Basic Defensive Coaching Drills:
Defensive Shuffle:
Set up cones at least 15 feet apart in zigzag pattern for girls to work on defensive form while shuffling from cone to cone. Work on form, speed, and drop step each time they change direction. Stay low, hands ready but not reaching, and do not cross feet on shuffle!
Z drill:
Partners – should put players of equal ball handling ability and speed together. Divide the court the long way into two long lanes with cones or using the lines on the court. (I usually use the sideline and closest edge of lane). One player is on offense working on her ball handling moves and the defense is working hard to turn her, slow her down, and put as much pressure on her as possible. Can go through with no stealing – just use feet or you can let the defense steal the ball. Switch from offense to defense on the way back down the court.
Four Player Defense:
Put an offensive player on each elbow with a defender on each. Player with ball needs to square up to basket ready to shoot each time they catch the ball – working on being strong with the ball, catching ready to shoot, facing the basket with correct footwork, and could add shot fake. Defense cannot steal the pass, but they need to work on defensive stance, hopping toward the ball to close out or deny the pass. Can work on talking, “I got ball, deny” This drill should move fairly quickly once you get started. Go back and forth with passes about 10 times and then rotate players through. Could even add a shot attempt with box out and rebound to this drill.
Man Defense – 1 pass away:
Beginners: Passer at top of key. Coach will be on offense with a defender. Coach will try to get open by moving from elbow extended down to baseline, across lane to other side (forming a wide U) while player works on man-to-man defensive stance and footwork. Talking points: always a hand in the passing lane, always see the ball, switching hands when coach cuts through lane, keep back to basket, hand to player and hand to the ball.
This is a good website for ways to teach man to man defensive concepts and positioning:
Breakthrough Basketball defense and positioning
Defensive Shell:
See “D Shell in phases” document in Coaches Corner of SGBA Travel