2011-2012 HANDBOOK
We hope that you will carefully read the student handbook we have provided. If you familiarize yourself with the school policies in this handbook and act accordingly, you should have a successful year and a fine educational experience. Carefully review the disciplinary policies, as there are some changes and additions for this school year.
At Cumberland High School – Respect + Responsibility + Reliability = Success. All students and staff are asked to promote and encourage these ideals.
Cumberland High School is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of students in a positive and progressive manner. We aim to foster the development of students who will become responsible and productive adults.
Table of Contents
Thursday, August 25, 2011 Institute Day – No Classes 8:00-1:00
Friday, August 26, 2011 First Day of Pupil Attendance – 10:00 Students; 1:00 Faculty
Friday, September 2, 2011 Half Day In-Service – 12:30 Dismissal
Monday, September 5, 2011 Labor Day – No School
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Half Day Attendance – 12:30 Dismissal – Open House
Friday, September 23, 2011 Distribute 1st Quarter Deficiency Slips
Friday, October 7, 2011 Institute Day – No Classes – 8:00 – 1:00
Monday, October 10, 2011 Columbus Day – No School
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 End of 1st Quarter (40 Days)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Begin 2nd Quarter
Thursday, November 3, 2011 Half Day In-Service – 12:30 Dismissal-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 P.M.
Friday, November 4, 2011 No Classes-Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Report Cards
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Distribute 2nd Quarter Deficiency Slips
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Dismissal at 2:20 for Thanksgiving Holiday
School Resumes Monday, November 28, 2011
December 21 & 22, 2011 Semester Exams-Dismiss at 2:20
Thursday, December 22, 2011 Dismissal at 2:20 for Christmas Holiday
End 1st Semester (39 Days-79 Days Semester)
Monday, January 2, 2012 Institute Day – No Classes 8:00-1:00
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 Classes Resume – Report Cards – Begin 3rd Quarter
Friday, January 13, 2012 Half Day In-Service – 12:30 Dismissal
Monday, January 16, 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday – No School
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Distribute 3rd Quarter Deficiency Slips
Friday, February 17, 2012 Half Day In-Service – 12:30 Dismissal
Monday, February 20, 2012 President’s Day – No School
Friday, March 16, 2012 End 3rd Quarter (52 Days)
Monday, March 19, 2012 Begin 4th Quarter
Friday, March 23, 2012 Report Cards
Friday, March 30, 2012 Half Day In-Service – 12:30 Dismissal
Thursday, April 5, 2012 Dismissal at 2:20 for Easter Holiday
Classes Resume Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Distribute 4th Quarter Deficiency Slips
Friday, April 27, 2012 Half Day In-Service – 12:30 Dismissal
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Report Card Day (if no emergency days used) (52 Days-104 Days Semester)
May 22,23,24,25,29,30,31 Emergency Days
Monday, May 28, 2012 Memorial Day – No School
Friday, June 1, 2012 Institute Day – No Classes 8:00-1:00
Monday, June 4, 2012 Final School Day (if all emergency days are used)
Report Card Day
Mr. Russell A. Ragon, Superintendent/Transportation Director…...............923-3132
Mr. Todd Hall, H.S. Principal………………………………………………….923-3133
Mr. Kevin Maynard, Middle School Principal………………………………...923-3135
Mr. Todd Butler, Elementary Principal……………………………………….923-3135
Mrs. Sheila Plummer, District Guidance Counselor/Homeless Liaison.......923-3135
Mrs. Marjorie Jackson, President Dr. Melissa Jones
Mr. Jack Ingram, Vice-President Mr. Rob Plummer
Mr. Steve Layton, Secretary Mrs. April Flood
Ms. Laurie Titus
Mrs. Gail Bierman, Office Manager………………….... 923-3132
Mrs. Sandy Miller, Sec’y to HS Principal…………..…. 923-3133
Mrs. Gail Wampler, Ath. & Attendance Sec’y……..…. 923-3133
Mrs. Diana Ozier, Sec’y Elem & M.S. Principal……... 923-3135
Mrs. Janel Haga, Sec’y Elem & M.S. Principal…….... 923-3135
Ms. Deana Carr, Transportation Secretary…………. 923-3132
Mr. Wendell Kemper, Maint. Supervisor……………… 923-3136
Mrs. Jenny Jackson, School Nurse………………...…. 923-3135
Mr. Steve Wheeler, Technology Coordinator………… 923-3133
Office Hours
The Cumberland High School office is open from 7:45 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. daily during the school week.
Closed Campus
Because Cumberland High School is located in the country and lunch time is so short, we cannot allow students to leave at noon. There would be too many potential traffic hazards.
Cumberland High School welcomes interested parents and adults to visit our school. Please call before coming so that we may be ready for you. All visitors must report to the office when they enter the building. Misconduct by visitors may result in removal from school grounds. Student visitors are not allowed except in special circumstances as approved by the principal.
School Visitation Rights Act: The intent of this Act is to permit employed parents and guardians who are unable to meet with educators because of a work conflict the right to an allotment of time during the school year to attend necessary educational or behavioral conferences at the school their children attend.
Video Surveillance
Cumberland students, faculty, and visitors should be aware that the grounds and buildings are covered by video surveillance equipment 24 hours per day.
Pirate Keys to Success Program
At Cumberland High School, students have rights and privileges as well as responsibilities. While the school system has an obligation to provide and education for all students, we have set high standards for students to conduct themselves in a way that helps to build a climate essential for learning. Students can expect school staff to reinforce positive behaviors.
Equally important to sharing what is expected of students is that school and district policies and practices support character development, the development of self-control, and positive behavior choices. Developing positive and effective student behaviors requires collaborative efforts from school, home, and community organizations and agencies. Some of the most important character traits which we have adopted as our Pirate Keys to Success Program are respect, responsibility, and reliability. (See matrix on pages 6 & 7)
Respect is shown by treating others the way you wish to be treated, using good manners and appropriate language, dealing peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements, and accepting differences among people.
Responsibility is demonstrated by always doing your best, thinking about consequences, being accountable for choices, and doing what one is expected to do.
Reliability is built by keeping promises, telling the truth, being dependable, and building a good reputation.
The Pirate Keys to Success is based on seven guiding principles. We believe these principles will help create an optimal learning environment for the students at Cumberland. The guiding principles are as follow:
1. Clear expectations for student behavior in all school settings
2. Clear and consistent strategies for teaching appropriate behavior
3. Clear and consistent strategies for acknowledging appropriate behavior
4. Clear and consistent consequences that discourage inappropriate
5. A support system and individual behavioral programs for students with
unique or exceptional needs
6. Clearly designed methods for evaluating and revising the program
7. Clear plans and strategies for communicating the characteristics and
philosophy of the program to students and parents
Celebrations: Pirate Key Celebrations will be held quarterly for students who meet the requirements for “ABG”
• “A” Attendance = Perfect attendance
• “B” Behavior = Must have no major office referrals for the quarter
• “G” Grades = A student must achieve high honors or honors for the quarter
Student Expectations
We believe everyone deserves a safe, supportive, and orderly learning environment. We encourage appropriate behaviors by teaching, guiding, directing, and providing opportunities for new learning to occur. We create opportunities for student to practice and success in making responsible and effective choices in order to reach their academic potential and contribute to the school community.
Travel 0-1
Passing 2
Assemblies/ Field Trips
Parking Lot
Keep to right; Keep moving
Use appropriate language
Listen and follow directions
Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
Appreciate differences
Wait until acknowledged to speak
Listen to others
Use appropriate language
Maintain personal space
Listen and follow directions
Respect others’ privacy
Use appropriate language
Keep hands and feet to self
Use school property appropriately
Throw away trash
Keep aisle clear
Share space
Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
Use kind words
Listen and follow directions
Use appropriate language
Wear appropriate attire for occasion
Park in assigned areas
Use appropriate language
Keep hands, feet, and objects off others’ property
Be patient
Display parking pass
Be on time
Resolve conflicts with maturity
Food and drinks prohibited
Use only your assigned locker
Carry planner at all times
Be accountable for your actions
Resolve conflicts with maturity
Use time wisely
Clean-up after yourself
Conserve paper, water, etc.
Use proper hygiene
Follow staff directions
Stay in your seat
Face forward at all times
Remain seated while bus is in motion
Participate appropriately
Be a good representative of the school
Drive safely/slowly
Lock car
Be aware of those around you
Go directly to destination
Ask for planner/ pass to be signed
Keep cell phone off and in locker
Attend school every day and stay awake
Eat breakfast
Be on time
Bring needed materials
Study/complete homework on time
Use nearest restroom
Use restroom during passing time
Use a restroom pass during class time for emergencies only
Enter and exit in single file
Pass quickly through hallways
Take seat promptly
Return completed permission slips on time
Allow time for safe driving
Take all needed items
Go directly to destination
Follow rules of road
After School Events
Computer Lab
Office Areas
Locker Room
Wait turn in a single-file line
Be polite and patient
Listen and follow directions
Wait patiently
Use appropriate language
Assist guests
Leave and return to activity during breaks or with permission
Participate in a positive manner
Let others do their best
Keep hand, feet, objects to self
Use appropriate language
Be aware of others around you
Use equipment as intended
Keep current settings on computer
Use all library materials appropriately
Wait patiently and quietly for assistance
Wait patiently
Use appropriate language
Be courteous
Maintain personal space
Listen and follow directions
Demonstrate good sportsmanship
Clean your area
Place items in designated area
Resolve conflicts with maturity
Keep hand, feet, objects to self
Take all safety precautions coming into/leaving the building
Arrive dressed appropriately
Use steps when entering or exiting bleachers
Go directly to appropriate area for each activity
Help maintain equipment
Food and drinks prohibited
Turn in books on time
Keep area clean
Reshelve books correctly
Return forms, permits, etc. on time
Get a pass to go back to class
Return directly to class
Lock-up personal items
Demonstrate good hygiene
Resolve conflicts with maturity
Use equipment appropriately
Have Lunch Badge ready
Be in designated lunch area when the bell rings
Keep line moving
Move to class quickly and quietly when bell rings
Turn in notes from home as soon as the bell rings
Be on time
Have needed materials
Before 8:00 bell, go directly to cafeteria
Have a pass to be in hallway before 8:00
Arrive/Leave at designated time
Use appropriate entrance
Bring money or other needed items for admission
Remain in designated area.
Have pass
Log in with only your password
Begin working immediately
Follow all acceptable use policies
Have student ID ready to sign out books
Bring hall pass
Go directly to the office when permitted
Preferred times to visit Office: before/after school or during lunch
Have P.E. uniform every day
Be on time
Change clothes quickly
Students arriving early must report to the cafeteria area. Students are not allowed in the main halls until after 8:00 a.m. All students must sign out in the office before leaving early. If you
return to school that same day, you must sign back in at the school office before returning to class.
Senior Privileges: Seniors may be excused from either 1st or 7th hour study hall with parent’s permission – as long as there is no problem with attendance, behavior, or grades.
1st period sign-ins must be signed-in in the attendance office by 9:01 a.m. Students allowed to sign out 7th hour may do so at 2:20 p.m.
Bell Schedule
1st Bell
2nd Bell
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Lunch A
Class A
Lunch B
Class B
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
A. Regular attendance at school is necessary for each student to have a fair opportunity at successfully understanding and completing assignments. Parents/ guardians are responsible in cooperation with the school to insure regular attendance. Pre-registered students who are not in attendance the first day of school will be marked absent.
B. There are only two types of absence: EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED. The first ten (10) absences of each semester will be considered excused. However, any absence in excess of 10 will be considered unexcused, unless the student submits a doctor’s note or letter from the court. All other absences in excess of 10 will be considered unexcused. Extenuating circumstances may be considered.
C. Students are required to be in attendance at school unless they have an excused absence.
D. Students with absences in excess of 10 who do not bring a doctor’s or court excuse into the office on the day they return to school will be given an unexcused absence. This excuse needs to be brought in to the office between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. on the morning they return.
E. Students at home ill all day cannot attend school functions that evening.
F. Unexcused Absences
a) Students permitted to make up work for no credit.
b) Students will receive a zero credit toward grade average for each unexcused absence.
c) One detention per unexcused period may be assigned.
d) Repeated violations will result in suspension.
G. In grades 9-12, any time a student is absent, the parents/ guardians should notify the school in advance by phone or send a signed, written note to school with the student upon return. If parents/ guardians do not contact the school, the school is responsible for making a reasonable effort to promptly telephone and notify the parent/guardian of the child’s absence if the child is absent without valid cause. Parents/ guardians are required to give the school a primary and secondary phone number for notification purposes.
H. Tardy: Students are expected to make every effort to be at school when classes begin. Students are expected to be in the room when the bell rings. If a student is delayed by school personnel, he/ she must obtain a pass from that staff member to present to the receiving staff member. Repeated tardies may result in detention and/or suspension. See Tardies under discipline code. Students late to first hour class will be sent to the office to determine if they are tardy and/or unexcused. Students driving to school will not be excused for car trouble.
I. Truant: A truant is defined as a child subject to compulsory attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion thereof. Chronic or habitual truant shall be defined as a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for 10% for more of previous 180 regular attendance days.