AP Gov Exam 2016-17

Directions: bring your textbook and all notes on 1/26. Remember that you will still need to study or you will run out of time and will not be able to answer all of the questions. Part one will include questions from the US Constitution Packet. Part one will not be open notes or book. Part two will be open notes and book; it will include questions from all of the chapters listed below. Part Three will be one short answer essay. You will be allowed to use your notes and book for part three.

Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government Ch 1, 2 & 3

· The Constitution: its historical context, its philosophical foundations and the way that we interpret it today.

· Issues such as federalism, factionalism in party politics, theories of republican government, pluralism, elitism, and checks and balances.

· Supreme Court decisions which interpret the Constitution.

Political Beliefs and Behaviors Ch 7, 8 & 12

· The demographic, social and economic features of the American population and how it shapes political culture of both specific groups and of the whole.

· The evolution and transmission of political culture and how it informs political participation.

· Forms of political participation such as voting, protest, mass movements and how that affects the political system

Political Parties, Interest Groups and Mass Media Ch 9, 10 & 11

· Mechanisms that allow citizens to organize and communicate their interests and concerns such as political parties, elections, PACs, interest groups, lobbies, third parties, and the mass media.

· The evolution of the U.S. party system, their structures and the effect parties have on the political process. Important elements include party reform, campaign strategies and financing.

· Elections, election rules and laws.

· The role of the media, its impact upon public opinion, voter perception, electoral outcomes, agenda development, and the images that the public has of our government and our elected officials.

Institutions of National Government Ch 13, 14, 15 & 16

· The organs of government including the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government and their relationships with one another.

· Ties between branches of the national government, political parties, interest groups, the media, and state and local governments.