This is a GREAT letter to help us all see the BIG PICTURE of where we can go in our business as we help others get healthier! Thanks to Guy DeBoo for sharing. Please read and enjoy,Mary

Juice Plus+ Team,

After returning from theNSA – Juice Plus Convention in Memphis, Tennessee last week, I felt it appropriate to encourage our entire team. I have attended countless sales, managementand motivational events over the years and have decided that there really is not a better event to attend than Juice Plus conventions. I always walk away with a sense of fulfillment like no other.While I’ve always believed in our product and will have our family on Juice Plus for the rest of our lives, I have never been more convinced that everyone should be taking Juice Plus.

Gordon Hester, economist, spoke regarding the wellness industry and future of health care. The average American currently spends 30% of their income on health care related expenditures. Interestingly enough, on a prior business trip, I picked up Time Magazine(Oct. 19, 2009) and found thatin 2007, before the stock market crash, theaverage 401K account balance at retirementwas just $78,000. Currently, it is estimated that an average person retiring should have a 401K balance of $320,000 to replace one half of their income during retirement.I'll let you do themath for what's left afterhealth care and taxes...

So, here isthe good news:

The purpose of Juice Plus is to help preventour customers from becoming medical statistics and to provide YOU an ongoing revenue stream and life purposeinto your retirement years.

Another interesting point from Gordon’s presentation is the positioning of our company within this time in history. Below you will find a business graphic called an S curve. This toolis used to show rate of growth and market saturation points. You can parallel this graphic to several industries of the past such as the Ford automobile surge of the early 1900’s or more recently the cellular phone industry.Every industry has an invention/innovation phase, a growth phase and a saturation/maturity phase.

After taking a moment to consider the automobile industry, you will see the position of our company could not be better. Because of NSA’s early entry into this industry we are miles ahead of any other product on the market from a research standpoint. As the creator of Juice Plus, Dr. Smoky Santillo, stated during his speech at conference, “HEY, When the job is done, the job is done!”We have successfully created a convenient, inexpensive way to get the very best nutrition into our bodies. The competition can only follow and will never catch up to our 16 published research studies. Twenty-four University Medical Research Centers around the world agree!

As you look at the position of Juice Plus within the wellness industry below, be encouraged.America is on the verge of a paradigm shift from treating illness with prescriptions to a mentality of wellness andpreventative health. We are positioned to grow our businesses to a level that not only meets our internal desire to provide for our families but also allows us to serve others through the prosperity of our Juice Plus businesses.


The world is waiting for us to act. Don’t pass up an opportunity to spread the word about what Juice Plus can do for health. Every time you even mention it, you are giving someone the opportunity to change their life forever. We owe it to them to speak confidently of the product and research.

Let me close by telling you that if you want the confidence to be bold and empowered about your health and future success, please work to attend a Juice Plus conference with us, trust me you won’t be disappointed.In fact, let mebe so confident to tell you I will personally offer a money back guarantee to any of our team. If you attend and are not fulfilled and invigorated about the product and business, I will fully reimburse you the cost of your attendance. YES, it really is that great! Please consider attending with us!

Most of all, thank you for choosing tochange your own healthandthe health of others by becoming distributors. No matter what, you are a blessing whether you do a little or a lot with your JP+ business!