The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for multiple technological situations encountered by Clio Area Fire Department employees.

The policy is to guarantee professionalism and the privacy rights of department personnel, patients, fire victims, and the public we serve.

This policy applies to all Clio Area Fire Department employees whether on duty or off duty.

The Clio Area Fire Department and/or its members could be susceptible to civil liability or criminal prosecution for using technological devices anywhere, anytime, for any purpose that is not authorized by law.

Access of the Internet and Electronic mail is to be used for conducting Fire Department or Fire Authority business and is not intended for use by individual employees for carrying on personal business or personal correspondence.

Use of Internet

1. Use of the Department computers and equipment for accessing obscene, profane, pornographic, or illegal sites on the Internet is strictly forbidden.

2. Use of the Department computers and equipment should be used only to access valid internet sites. These sites will generally be protected from virus and spy-ware.

3. No software, programs, or downloads are to be installed on Department computers without the express consent of the Chief and the Department Computer Technician.

Use of Electronic Mail:

1. Use electronic mail to conduct Department/Authority business.

2. Use in compliance with Department/Authority policies.

3. Do not use for obscene, profane, or harassing messages.

4. Target messages only to appropriate individuals.

5. Do not create electronic junk mail.

6. Exercise caution regarding contents when sending messages as electronic mail may be forwarded to other than the intended recipient.

7. Report unauthorized or undesirable usage of electronic mail to one of the Chief Officers of the Department.

8. The Department/Authority may monitor an individual’s electronic mail at any time without the prior authorization of the individual employee/member and without specific notice to the individual employee.

9. Misuse of Department computers and equipment for email purposes will result in discipline up to and including discharge.

Photos and video recording:

1. Under no circumstances will employees be allowed to use a personal camera, video recorder, or the camera/video function of a personal cellular phone, or any other digital imaging device while at any incident unless specifically approved by a Chief Officer prior to their use.

2. All scene photos and/or video shall be for clinical, documentation (such as for an injury, fatality, situation or event), or training purposes only, and conducted by or at the direction of Clio Area Fire Department personnel in charge of the scene.

3. Any photos and/or video taken, whether on personal phones or cameras and approved by the Chief Officer shall:

a. Not be distributed

b. Not have identifiable information (license plate, facial photos, etc) that would identify a particular person or party, unless for investigation purposes.

c. Shall become the property of the Clio Area Fire Department regardless if taken on a personal camera or phone.

4. No images taken by an employee in the course and scope of their employment may be used, printed, copied, scanned, e-mailed, posted, shared, reproduced or distributed in any manner. This prohibition includes the posting of any Clio Area Fire Department photographs on personal web sites such as but not limited to; Face Book, MySpace, You Tube, emailing to friends or relatives.

5. The use of a non-approved helmet camera is strictly prohibited.

6. Any photos and/or videos shall be reviewed by the Chief prior to being released to law enforcement organizations or media.

Personal Use of Social Networking sites

Definition – On-Line communities that share common interests and keep in touch with friends and family such as but not limited to; MySpace, Face book, Twitter.

1. The Clio Area Fire Department does have the right to limit or restrict the use of the Department name, uniforms, and other identifying items associated with or provided by the Department to its employees.

2. No information regarding a Department response to an incident is to be reported or discussed on these sites.

3. No discussion of other Clio Area Fire Department employee personal information is allowed.

4. No representation of Clio Area Fire Department is allowed if other inappropriate photos/pictures/media is present on the employee’s site. If it is determined that this is happening, the employee will be directed to remove all representation of the Department from their site.

Enforcement of this Policy

1. Violation of this policy may include discipline up to and including discharge.

Revised July 2011