Dear Parents,
Welcome to Pioneer Valley High School Baseball! We would like to share our coaching philosophy and goals for the team this season. Pioneer Valley High School Baseball can be an exciting and fun opportunity to learn new skills, make friends, and have fun. As fun as it can be, different expectations from the coaches, parents, and players can take away from the positive experience in a number of ways. As you read through this letter, please make sure that our coaching philosophy is a fit for your child’s baseball experience. If not, now is the time to let us know.
Coaching Philosophy
· We believe that kids gain confidence and a love for the game through positive feedback from parents, coaches, and other players. Skill level develops at different rates for kids, but effort and having fun can always be achieved. We will always try to provide positive feedback for effort.
· We think it’s important that a coach takes more than a casual interest in the players. We will strive to talk with all the players one-on-one at some point during the practice and games. We may not be successful getting to every player each day, but we want them to know that the coaches like him as a person.
· We believe in trying to make practice as fun and entertaining for the kids as possible, while providing the practice and instruction that they need to improve. We have found that kids expect and respond to well-structured and organized practices.
· Teamwork and developing friendships is an important part of any team sport. We always try to tell the kids how important it is for them to support each other and to always be positive toward their teammates.
· Competition is an important element of any sport, and as kids grow they naturally become more competitive. We feel our role and that of the parents is helping the kids develop the ability to deal with competition in a healthy way. Effort and Attitude is our focus.
With each age group, we have 5 primary coaching objectives which we believe are equally important.
- Provide a safe and healthy environment for all the kids on the team.
- Help your child develop the necessary skills to be successful at this level and to prepare your child for the next season.
- Learn about the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.
- Give positive reinforcement based on effort rather than results.
- To have fun and have the kids develop a passion for the game.
Playing Time and Positions
For each age group there is a drastic difference in skill level. Each player will have to compete for a starting position. We won’t allow a player to play a position that we feel he doesn’t have the ability or skill to play. This is really a safety issue as much as anything. Plus, we want to put kids in positions where we feel they have the best chance of being successful.
Team Rules
The dugout is reserved for team Coaches, Managers, and Players. No parents will be allowed in the dugout during the game or practice.
We understand if a player needs water or a sports drink, but please refrain from approaching the dugout to just talk to your son.
Parents, please allow coaches only to give instructions during Practices and Games. Parents can give all the instructions they want at home. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in an athlete being removed from the team due to parent distraction.
We prefer that players talk with coaches directly regarding their playing time in regard to what they (the player) needs to work on to get more playing time.
Additional rules may be added during the season if necessary.
Player Expectations
- Be on time to every practice and game dressed in the appropriate baseball attire (pants, shirt, socks, belt, hat, cleats). If you will not be able to make it to a practice or game please contact the coach in advance. Have fun and always give your best effort.
- We expect players to always show respect for the coaches, parents, umpires, and other players on the team and other teams.
- Players with classroom misconduct issues will not be tolerated and dealt with appropriately.
- Any use of profanity, alcohol, or tobacco products is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
- Unexcused absences from school or practice will result in reduced playing time.
Parent Expectations
1. Please make arrangements to have your child to practice and games on time. Being late will result in individual and/or team consequences. Your child’s game playing time may also be affected.
2. Help out with team volunteer opportunities. We cannot have a successful season unless we have parent involvement. This would include concession stand help, field prep, etc.
3. If for some reason your child cannot make a practice or a game, please call in advance. There will be consequences for unexcused and/or continued absences.
4. Get involved in playing baseball with your child. Repetition is very crucial for skill development.
5. Please encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game and practice.
6. If you have an issue you need to discuss, right after the game or during a tournament is not the proper time to do so. A phone call the next day would be appreciated to your team coach.
7. Safety is a primary concern for us coaches. Unfortunately, w can’t watch every child every second. If you see any situation that you believe is a safety concern, please step in and help. Make sure you follow up with one of the coaches to inform us of what has happened.
If you are upset about playing time or any other issue that is not considered a safety issue, please take a 24 hour cooling off period before calling the coach.
We are looking forward to a fun and rewarding season. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your team coach or myself.
Pioneer Valley High School Baseball
By signing you agree that you have read and understand all of the above. You also agree to abide to all of the above.
Parent Signature: ______
Parent (Print): ______
Parent Email: ______
Player Signature: ______
Player Print: ______