BIOL 1010

Instructor: E. Goffe and Faculty

Target Group: Allied Health Services

Lecture Texts: Drake, R., Vogl, W. and A. Mitchell. 2015. Gray’s Anatomy

for Students, 3rd edition, Elsevier Inc.

Lab Texts: Goffe, Eylana Goldman & H. Townsend. 2014. Human Anatomy Laboratory

Atlas BIOL 1010.

Goffe, Eylana Goldman. 2014. Human Anatomy Lab Manual.

*PLEASE NOTE: Students must have close-toed shoes and

wear clothing that covers their knees to be

allowed into anatomy lab!!!


Human Anatomy is a fifteen-week course that meets five and one half hours each week. Two and one half hours are spent in lecture and three hours are spent in the laboratory. The lecture is based principally on descriptive material with theoretical support where appropriate. Success in the laboratory will be founded on self-discipline and effort on the part of the student. The pace of the laboratory work will be set to match progress in lectures so far as is possible.

Student evaluation will be based upon weekly quizzes and assignments, three laboratory practical exams, and three written lecture exams.


Allied health science deals with the normal and pathological processes of the human organism. Since structure and function are uniquely interrelated, one must have a basic knowledge of the human functional morphology to understand these processes. To communicate within the health professions, a common anatomical language is necessary. To understand the sick or damaged body, one must be familiar with the normal body. To ascertain the damage to muscle, bone, nerves, or other tissues, and to repair that damage requires knowledge of the function of these structures as they work together.

Our general goals will be:

1.  To provide a common anatomical language for

communication within the health profession.

2.  To relate the above language to the functional morphology of

the human organism.

3.  To provide a morphological basis for future understanding of

normal and pathological physiological processes.

4.  To develop knowledge of the anatomy of the human body by

the study of the organ system.

5.  To illustrate the principle that structure and function are uniquely interrelated.

To attain these goals we will rely on the textbook and lab manual, lectures and especially time spent in lab, both assigned and extra.


Laboratory Practical Exams 40%

Written Lecture Exams 40%

Quiz/Assignment Average 20%

Letter grades will be assigned according to the following point accumulations:

100-94 = A 79-77 = C+

93-90 = A- 76-70 = C

89-87 = B+ 69-67 = D+

86-84 = B 66-60 = D

83-80 = B- 59-0 = F

PLEASE NOTE: CCRI is now using a “+/-“ system which allows instructors to distinguish between different levels of work. The difference between receiving a “+” grade and a “-“ is just a matter of a single point. However it is the student’s responsibility to EARN those points through coursework.

DO NOT ask your instructor to give you a point to bump your grade at the end of the semester!

To pass the course the student must have both a passing average in lecture AND a passing average in lab. Please remember admission to the Nursing Program at CCRI requires a minimum grade of “B-” in this Human Anatomy course. See the website for more information.

QUIZZES: At least one quiz will be given each week, with the likely exception of exam weeks. The material for these quizzes will be announced at least one class in advance. Make-up quizzes are given at the discretion of the instructor. If you have to request a make-up quiz please inform your instructor as soon as possible.

LECTURE EXAMS: Three written lecture exams will be given. The exams will be based on reading assignments and lectures. Make-up exams will be given if arrangements are made with the instructor PRIOR to the scheduled exam or if proof of a legitimate absence can be furnished.

LABORATORY EXAMS: Three laboratory practical exams will be given. The exams will be based on the laboratory assignments. Under extreme circumstances and with the permission of their instructors, students may be allowed to take the exam with another section. Make-up laboratory exams are never given after the week they are scheduled, regardless of reason for absence.

Final grades are posted on pipeline shortly after final exams are given. If you are interested in learning the grades of your individual exams, you must make arrangements with your instructor.


Anatomy lab is designed to assist you in learning the lecture material through hands-on activities. This will include examination of tissues under a microscope, bones, specimen (cat and other), anatomical models, as well as creating human muscles from clay and attaching them appropriately to mini skeletons. Other activities may also be required.

You should do your best to integrate the lab and lecture material while working in lab, listening in lecture, and studying at home.

The Biology Department will provide dissection instruments and safety goggles. Probes and forceps will be available to use during lab. Scalpels and scissors will not be necessary because the specimen will already be dissected. You must provide your own non-latex gloves. If you want to, you may also bring in a lab coat or other shirt to protect your clothing. These will not be provided.

Some students also like to bring in surgical masks to cover their nose and mouths during the dissection. You will not be allowed to store these items (e.g. lab coat, gloves, etc) in lab between classes.

Attendance is essential in lab. Each lab is three hours long. The student must complete any work missed on his/her own time.

Students are expected to prepare for the laboratory by completing any assignments required, and by reading the appropriate chapters in the text and/or lab manual. Students should also take the time to view pictures of the slides, bones or dissections they will be studying that week in lab. This can be done in the book or on-line. This preparation will allow you to make the most of your lab time. The laboratory is a place to work and study. The lab will be open to all students as announced in class provided there is room. If you wish to study while another class is using the facilities, be sure to ask the instructor’s permission before working in the lab.

The following rules must be followed throughout the semester:

1.  The room must be an ideal study area at all times.

2.  Talking should be done quietly.

3.  Moving about should not be disturbing to others.

4.  No food or beverages are allowed in the lab. Smoking is never permitted in the lab

5.  No menthol products (e.g. Vick’s Vapor Rub, Blistex, etc) are allowed in lab.

6.  All extra clothing and books should be placed in an area other than the tabletop, which is reserved for laboratory work.

7.  Individual work areas should be left clean. Wipe down the tables, trays and tools with the cleaner provided. Check the floor around your work area.

8.  All types of waste must be disposed of properly. Deposit any fat, fur or fascia in the appropriate waste receptacle located in fume hood before washing the trays at the sink. Deposit all liquid from specimens in the appropriate container located in the fume hood. Paper towels, gloves, and other common trash should be thrown in the regular trash cans and never in the receptacles designated for hazardous waste such as preservative or specimen parts.

9.  Return all specimens to the appropriate containers.


Reading Assignments:
Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 3rd edition / Topic
Exam 1
Introduction: pg xi-xiii / Using the book
Assignment 1 / Chapter 1: pg 2-49 / Anatomy overview & Imaging
Assignment 2 / Chapter 2: pg 53-98, 685-694 / Bones & Muscles of Thorax
Assignment 3 / Chapter 3: pg 123-154 / Thorax overview & Breast
Assignment 4 / Chapter 3: pg 155-182, 218-230 / Pleural Cavities & Mediastinum
Assignment 5 / Chapter 3: pg 182-217 / Middle Mediastinum & Heart
Exam 2
Assignment 6 / Chapter 2: pg 59-63, 99-110 / Spinal Cord
Assignment 7 / Chapter 8: pg 837-872 / Head Overview and Skull
Assignment 8 / Chapter 8: pg 873-903 / Brain and Cranial Nerves
Assignment 9 / Chapter 8: pg 904-999(Tables/ Figures only) / Head and Neck Part I
Assignment 10 / Chapter 8: pg 1000-1119 / Head and Neck Part II
Assignment 11 / Chapter 7: pg 684-819 / Upper Extremity
Exam 3
Assignment 12 / Chapter 4: pg 254-401 / Abdomen and Cavity
Assignment 13 / Chapter 5: pg 423-517 / Pelvis and Pelvic Cavity
Assignment 14 / Chapter 6: pg 534-661 / Lower Extremity

Important Notes about the Reading Assignments

1) You are not responsible for the “Clinical Cases” or “Surface Anatomy” sections provided at the end of each chapter, unless noted in lecture.

2) You are only required to learn the origin, insertion , innervation and action of the muscles that are referred to in your power point presentation, discussed in lecture or investigated in lab.

3) The order that material is covered in lecture may not be exactly the same as it is covered in the book’s chapters. You may have to skim the chapters (or use the index) to find the specific portion of the reading that goes along with what we cover in lecture week to week.

4) Chapter 1 provides an overview of each body system., You may want to refer back to this section as we cover large parts of systems throughout the semester (e.g. when we study the heart, go back to chapter 1 and review the cardiovascular system summary!).

5) One of the book’s greatest assets is the pictures. Take the time to look at them carefully and understand what is being shown to you. Also take the time to read the labels on the pictures and the figure descriptions that accompany them. They will help you immensely! If there’s a picture that you can’t quite wrap your brain around, feel free to ask me about it during office hours or lab.

6) Additional reading may be given to you during the semester to supplement the textbook.

Zoological Roots

The following pages contain zoological roots, which are the basis for much of the anatomical terminology used in anatomy. Each row in the left column provides one or more zoological roots with a particular meaning, and the right column provides one or more definitions for those roots. In parentheses after the definition, examples of words built from those zoological roots are provided.

You must learn all of the zoological roots provided and at least one correct definition. You do not need to memorize the examples. Your first lecture quiz will be on all of these roots.

Once you have learned these zoological roots, you will have an excellent tool for understanding the vocabulary of anatomy. In some instances you will be able to translate a word you have never seen before based on the roots it is made of.

a- / without, not, negative (asexual, atrophy, asymmetry)
ab- / away from (aboral, abductor, absorption)
ad-, af-, an-, at- / to or toward (adrenal, adductor, adaptation, afferent, atrium)
adipo- / fat (adipose)
aero- / air, gas, oxygen (aerobic, anaerobic, aerial)
alba- / white (albicans)
ambi-, amphi- / both, double (ambidextrous, amphibian, amphioxus, amphicoelous
ana- / apart (anaphase)
ante-, antero- / before, previous to (anterior, anteroposterior)
anti- / against (antibody, antimere)
arthro- / joint (arthropod, arthritis)
auto- / self (autoimmune, autonomic, autosome, autonomy)
bio- / life, live (biology, biogenesis, biogeography)
bis-, bi- / two, double (bisect, bivalve, biramous, bilateral)
blast- / germ (blastoderm, blastula)
brachi- / arm (brachial, brachiopoda)
-brevis / short (peroneus brevis)
bronchi- / windpipe (bronchiole)
-bulla / blister (tympanic bulla)
capit / head (rectus capitis)
cata- / down (catabolism)
cauda- / tail (caudal, caudata)
cephalo-, cranio- / head (cephalothorax, cephalic, craniosacral)
chemo- / chemical (chemoreceptor)
chondr- / cartilage, granule (chondrocyte, mitochondrion)
circum- / around, about (circumpharyngeal)
-clast / to break (osteoclast)
co- / with, together (coenzyme, commensal, convergent)
-cost / rib (intercostal)
-cox / hip (os coxae)
cruci- / cross (cruciate)
cubit- / elbow (cubital)
cyto- / cell (cytology, cytoplasm, spermatocyte)
de-, des- / from, away, lost (dehydration, descending)
delta- / triangle (deltoideus)
dent- / tooth (dentine)
derm- / skin (dermal, ectoderm, echinoderm)
dextr- / right hand (dextrin)
di- / two, double (dihybrid, dimorphic, diencephalon)
dia- / across, through (diaphragm)
diplo- / double (diploid)
-duct / lead (oviduct, duct)
duo- / two (duodenum)
dura- / hard (dura mater)
e-, ex-, ef- / out of, from (efferent, excurrent, excretion)
ecto- / on the outside of, outer (ectoderm, ectoparasite)
ella-, -ium, -olus, -olum, -culus, -culum, -cle, -cule / these are diminutives, i.e. the signify a small thing
en-, endo- / in, inside (endoderm)
entero- / intestine, gut (enteric, archenteron)
epi- / upon, above (epigenesis, epithelium, epidermis)
erythro- / red (erythrocyte)
eu- / true, well, real (eucaryote)
ex-, extra- / beyond, additional, outside of (excretion, extracellular)
-fer / bear, carry, possess (porifera, rotifera, afferent)