Common Core Math 7

Mrs. Christy Foster -

Mrs. Erin McHorney -

Rancho Pico Jr. High School

(661) 284 – 3260

Introduction of Course

Common Core Math 7 is an in-depth study of the skills necessary at the 7th grade level. It builds on skills learned in 6th grade and prepares the student for the rigor of 8th grade math and Algebra in the future. The following is a list of main topics that will be covered in 7th grade.

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

• Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real world and mathematical problems.

The Number System

• Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.

• Know that there are numbers that are not rational and approximate them by rational numbers.

Expressions and Equations

• Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.

• Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.


• Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.

• Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.

• Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.

Statistics and Probability

• Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.

• Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.

• Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.

Suggested Supplies

ü  3 Ring Binder with 5 tabs

ü  Lined paper

ü  Pencil / writing tool

ü  Scientific Calculator (TI30X or similar)

ü  White Board Marker and eraser (socks work well)

If you do not have access to these suggested supply items listed above, they will be provided to your student for use during class. If you have extras you would like to share with the students who might not have access please contact me, or send items to school with your student.

Homework Policy

Homework: Like any sport practice makes perfect. Homework is your practice for the big game (test day). Homework will be given almost every night and the student will be expected to complete ALL the homework and have it ready at the beginning of the following class period that it is assigned. Each homework assignment will be graded for completion. Questions will always be accepted and help is always available. Each homework assignment is worth 5 points. Late homework will be accepted up until the chapter test. Late homework will be given a score of 4 out of 5. Once the chapter test has been taken no homework will be accepted for that chapter.

Notebook: Each student will keep a three ring binder with 5 dividers inside.


At Rancho Pico Junior High School our goal is to create a diversity sensitive environment for equitable results.

As your teacher, here is what you can expect from me to help you succeed in this course:

  1. I will be prepared to teach each day.
  2. The content standards, daily objectives, and agenda will be written on the whiteboard daily.
  3. I will teach the district-approved curriculum.
  4. I will prepare interesting and engaging lessons.

Here is what you, as a student, can do to be successful in my class:

  1. Come to class on time, prepared to learn each day.
  2. Complete your homework on time.
  3. Identify a study buddy that you can contact if you are absent from class to get assignments or extra help.
  4. Use the student planner/calendar that was given to you at summer check-in to organize your learning and keep track of your assignments.
  5. Take responsibility for your learning.

As parents you can help your child by:

  1. Taking an interest in your child’s studies.
  2. Talking with your child each night about what they learned in school and ask to see their notebooks.
  3. Helping your child develop good time management strategies.
  4. Working with your child to set realistic goals for success.
  5. If you see that your child is having difficulties in a class, please intervene immediately – contact the teacher.
  6. Attending Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings and other school events.

Classroom Rules

1.  Respect yourself and others at ALL times.

2.  ALWAYS use appropriate language in class.

3.  Raise your hand if you need something.

Grading Policy

Your grade will be broken down as follows:

70% Test/Quizzes/Projects 30% Homework/Notebook/Activities

Points will be awarded for each assignment, activity, quiz, and test.

The following percentage will determine the student’s grade

Advanced 90.0 – 100.0 A

Proficient 80.0 – 89.5 B

Basic 70.0 – 79.5 C

Below Basic 60.0 – 69.5 D

Far Below Basic 0 – 59.0 F


1.) Once you have read the above course syllabus please sign below and provide your daytime and evening phone numbers, as well as your e-mail address. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns. I included my phone number at school as well as e-mail address on the front side. Please return this portion and keep the above portions for your records and information. Please return the bottom portion to school. I am looking forward to a great year with your student.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Name: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Daytime Phone Number: (______)______ext______

Night Time Phone Number: (______)______

Anything specific you would like to tell me about your child: (Personality, Academics, Special Needs, Concerns, Living situation, Family Dynamics)