting last week and it was a lot of fun for everybody that attended. We’re going to be starting Pride planning early this year, so if you want to get involved in that come to our next meeting to see what we have in store.
We have our Tamales sale planned now, so if you want to do a presale order they should be tabling by November 9th. Pickup will be on the 14th. We’re selling them at $20 for a dozen, $10 for half a dozen, and $2 for individual tamales. We’ve been prepping for BOO Central, Day of the Dead, and Parade of Nations. We also have Carlos Andreas Gomez coming to speak on Friday, November 18th. He’s having a Workshop from 5-6 p.m. and then his performance is 7-8 p.m. We’re also hosting an APA meeting later this quarter, where MEChA’s from across the state will come and gather to discuss our purpose and goals.
We’ve complete our Beyond Barriers panel and we feel like it turned out to be a great success. We’re going to be participating in BOO Central tonight and we’re looking into working with one of our members to volunteer at Hope Source for Veteran’s day. We’re also looking into hosting a round table with the police and our organizations to be speak about police brutality, disability, and mental illness. We also want to do an awareness campaign about student traffic and how it affects students with disabilities.
We went over our plans for BOO Central and decided what activities we wanted to do for it. We decided to do a find the monster under the cup game.
Last week we volunteered at the Brooklane Preschool. We did Habitat for Humanity on Saturday and it was really a lot of fun for all of our students. We’re planning for BOO Central and this Friday we’re going to do After School Safe Place again.
Old Business:
No Old Business.
New Business:
· Washington DC Service Learning Project.
Motion to table the funds request vote until the requesting group can return to present again and answer new questions.
So moved by EQuAl
Seconded by ABLE
Motion passes 5-0-1
· After School Safe Place Funds Request
Motion to allot $221.20 to AUAP for the After School Safe Place
So moved by EQuAl
Seconded by BSU
Motion passes 6-0-0
The first Student Safe Space training will be taking place Saturday, November 5, from 10-4 pm in SURC 271. We have about 20 open slots so if you’re interested swing by.
Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Andrea Saavedra in person or via email . Public comments may also be presented at the time of the meeting
Motion to adjourn this meeting at 4:44
So moved by EQuAl
Seconded by ABLE
Motion passes 6-0-0