Bibliography for 21:352:368:02 [368_fa04_b.doc, revised 9/1/04]

The Military in American Literature (Special Topics) Tu Th 2:30-3:50 pm, Hill 217 Index # 10774

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Required texts:

James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans Intro R. Slotkin(Penguin 0-14-039024-3)

Herman Melville, Shorter Novels (Norton Critical ed., 0-393-97541-6)

Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage (Norton Critical ed. 0-393-96430-2)

Four additional texts to be selected from 20th century writings, such as Dos Passos, ThreeSoldiers; cummings, EnormousRoom; Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms; Vonnegut, SlaughterhoiseFive; Pynchon, Gravity’sRainbow; Heller Catch 22; Mailer, The Naked and the Dead. Students may also select alternate or additional texts.

Handbooks, encyclopedias, collections:

Fussell, Paul, ed. The Norton book of modern war. Norton. PN6071.W35 N67 1991

Holsinger, M Paul, edWar and American Popular Culture. Greenwood, 1999. E181 .W26

Jason, Philip K et al eds. Encyc. of Amer.War literature: Greenwood 2001. REF-PS169.W27E53 2001

Oxford Companion to American Military History E 181 .O94 1999. See disciplinary views 216-30, photography 551-52, culture 197-200, film 263-270, illustration 325-26

WLA Journal:

Selected Iinterpretations:

Aichinger, PeterAmerican Soldier in Fiction (Excellent) PS 374 ,M5 A4

Aldridge, JohnAfter the Lost Generation

Fussell, PaulThe Great War and Modern Memory (1975)

Hanley. LynneWriting war: fiction, gender, and memory. U Mass. PR888.W37 H36 1991

Jones, PeterWar & the Novelist PS 379 J6

Norris, Margot Writing War in the 20th Century. U Virginia PN 56 .W3 .N67 2000

Quinn, Patrick, et al, edsThe literature of the Great War reconsidered. PN771.L583 2001 (See ch 6,9-11)

Slotkin,.RichardRegeneration through Violence PS 88. S5

Current activity:

Operation Homecoming

War, Film, and History Conference (Dallas, Texas)

Other items:

Aaron, Daniel The unwritten war; American writers & Civil War PS217.C58 A27 1987

Aman, Mohammed M. The Gulf War in world lit, 1990-2000 Kuwait: 2002. DS79.72 .A545 2002 v.1/2

Adler, JoyceMelville PS2388.W37 A34

Anisfield, Nancy, editor. Vietnam anthology. Bowling Green State UP, 1987. PS509.V53V46 1987

Barker, Martin et al, edsThe lasting of the Mohicans .Mississippi, 1995 PS1408.B37 1995 (Camden)

Bartter, Martha A. The way to ground zero : Greenwood , 1988. PS374.A87B37 1988

Bauer, RalphCultural Geography PS 185 .B38 (2003)

Beck, Sara, et al, eds The battle for Iraq : BBC news. Johns Hopkins (Iraq, 2003) DS79.76 .B38 2003

Bivan, David ed.Literature and War 1990

Bloom, Harold, ed. Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. NY : Chelsea. PS3515.E37F3537 1987

Booker, M KeithThe post-utopian imagination: (1950s). Greenwood, 2002. PS374.P6B66 2002

Bowen, Kevin et al, edsWriting between the lines : an anthology on war and its social consequences. fwd by Denise Levertow PN6071.W35 W75 1997

Carter, SusanneWar and peace through women's eyes.Greenwood. Z1231.F4 C37 1992

Calder, Angus. ed Wars ; New York, N.Y. : Penguin Putnam, PN6071.W35 W37

CarrollWar Letters

Chambers, JohnTo Raise an Army (1987)

Clark, I. F., edThe Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1984 PN56 .W3 T355 (1995) [SF]

Cooke, Miriam Women and the war story. California. PN3448.W3 C66 1996

Cooper, Helen et al, edsArms and the Woman: PN 98 W64 A 76 1989

Cowley, MalcolmExile’s Return

Cullen, Jim, 1962 . The Civil War in popular culture : a reusable past . Smithsonian . E468.9.C97 1995

Cunliffe, MarcusSoldiers and Civilians (1968)

Dawes, JamesThe language of war : PS228.W37D38 2002

Diedrich, Maria et al, eds Women and war. St. Martin's . PS151.W57 1990

Dillon, ElizabethThe Gender of Freedom PS 169..L5 D55

Forsyth, Frederick The fist of God . Bantam Books, 1994. (Gulf war, 1991) PR6056.O699 F5 1994

Franklin , H. Bruce.. ed.The Vietnam War in American stories, songs, poems.. Bedford . PS509.V53V55 1996

Garner, Stanton. The Civil War world of Herman Melville Kansas.. PS2384.B3G37 1993 (Dana)

Garson, Helen S.Tom Clancy : a critical companion. Greenwood. PS3553.L245 Z68 1996

Giles, PaulTransatlantic Insurrections PS 159 .G8G5 2001

Guila, PhilipCrossroads PS 217 .H57 G87

Hart, Philip S. Flying free : America's first Black aviators. Lerner. TL521.H37 1992

Haytock, JenniferAt home, at war: domesticity & World War I : Ohio State PS374.W65 H39 2003

Hynes, SamuelThe Soldier’s Tale (1997)

Huebner, Andrew We Pierce: a novel. Simon & Schuster (Gulf war) PS3558.U3126 W4 2003

Hüppauf, Bernd. edWar, violence, and the modern condition: de Gruyter, 1997. CB481 .W36 1997

Johannessen, Larry R Illumination rounds : teaching…Vietnam.NCTE c1992 PS228.V5 J6 1992

Josephs, Allen. For whom the bell tolls. Twayne. 1994. PS3515.E37F6 1994

Joy, Camden.Boy island : a novel. 2000. (Gulf war, musical fiction) PS3560.O85 B69 2000

Kai, TaliWorlds of Hurt PS 228 .P72 T 32 (1996)

Karsten, Peter edThe Military in America (1986)

Keegan, JohnHistory of Warfare (1993)

Kinney, Katherine Friendly fire : American images of Vietnam War. Oxford. PS228.V5 K56 2000

Klein, Holger etal, edsThe Second World War in fiction. London : Macmillan, 1984. PN3448.W3S43 1984

Kroll, Barry MTeaching hearts and minds : (Vietnam): SIUP. PS228.V5 K7 1992

Limon, JohnWriting after war: realism to postmodernism.: Oxford PS374.W35 L56 1994

Lipschutz, Ronnie DCold War Fantasies PN 1995.9 W3 L57 (2001) fiction, film, anecdoptes

Lomperis, Timothy J.`"Reading the wind" : Vietnam . Duke . PS228.V5L66 1987

Masur, Louis, edThe Real war will never get in the books :Civil War. Oxford. PS128.H39 1993 1

McWilliams, John P. The last of the Mohicans : civil savagery and savage civility.Twayne PS1408.M37 1995

Melling, Philip H. Vietnam in American literature Twayne . PS228.V5M45 1990

Middleton, Peter

Miller, Wayne CharlesAn Armed America PS 374.M5 M5 1970

Mitgang, Herbert. Dangerous dossiers : America's authors. D.I. Fine, c1988. HV8138.M58 1988 1

Monteiro , George ed Critical essays on Hemingway's A farewell to arms. G.K. Hall . PS3515.E37F3533 1994

Mulford, CanaTeaching PS186 .T43

Myers, Thomas, edWalking point : Vietnam. Oxford PS366.V53 M94 1988

Pax, Salam.The clandestine diary. Grove (weblog, Iraq, 2003) DS79.66.S245 A3 2003


Peyer, Bernd The Tutor’s Mind PS 153 .I52 P39

Purdom, Todd SA time of our choosing : Iraq. Times (Iraq, 2003) DS79.76 .P87 2003

Quinn, Patrick The conning of America : popular literature. Rodopi, 2001. PE1.C66 n.s. v.136

Rather, Dan.America at war : Iraq frontlines. CBS News. (Iraq, 2003) DS79.76 .A44 2003

Sayre, GordonLes Sauvages PS 173 .I6 S29

Schab, ThomasCivil War

Schmidt, Karl ?, edEarly AmericaPS 185 .E77 (2000)

Sherry, Vincent,.The Great War and modernism. Oxford . PR478.W65S47 2003

Tatum, JamesThe mourner's song : war and remembrance. Chicago PS169.W27 T38 2003

Tyler, Moses CoitLit Hist Amer Rev (1878) OS 185 .T814/1949/1962

Usandizaga, A. et al, eds Dressing up for war: gender and genre. Rodopi, 2001 PN56.W3 D747 2001

Vernon, Alex Soldiers once and still: Hemingway etcwa Press, c2004 PS374.W35 V47 2004

Walsh, Jeffrey American War Literature 1982PS 228 .W37 W3

Weigly, RussellAmerican War of War (1973)

Wilson, EdmundPatriotic Gore (1962)