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EOSA Executive Committee Conference Call Minutes
April 13, 2010
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Privileged and Confidential
Executive Committee of
The Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Association, Inc.
April 13, 2010
10:00 a.m. (EDT)
Representatives of the Executive Committee of The Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Association, Inc. (EOSA) participated in a conference call on April 13, 2010. Members participating in the call included:
Audry Eldridge, Midwest Sterilization Corporation
Kathy Hoffman, Sterigenics International, Inc.
Dave Ludwig, ARC Specialty
Chris Klosen, ARC Specialty
Kathleen Roberts, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.
Fenil Sutaria, Medline Industries
Randy Viscomi, ARC Specialty
1.0Administrative Issues -- Viscomi welcomed everyone to the call. The next EOSA Board call is May 18, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. Roberts provided the antitrust reminder.
The Board members reviewed the current financial statement. Viscomi agreed to contact Cook Medical and Braun regarding outstanding invoice payments. Members suggested that EOSA void out the invoice to Microtest. Roberts will follow up.
Viscomi and Eldridge noted preference to receive Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C) billing via e-mail, rather than regular mail. Roberts will follow up with B&C staff.
2.0Update on Timing for EU SCOEL Proposal -- Members discussed the timing for next steps in the Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limit (SCOEL) review of ethylene oxide (EO), which should include the opportunity for input on costs and feasibility for the proposed occupational exposure limit, as well as benefits of the candidate chemical. Hoffman agreed to monitor this situation and keep the Board informed. She will also provide a presentation on the issue, including expansion of similar activities by European member states, at the May membership meeting.
3.0Cartridge Testing Program at Assay Technology -- The group considered the results of the cartridge testing program at Assay Technology. A copy of the program results were shared with the Board prior to the call. The breakthrough times were very short (two to four minutes). They did not meet the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) requirement of 12+ minutes at the 5,000 ppm challenge, as such would not pass under NIOSH current requirements.
Viscomi noted that he and the EH&S co-chairs (Kevin Wagner and Ron Emerich) would like to determine if the Sekur canister could be tested with a different material. Roberts will set up a conference call with Viscomi, Wagner, Emerich, and Gus Manning (Assay Technology study director). The group will also consider whether the Sekur cartridges could be approved for use under 50 ppm. Members asked whether the MSA mask passed the 5,000 ppm challenge. Roberts will follow up with Manning.
4.0Status of Draft Battery Device Guidelines --Sutaria reported that work has started on the development of the battery device guidelines, but there is nothing to share as of yet.
5.0Recent EOSA Inquiries -- Roberts highlighted two inquiries recently received via the EOSA general e-mail account:
5.1Chemical Safety Board -- California Facilities -- Christina Morgan, a Recommendations Specialist from the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, contacted EOSA requesting information on the number of EO sterilization facilities in the State of California. EOSA indicated that it was aware of four facilities -- two with Sterigencis and two with Steris. Morgan has further inquired on whether those facilities use oxidizing emission control devices. Roberts will direct Morgan to contact those facilities directly.
5.2Solicitation -- Catalytic Oxidation Process for Residual EO in Exhaust -- EOSA received an e-mail from Bob Martin of Buffalo BioBlower Technologies. Martin asked to be referred to a supplier that uses catalytic oxidation processes and would be willing to provide in-depth technical details on that technology. It appears that Martin believes his technology could potentially be used in place of catalytic oxidation to destroy residual EO in an exhaust stream. Roberts responded that EOSA does not give out contact information for its members, but that she could send out an informational e-mail to the members to see if anyone is interested. Martin has not responded to that proposal.
6.0Communication and Website Updates
6.1Updated Pages -- Chemical Security and Member News -- Transportation --Updated information on the status of chemical security regulations has been posted on the EOSA public site. Updated information on transportation regulations has been posted on the EOSA members’ only site, under “Member News.”
6.2Final Comments on Chemical Bans -- EO Talking Points -- Board members provided feedback on the draft document on chemical bans and EO. They agreed to provide final input by May 4. The intent is to prepare in final the document during the next EOSA Board call on May 18. Board members recommended that the document be posted on the EOSA website, as well as directly transmitted on EOSA letterhead to EOSA members.
7.0May Membership Meeting
7.1Agenda Items -- The following items should be included on the May 2010 EOSA general membership meeting agenda:
Updates on SCOEL/EU occupational exposure limit proposals;
Results from cartridge testing program and proposed next steps, including impact if no replacement cartridges are found and use of forced air systems;
Guest speaker: Alan Petersen, “Monitoring Ethylene Oxide and Water Vapor Concentrations in a Sterilization Chamber”; and
Budget review.
7.2Logistics -- The meeting will be at the Westin Alexandria. The EH&S committee meeting will be in the Whitney conference room from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The cocktail reception will be from 5:30 to 6:30; and the EOSA dinner and meeting will be from 6:30 to 10:00 in the Wright conference room.
An invitation with information on registration fees, room block availability, and menu options will be sent to the membership within the next week. A draft agenda should also be provided. Fees should be collected by Audry Eldridge. Fees for past meetings were set at $110 for members and $150 for non-members.
There being no other business to discuss, the call adjourned at 11:00 a.m. (EDT).
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