Congressional Redistricting

Video Response Questions:

1. How do you get more voters to vote for your party yet still send fewer representatives to Congress?

2. What suggestions does the video make for preventing gerrymandering?

3. Which plan for reform do you think would work best?

Answer these questions after playing the game. Play at least two levels of the game.

1. What was your favorite congressional character in the game.

2. What was the most difficult part of the game for you?

3. How do games like this help the understanding of the process of apportionment?

Answer this question when finished with game playing and viewing the video.

4. Is redistricting good for democracy as it now stands? Explain.

5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of redistricting?

Read about this reform effort in Ohio.

1. How were districts drawn previous to the reform passed in 2015?

2. What changes will be made with the passage of the reform?

3. Why will this change not likely change much about the current system?

4. What is the benefit of more competitive elections vs noncompetitive elections?