Highland Clearances Unit

Some Similarities of Native American History and Highland Clearances


1. Clan against clan (Most of clan history, but especially impacted Culloden)

2. Some Chieftains selling out (selling of Black Cuillins proposed to maintain castle)

3. Atrocities approaching genocide (“…the problem with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots.”)

4. Removed from Clan lands to work in cities, on seaside crofts, sent overseas, sold into slavery

5. Highland proscription- breaking the culture/ clan system

6. During Clearances an awakening of romanticized "savage" (Victorian)

7. Hardships of being displaced (sickness, loss of support system…)

8. Drug and alcohol issues in Scotland have received international attention

9. Having to recover knowledge, language being lost due to domination and removal

10. Importance of Creation "Myth" for family- especially true of Irish, but

still applicable in Celtic traditions- many clans’ family trees include deities

11. Hollywood has impacted the perception of the Celtic culture. “Braveheart” and Rob Roy” have

left Scotland in 13 and 14th centuries and many think this denies Scotland’s future and does not acknowledge that there is a modern Scotland

Native American/ North America Indigenous People

1. Tribe against Tribe/Nation (Most of N. A. History)

2. Some Chieftains selling out (Making deals with Washington)

3. Plain and simple attempt at genocide

4. Removed from Tribal lands; Europeans looking for wealth forced many indigenous people into


5. Removal to reservations- forced to attend Government schools/ break language

6. During the so-called Indian Wars, the “noble savages” stereotype developed- even in Europe

7. Many Indians died during/ from relocation (mountain tribes forced to the Everglades...)

8. Drug and alcohol abuse is nothing new- also highest rate of suicide in US. These are

characteristics common among "broken people/spirits"

9. There has been a resurgence of traditional values- but so much was lost (Oral Tradition) most

Indian culture has been changed forever

10. Most N.A. tribal names translate to "human being”; Creation "myths" also integral part of

the history of culture

11. Native American groups have problems with using Native American symbols as school mascots,

which, according to many, perpetuate the myth of the “noble savage” and sell this culture group short of their modern existence. Movies often portray the indigenous people in an ancient way, leading a na?ve public to the conclusion that there are no “Indians” among us today

Compiled by Peter J. Watts

Riverside Middle School