Circulation: Millennium ILS Systems

This questionnaire asks you to provide detailed information about your library’s Millennium ILS and how it might interact with a circulation gateway to place holds on items from your collection.

Return the completed questionnaire via e-mail to your OCLC Implementation Manager:

Manager Name:

Manager E-mail:

Manager Phone (voice):


a. Full Library Name:

b. Your OCLC Symbol:

c. Contact Information for your library




Phone number:

d. Full consortium name (if the Circulation Gateway is intended for consortium or group use):


This questionnaire discusses your library’s current circulation system.

The individual who completes this questionnaire should be thoroughly familiar with the detailed operation of your library’s circulation system.

Contact Information for this questionnaire




Phone number:


Testing will comprise of two parts: lending library circulation functions and borrowing library circulation functions. OCLC will test these workflows as follows.

a.  Lending Functions

Place Hold - Place hold on item at the lending library so that the item is reserved for shipping to the borrowing library. OCLC performs this function either via html scraping of the library’s OPAC or the Telnet Staff UI. When prompted for authentication by the ILS, the OCLC process enters the credentials of either the institutional patron that represents the borrowing library or the institutional patron that represents the ILL department. The hold for the item is then placed on behalf of that institutional patron.

Check out - Check out the item above that was just shipped to the borrowing library. OCLC uses either the SIP or the Telnet Staff UI.

Check in - Check in the same item that was just returned by the borrowing library. OCLC uses either the SIP or the Telnet Staff UI.

b.  Borrowing Functions

Receive the borrowed item (NCIP Accept Item function) - This is a two step process.

Create temp bib and item records - OCLC makes use of Innovative’s OCLC download port in conjunction with Innovative’s templates to create temporary bib and item records to represent the item that was just received from the lending library.

Optionally place a hold on behalf of the borrowing patron on the temp item record - OCLC currently uses the Telnet Staff UI to place a patron hold on the item.

Check in termporary item – Optionally check in the temporary item to trigger sending the notification to the borrowing patron.

Check in - OCLC uses either the SIP or the Telnet Staff UI to ensure that the item is checked in when the library returns the item to the lending library.


If you have a test system, and a production system, please provide this information for both systems. OCLC can use your OPAC to scrape information in order to place a hold on an item that another library wants to borrow. Within your OPAC, what is the URL or web address for:

a. Your home page:

b. Search via OCLC number (example:

e. Search via item barcode



Place hold

This feature must be enabled to allow the Circulation Gateway to place holds in your catalog.

Holds can be placed on available items.



If No, when can you enable this feature:

Section V: 3M Standard Interchange Protocol

Innovative Interfaces Inc. uses the 3M Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP) for self check-out/check-in functions. OCLC can use this system in order to automate check-outs and check-ins. Please note, OCLC will not be able to use this system to place holds.

SIP Host Name or IP address:

SIP Port:

Checkout location code:


Innovative also has the Telnet Access Package for Resource Sharing (901-RS). We just refer to it as TAPRS. This package will add the hold, check-out, and check-in menu options to your Millennium Telnet Staff UI. We We will need these menu options in order for us to automate the hold and if you don't use 3M SIP for these, the check-out, and check-in workflows in your Millennnium system. You’ll need to contact Innovative Interfaces Inc. regarding the availability and cost of the TAPRS license.

Please provide the access information that we need below in order to login to your Millennium Telnet Staff UI.

Millennium Telnet Staff UI Host Name or IP address:

User name:


Section VII: SSH Tunneling

SIP and Telnet messages are typically transported via Telnet or raw socket. OCLC needs to establish an SSH tunnel through which to make the final Telnet or raw socket connection. This is needed in order to provide the security for information transport. (Some of the messages will contain patron credentials.) Your library or whoever maintains your host and network is responsible for setting up the SSH tunneling capability at your institution that OCLC will use.

There are two types of connections that can be employed:

·  Either OCLC establishes an SSH tunnel directly to the Staff Telnet UI or 3M SIP server to provide an encrypted tunnel. Once the SSH tunnel is established, the final Telnet or raw socket connection is set up to the same host through the SSH tunnel in order to send the Staff Telnet UI or 3M SIP messages.

·  Or OCLC establishes an SSH tunnel to an SSH gateway computer (a different computer from the server running 3M SIP) at your library’s site to provide an encrypted tunnel. This is done if either the Staff Telnet UI or 3M SIP server is not capable of running the SSH daemon itself. (Presumably, both the SSH gateway and Staff Telnet UI or the 3M SIP server are inside the library’s firewall.) Once the SSH tunnel is established, OCLC will establish the final Telnet or raw socket connection to the server running the Staff Telnet UI or 3M SIP in order to send the messages.

Additionally, OCLC requires the SSH configuration to allow “Interactive password authentication”. Typically, this requires uncommenting a line like the second one below in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

# Change to yes to enable tunnelled clear text passwords

PasswordAuthentication yes

SSH Host Name or IP address:

SSH Port (Default port is 22):

SSH User Name:

SSH Password:


The OCLC Download Port, also known as Load Tables, creates temporary bibliographic and item records in your Millennium catalog.

To configure the Circulation Gateway properly, you will have to create one or more templates in your Millennium system that map the data from MARC fields to appropriate bibliographic and item fields. Your Implementation Manager will provide instructions for this as part of the implementation process.

Server ID

What are the host name and port number of the server to which we should connect for the OCLC Download Port? If you have a test system, and a production system, please provide this information for both systems.

Name of server or IP address:

Port (typically 5500):


If you have a test and a production system, please provide this information for both systems.

a. Test credentials

Please provide credentials that we can use to test hold placement in your OPAC:

For a staff member / For a restricted account*
Additional information such
as last name

*A restricted account is an account that has lost its operating privileges because it has expired, has too many fines, etc.

b. Test records

You will need to create several item records for OCLC to use when testing. Please create each of these as specified, and provide the requested information below.

OCLC will use these records to test lending-side workflows. We’ll start by placing a hold on the item using the OCLC number. We’ll then test the check-out and the check-in functions if the hold is successful.

1. Single copy of a title that is available for loan and can have a hold placed on it.

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

2. Single copy of a title that is available for loan but cannot have a hold placed on it.

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

3. Single copy of a title that is not available for loan (i.e., checked out).

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

4. Multiple copies of a title that is available for loan and can have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing.

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

5. Multiple copies of a title that is available for loan but cannot have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

6. Multiple copies of a title that is not available for loan (i.e., checked out).

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

7. Serial or multi-volume title that is available for loan and can have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing.

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

8. Serial or multi-volume title that is available for loan but cannot have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing.

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

9. Serial or multi-volume title that is not available for loan (i.e., checked out)

OCLC number:

Item barcode:

c.  Future use of these test data – OCLC can use these test credentials and records for regression tests to ensure that any future changes to our system or yours won’t results in down times. Please indicate below whether you can you keep the credentials and records available for future testing after the initial implementation?

